Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Misconduct


Well-Known Member
Was originally in OT...

Noticing in recent posts,some members come back from those visits with the stylists,yours truly included, ranging from annoyed ..upset to traumatized.
There are the excellent reviews on Salons Forums..and that's helpful and raves on particular stylists and that's helpful....
But what about when a visit goes really wrong?
We all have horror stories... that's one reason why I'm here
on LHCF.

DIY...that's an option..but not relevant to this
thread. This is for those members who continue to choose to
to go to a stylist and have and seek the right to quality caring professional hair care


What are suggestions for recourse with a salon where the stylist takes
liberties...with the hair? Where the stylists is told a trim and the client walk away .....with a cut...
Many of us go home and cry and then do not go back and that's the extent of it.

Are there punitive actions to take or
do we let it go? I'm interested in hearing punitive measure

Can we offer a support?.
and problems..list your the problem solve

Problems in the past
Last time the stylist tore my hair with a little comb and I'd forgoten
to bring my own....what do you do...I had to let her comb
hated it

If you suspect it's being cut wrong ..
how do you take a time out of the chair to evualate...

What do you do when you prefer one over the other my case they had a fight as one was jealous
I chose the other one:lachen:

Preventative measures with stylists..
1.Having an appointment consult first
2.Putting it in writing how much of a trim wanted...and the salon signs it?
3.having a sample of trimmed hair to show compare with after

Exploring rational punitive measures..
Complaining to Better Business is another
Getting a Refund
Letting them know it's reviewed on the web

All the above are only
off the top of my head get a dialogue going

It would AWESOME to have a
Dealing-with-the-Stylist-Manual..or Tutorial.
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

Back in college, I used go to a stylist at JC Penney's salon. She was just ok but always seemed to doing "extra" stuff to my hair. I figured it was dc treatments and left it at that. I was only willing to the agreed $50 for my relaxer because I couldn't afford to pay more. During one appointment were I asked her to trim my hair, I ended up with a NL cut and a pricetag of $95 for the service! I asked her why it was so expensive and she told me that I should just pay and be thankful for all that she's done for my hair as I had been getting free services since she had been my stylist. :ohwell: Apparently she had been using different types of "specialty products" without my consent and just not charging. She ended up yelling at me in front of the salon :nuts:and I immediately asked to speak to the manager. I explained the situation, the unwanted cut, and the stylist's behavior. I left without paying one cent and never returned.

If you cannot do what I ask, dont attempt anything because it will not be pretty :naughty:
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

She ended up yelling at me in front of the salon and I immediately asked to speak to the manager. I explained the situation, the unwanted cut, and the stylist's behavior. I left without paying one cent and never returned.

that has happened to me ...trying to intimidate

I explained the situation, the unwanted cut, and the stylist's behavior. I left without paying one cent and never returned
good for you..
If you cannot do what I ask, dont attempt anything because it will not be pretty
You go girl

.....smh @ neck length
was she out of her they think they own OUR HAIR?
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

I haven't been to a stylist in years. But was recently contemplating going to one for a flat iron and trim. I checked her out in advance (tagged along with a friend to her appointment).

Seeing her in action was enough to convince me it would be a bad idea. She was nice, but I shuddered imagining how hot those Marcel irons were. Plus she wasn't as gentle with the hair as I know I would like (no one will baby your hair like you will).

Sometimes you have to scope things out in advance. All it takes is one bad visit to ruin years of progress (and I've come to far to let that happen).
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

wow..that's a great idea.... to actually somone else's hair
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

I really need to get better about speaking up. I use leave everything up to my stylist(b4 I knew anything).

At my last visit, she had scissors in her hands wanting to trim my see through ends. I told her that I know they looked bad, but I didn't want a trim. I was soo proud! She said ok. So maybe I'll keep her around. Armed with what i know, I definitely look at her in a new light. So far, so good!
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

I have a great stylist, but the problem I have is with her shampoo girl. She shampoos and conditions, then detangles and blow dries. Her detangle is so harsh.

My stylists actualy does the trim (excellent) and styles. I'm going to check into washing and detangling myself and just letting her cut and style.
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

After all of the effort that I have put into my hair in the last 2 years, I really do think that I'd be in jail if a stylist ruined it.

DH already scared the crap out of a braider who installed jacked up tree braids for me. He demanded that she take them out and give back his money and he stood there while she took them out. They were out in under 10 minutes although it took HOURS for her to install them.

When I got my first minichop, at his salon of 6 years, DH waited with me and told the owner how much to cut of my hair. He also stressed to her daughter (his stylist) that did not want her to take off too much or he would be angry and never use them again.

Maybe that is the key, taking a spouse/SO/trusted friend along with you to watch the stylist.
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Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

I agree. You should take someone with you. You could also request that with each clip, they show you the hair they just cut, along with having your back to the mirror wall and a large hand mirror in your hand to watch them. I've done this. Most times they were annoyed. Sometimes not. Oh well. :look: I DIY now. :yep:
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

Sounds like your husband really has your back. That's awesome. :yep:
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

I really need to get better about speaking up. I use leave everything up to my stylist(b4 I knew anything).

At my last visit, she had scissors in her hands wanting to trim my see through ends. I told her that I know they looked bad, but I didn't want a trim. I was soo proud! She said ok. So maybe I'll keep her around. Armed with what i know, I definitely look at her in a new light. So far, so good!

It took me a while before I was able to speak up. Sitting in that chair is so intimidating, IMO. At my last relaxer appointment, my usual stylist told me I needed a trim and I immediately told her no! She said ok and that I could wait until I was emotionally ready for one. LOL That is all I ask for...understanding! :look:
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

After all of the effort that I have put into my hair in the last 2 years, I really do think that I'd be in jail if a stylist ruined it.

DH already scared the crap out of a braider who installed jacked up tree braids for me. He demanded that she take them out and give back his money and he stood there while she took them out. They were out in under 10 minutes although it took HOURS for her to install them.

When I got my first minichop, at his salon of 6 years, DH waited with me and told the owner how much to cut of my hair. He also stressed to her daughter (his stylist) that did not want her to take off too much or he would be angry and never use them again.

Maybe that is the key, taking a spouse/SO/trusted friend along with you to watch the stylist.

Dang, maybe I need to find a DH!!! :grin:
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

My stylists actualy does the trim (excellent) and styles. I'm going to check into washing and detangling myself and just letting her cut and style.

that's what I do
I do NOT trust them to detangle without tearing
so I go ONLY after it's been prepoed-washed-DC..detangled myself
and then only to blow out the roots..
you'd think that wld be simple..
but gee whiz

HOORAY on the story about the husband standing there waiting for her to
take out the jacked up braids and GIVE THE MONEY BACK
your dh is a gem:yep:
They were out in under 10 minutes although it took HOURS for her to install them.
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Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

Dang, maybe I need to find a DH!!!
Me too!!!!
Quite a few good uses for them evidently
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

I was always DIY and had SL, then I came to DMV trying to keep up with the styles and CHOP,CHOP all gone. Most stylist that I've been too cut instead trimming. No more salon visit for me!
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

DH has long hair (locks) and has been in salons for about 6 years. He has personally witnessed stylist get "scissor happy" and women crying when they lost too much length. He said that he won't let that happen to me if he can help it.

He only saw me cry over my hair once, after a weave take down and LOTS of hair loss. Ever since then, he knows how much I want my own long hair (no weave) so he is helping me to achieve that goal.:grin:

Sounds like your husband really has your back. That's awesome. :yep:

Dang, maybe I need to find a DH!!! :grin:

Me too!!!!
Quite a few good uses for them evidently
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

Was originally in OT...

Noticing in recent posts,some members come back from those visits with the stylists,yours truly included, ranging from annoyed ..upset to traumatized.
There are the excellent reviews on Salons Forums..and that's helpful and raves on particular stylists and that's helpful....
But what about when a visit goes really wrong?
We all have horror stories... that's one reason why I'm here
on LHCF.

DIY...that's an option..but not relevant to this
thread. This is for those members who continue to choose to
to go to a stylist and have and seek the right to quality caring professional hair care


What are suggestions for recourse with a salon where the stylist takes
liberties...with the hair? Where the stylists is told a trim and the client walk away .....with a cut...
Many of us go home and cry and then do not go back and that's the extent of it.

Are there punitive actions to take or
do we let it go? I'm interested in hearing punitive measure

Can we offer a support?.
and problems..list your the problem solve

Problems in the past
Last time the stylist tore my hair with a little comb and I'd forgoten
to bring my own....what do you do...I had to let her comb
hated it

If you suspect it's being cut wrong ..
how do you take a time out of the chair to evualate...

What do you do when you prefer one over the other my case they had a fight as one was jealous
I chose the other one:lachen:

Preventative measures with stylists..
1.Having an appointment consult first
2.Putting it in writing how much of a trim wanted...and the salon signs it?
3.having a sample of trimmed hair to show compare with after

Exploring rational punitive measures..
Complaining to Better Business is another
Getting a Refund
Letting them know it's reviewed on the web

All the above are only
off the top of my head get a dialogue going

It would AWESOME to have a
Dealing-with-the-Stylist-Manual..or Tutorial.

I agree with you. I'm wondering if you can sue them if nothing else for pain and suffering. It's an emotional issue, we've worked so hard to get our hair to a certain length and they take it upon themselves to chop away our hard work. If stylists are aware that there will be consequences for their imitation control that they think they have over us when we sit in their chair, then perhaps alot more stylists will stop and listen to our hair requests.
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

I agree with you. I'm wondering if you can sue them if nothing else for pain and suffering. It's an emotional issue, we've worked so hard to get our hair to a certain length and they take it upon themselves to chop away our hard work. If stylists are aware that there will be consequences for their imitation control that they think they have over us when we sit in their chair, then perhaps alot more stylists will stop and listen to our hair requests.

that's the thing! We have been too passive
we go home and cry and maybe make one angry anguished phone call to the salon
and never return
and what happens?


even if it means making the stylist sign a contract...
i dunno
maybe a call to Better Business for an overHAUL or a revoking of of their LICENSING REQUIREMENTS
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

DH has long hair (locks) and has been in salons for about 6 years. He has personally witnessed stylist get "scissor happy" and women crying when they lost too much length. He said that he won't let that happen to me if he can help it.

He only saw me cry over my hair once, after a weave take down and LOTS of hair loss. Ever since then, he knows how much I want my own long hair (no weave) so he is helping me to achieve that goal.

wow..and you know he could have been oblivious..
a lot of guys are sometimes and it does not mean they do not care
just not as aware

but your DH truly has a sensitivity that is remarkable
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

Haven't had any experiences as an adult but as a teen my dad took me to a salon to get my hair done for graduation. He told the lady to trim my hair no more than 1 inch and to style it the way i wanted it (I had a picture with me). The lady said no problem and that he could come back to pick me up in three hours. She then proceeded to cut about 3 inches off on one side. When I saw the hair cut I jumped out of the chair and called my dad. He came back immediately. Cussed the chick out. Took pictures. Grabbed a handful of the cut hair, complained to the salon manager, refused to pay and then sued her in small claims court. At the time my dad was really well known in the town we lived in (very small black population) and he bad mouthed her to everyone. Needless to say she didn't get very much business after that and eventually left. Her rationale for cutting so much was that the style would "last longer" if my hair was shorter. I'll never forget my dad giving her the "look" and telling her that if he had wanted her opinion he would have asked for it and then he said "when i'm spending my money and your messing around in my baby's head democratic rules do not apply!" He rushed me out the door so fast I never had a chance to take off the plastic drape she had put on me. That woman was she should have been. Man I love my daddy!!!! lol That was 20 years ago and I still remember it vividly.
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

I'm so glad I came to this forum because all of these feelings I have felt before but I never had anyone to sympathize with. You all are so awesome :) My relaxist that I found is an absolute gem, she is sooo good and everyone thinks my hair is naturally straight until the curl starts growing. She is terrible with scissors though. A trim went from APL to shoulder length once, I am not even kidding. I freaked out the first time and she was like "oh'll grow back"...she is soo sweet and a grandma and has long hair herself so I know she doesn't mean to cut off a lot, she just doesn't really know how to cut. But it ended up working out because I love the look and everyone else did too :) But to you all here, I agree with everything posted. Do NOT be afraid to speak up, it is your hair and YOUR money, no one commands that! If this is still too hard to grasp - look at it this way: a doctor goes through at least 11 years of training and STILL has to be perfect. If they aren't, and even if nothing life threatening occurs, a lawsuit will happen. Why are they held to such high standards and a salonist with a year or two or even less training isn't? They are still treating a part of your body. In fact you are doing a favor to them, so you might as well get what you want. There aren't any excuses to not speak up!
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

Haven't had any experiences as an adult but as a teen my dad took me to a salon to get my hair done for graduation. He told the lady to trim my hair no more than 1 inch and to style it the way i wanted it (I had a picture with me). The lady said no problem and that he could come back to pick me up in three hours. She then proceeded to cut about 3 inches off on one side. When I saw the hair cut I jumped out of the chair and called my dad. He came back immediately. Cussed the chick out. Took pictures. Grabbed a handful of the cut hair, complained to the salon manager, refused to pay and then sued her in small claims court. At the time my dad was really well known in the town we lived in (very small black population) and he bad mouthed her to everyone. Needless to say she didn't get very much business after that and eventually left. Her rationale for cutting so much was that the style would "last longer" if my hair was shorter. I'll never forget my dad giving her the "look" and telling her that if he had wanted her opinion he would have asked for it and then he said "when i'm spending my money and your messing around in my baby's head democratic rules do not apply!" He rushed me out the door so fast I never had a chance to take off the plastic drape she had put on me. That woman was she should have been. Man I love my daddy!!!! lol That was 20 years ago and I still remember it vividly.

I heart stories like this :) :) :)

I am going to cal Better Business or other entities to ask what action
can be started to STOP unauthorized cuts

You had better believe if there were SERIOUS RECRIMINATIONS
on an unauthorized cut instead of a trim
do any of us honestly believe...stylists would take such liberty
if they knew for example..... their licenses would be immediately revoked?
They would'nt!!!!
They'd be so cautious their hands would freeze
at more than an inch....
& that's how it should be ordinarily's how it should be

They continue to cut with impunity
because they have been allowed
some of the resons for the cuts are

or Ignorance
or plain Negligence ..they didn't
care & some of it is Willfulness

All of it is knowing.... they are NOT held accountable ...rarely

any lawyer members with ideas,
chime in too! :)
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Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

If licenses could be pulled a whole lot more attention would be paid to what the client asked for before they so much as touched a strand of hair on our heads....stylist would probably have a consent form that everyone would need to sign prior to starting a trim lol....overkill? maybe...but at least the days of people leaving the salon crying or enraged might be over.
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

to avoid bad salon visits, Ive become a DIY'er and I feel so much better. Ive cried a few tears over trims that turned into CUTS and Im tired of it. See my second siggy pic? That was the longest my hair has ever been and I was so happy. I asked for a cut and the witch took me to just below ear length.

Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

Wow! I am loving the DH's and Dad's in this thread. I wish my DH was like that. I really think the best thing to do is become a DIY. Why spend the money for uncertainity? There are too many threads here and youtube tutorials that even "special" people like me can learn to do their hair.
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

I just don't go to the salon at all. I can't even take the chance anymore. I told my sister that I'm at the point where I'd have to go to the salon with my hair already washed, deep conditioned, hair in rollers... and then just let them blow dry it straight if I want a sleek straight look. They already hate me for coming only 2 times a year LOL so its probably not even worth all that.

In 2009 I went to the salon and noticed that the stylists were way too impatient with me. They tried to detangle with a rat tail comb and got mad when I said oh hell no and would pull out my own comb. Then they'd get mad when I would bring my own leave-in conditioner. Imagine the nerve of me to apply a leave-in conditioner to hair that was stripped of every ounce of conditioner by the shampoo lady. They don't understand my naps LOL but that's ok because thankfully I do.

I bought oils, butters, rollers, a hair dryer and I'm buying a steamer in a few days. I have all the tools I need. If the only reason why I go to the salon is to see my "true" length then I better start getting over it.
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

The best advice is to learn how to speak up! Tell the stylists right then when it happens.

It is ultimately up to the individual to find the stylist they are mph comfortable with. A suggestion I can offer ishaving a consultation and/or calling the stylist and ask questions. If they get irritated, bothered or frustrated in any way with you asking about their services or they have a lack of customer service skills...take it as a warning sign bc if someone acts like that before they do your hair..could you imagine.
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

Well I would love to be a DIY but cuts and chemicals are not something I have the skill to do. I go to my stylist maybe 4x a year and she's great EXCEPT she uses way to much heat (think Egyptian and/or Dominican salons :nono:) so the next time I go I'm bringing my own rollers and I'll have her roll me and leave. I'll have a huge hijab on the ride home but I'll also have all my hair.

I don't understand why all that heat is require for relaxed hair.
Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

I think being a DIY-er... of course ALWAYS an option..and availalbe
but that is not what this is about...

Going to a salon to get a trim should NOT be a hassle or a trauma and if it is ..and those of who go whether it is..... occasionally as I do
{and like some have mentioned.. I only go with my hair ALREADY washed DC..etc
and with my own combs...for the blow -out}

or if it's on a more regular basis...
we still have the right to request a trim and not get a cut..or whatever and there needs to be accountabilty on the salon's part for a screw-up..and except for isolated cases
there is usally none.

I will make this a project..slowly thogh as I am recuperating from a hernia thing
but I will follow up ..just to see if a grassroots effort to redress the abuse can have an hardcore financial effect....

What IF there was quality control NATIONAL website like the writers have called Predators and Editors...

but for hair
that Outed the abuse with PICTURES!!! and NAMES

what if it was called......................

Stylists or Annihilists

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Re: Stylist Visit Gone Wrong..Preventative Measures /Consequential Actions for Miscon

If licenses could be pulled a whole lot more attention would be paid to what the client asked for before they so much as touched a strand of hair on our heads....stylist would probably have a consent form that everyone would need to sign prior to starting a trim lol....overkill? maybe...but at least the days of people leaving the salon crying or enraged might be over.

Working on it....

have a consent form that everyone would need to sign prior to starting a trim lol....overkill?
no because it would state in writing.... how many inches requested
how many inches actually cut