Stylist rant


New Member

Do you conceal the condition of your hair to your stylist prior to the appointment?
Do you show up 45 mins late for your appointment?
Do you request extra services without a heads up?
Do you wiggle around, move ur head all over the place, and then claim to be tender headed?
Do you reach back and feel around every 5 mins?
Do you freak out when you see your hair and act all funny and then the next day call and say you love it? (this one especially... just irks my nerves!!!)


I'm ready to call it quits especially since this is just a hobby for me...

Rant off :lol:
Do you conceal the condition of your hair to your stylist prior to the appointment? No.

Do you show up 45 mins late for your appointment? No. I am usually so eager to have my hair done I am super early.

Do you request extra services without a heads up? No.

Do you wiggle around, move ur head all over the place, and then claim to be tender headed? No.

Do you reach back and feel around every 5 mins? No.

ETA: I am guilty of feeling it under the dryer.

Do you freak out when you see your hair and act all funny and then the next day call and say you love it? (this one especially... just irks my nerves!!!) No. But on time I liked my hair so much I called. I liked it day of too.
I feel your pain. Its a hobby for me also. This last cause i love you hair do made me tell everyone that's a wrap. I don't do hair anymore. Being ungrateful does me in!!!!!

Do you conceal the condition of your hair to your stylist prior to the appointment? No, but I wear it in a bun so they don't know how long it is.:ohwell:
Do you show up 45 mins late for your appointment? No
Do you request extra services without a heads up? Sometimes. If the person in the next chair has something I like, I may say can you do my bangs like that or add in some color like that. I didn't know that was a problem.:perplexed
Do you wiggle around, move ur head all over the place, and then claim to be tender headed? I am tenderheaded:sad:
Do you reach back and feel around every 5 mins? No
Do you freak out when you see your hair and act all funny and then the next day call and say you love it? (this one especially... just irks my nerves!!!) Usually I hate the style anyway and I just accept it and walk away, lol., but I never complain to the stylist. I just don't come back.


I'm ready to call it quits especially since this is just a hobby for me...

Rant off :lol:

Answers in bold, lol
That's why I joined this board cause going to the salon caused me major anxiety. I also have trouble 'letting go' or handing over control to the stylist and I ended up bringing my own kit for them to use :lachen:

I'm not an ideal client, I will question everything. That's why youtube tutorials are my friends. I need to do my hair myself........for my hair's sake and my stylist's sanity.
lesedi said:
That's why I joined this board cause going to the salon caused me major anxiety.

I joined because I was too dependent on my stylist. If she didn't do it to my hair, it didn't get done to my hair. Washing included, so I'd be either at my stylist or Domincans once a week. Nothing to conceal from them, they knew what they did to my hair. To give over complete control is worse than not being able to give up a little control.
Do you conceal the condition of your hair to your stylist prior to the appointment? No, definitely not...they're there to help me out so why hide what I need fixed?
Do you show up 45 mins late for your appointment? No, if anything I used to wait for my old stylist for hours. It pissed me off because I used to be there all day sometimes. Why book an 8am appt if u don't show up until 9???!
Do you request extra services without a heads up? Lol, ok, I used to be guilty of this. But by then I had built up a repor w/ my stylist where sometimes she would even suggest extra services last minute @ times & I'd go w/ it. Now I wonder if she was ever heated when I asked her to do extra stuff. Lol
Do you wiggle around, move ur head all over the place, and then claim to be tender headed? Naw, but I have been known to fall asleep in the chair. Oops.
Do you reach back and feel around every 5 mins? No, but that goes to trusting the stylist. I didn't feel the need to...although thinking back now maybe I trusted her a little TOO much.
Do you freak out when you see your hair and act all funny and then the next day call and say you love it? (this one especially... just irks my nerves!!!) Never freaked out in the chair but have left the salon unhappy before. I would just look, say my thank you's, & get home & change it if I could. Lol

LHCF has made me more vocal before I actually let folks touch my head. I know what can happen if I sit back & say absolutely nothing (hair falling out, breakage, heat damage, etc.) BUT I'm also armed w/ more knowledge now, so once I know I can trust's all good. Unfortunately I have had a good # of bad experiences so there's not many I give trust to anymore. Don't stop doing what you do best because we need more folks out there who genuinely care about healthy hair.
Do you request extra services without a heads up?

Yea I may think about something on the spur of the moment:look:

Actually it's usually the stylist who keeps suggesting stuff. Right now I have a semi-permanent colour and bangs that I did not plan for:look:
This is why I don't want to be a stylist. All the things you asked about OP is apart of the business. You have to have patience. Thats why I do friends and family hair and tell them no if I don't want to do something.
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One of my friends has been trying to get me to see her stylist who is a friend of hers.

I told her if she wants us to remain friends that is not a good idea.