Stylist cut my friend's WL perfect bone straight hair to BSL!

My deaf friend and I went to salon to get our hair done in PA, we never went there before so my friend wanted to get her hair done first because her hair was too long and it took a while to finish it. I didnt mind and let her, I was waiting on the seat for the turn. My friend nicely asked the stylist to trim a little bit about an inch. But the stylist didnt say anything so she assumed that stylist understood her and guess what!? She cut all the WL hair to BSL!!! My deaf friend didnt hear the scissor clipping or didnt feel alot of hair was falling on the floor! I was completely shocked!!!!!! :shocked: I signed to her if that what she wanted...she looked shocked and gasped. she quickly looked at her hair she was PISSSSSSSSSSSSEDDDDDDDD off!!!!! She went :hot::swearing::swearing::swearing:at the stylist why did she do THAT??!!! The stylist told her why did she need her long hair for??? It too much work for long hair and it cost you alot of money because you have a long hair that s why i cut it off. And she said that her hair will grow back anyway....I was like :swearing:You are so wrong!!!!!!! You cant cut her hair like that and it even NOT your HAIR!!!!! forget it we are not paying you anything!!! Of course we couldnt speak so well we sounded like alien we tried to speak english clearly oh well she better understand our girbblish language!! :catfight::catfight::catfight: We left without pay her! The stylist was sooo PISSSSSSSEDDDD off!!! I didnt give a f*** about her!!! Thank god I didnt went first, man i feel soooo bad for my friend! :nono: I cant believe this!
OMG! I'm so sorry that you (and especially your friend) had that experience. That stylist was flat out ignorant. I'm glad you didn't pay her a dime.
She cut her hair on purpose?!!!! Can't you sue for that? I would. And I'm so sorry for what happened to your friend, that stylist is lucky she didn't get her behind whopped. One day she'll do it to the wrong one.
I am so sorry to hear this happened to you! What business is it of her as to why your friend wants her long hair? Thats crazy. If you have the name of the stylist, do a review in the salon review forum, posting her name and the name and city of the salon. Folx definitely need to avoid that stylist at all costs!
I would get her...I would have called the police and filed a report or something. They would have :rolleyes: at me but I would have done it anyway. She needs to sue that stylist for malpractice AND call the state board. She would not be doing hair anymore for anybody after I got through with her.

Sorry this happened to your friend. It just disgusts me.

Also, make sure you post this in the salon review forum and include the stylists name.
I'm sorry to hear that but u both handled it well. Trust me she understood exactly what ya'll said! That *****!!! I can't belive that was her reasoning behind it. That because she's lazy she cut ur friends hair!
You did right by not paying her. She was wrong and it is not her (the stylist) decision whether you want your hair long or short. If it is a corporation own salon, then write the corporation and let them know. If not, then make sure to put the word out on that stylist. Word of mouth hurts a stylist alot more than, people think.
That really sucks :perplexed
I never let anybody cut my hair if I don't know them. Tell your friend to pay attention next time (not that I'm saying the stylist was right). I force the stylist to show me exactly how much she's cutting and my eyes never leave the mirror.
OMG I'm glad you didn't give her any money. Then the stylist was pissed why cause she did what SHE wanted instead of what the customer WANTED:wallbash:. What's wrong with them. (typing while looking up better business bureau number) What's this salon name?
What? I could feel my eyes widening and my face tensing as I read the post Are you serious? Nothing in the world would have stopped me from giving her a :hardslap:. She cut her hair because she thought it was too long and that she was doing her a favour?!!!!!?!!! oooooosah!:meditate: Is there anything thing else that can be done to that stylist?
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Somebody needs to slap her to sleep!

I guess I never considered what it would be like not to be able to hear the stylists scissors clipping. And since your friend had WL hair I imagine she would not feel the scissor action like someone with shorter hair who could feel the tugging with the stylist pulling taut on the hair before cutting.

You should definitely do some sort of report like has been suggested in earlier posts.
She cut her hair on purpose?!!!! Can't you sue for that? I would. And I'm so sorry for what happened to your friend, that stylist is lucky she didn't get her behind whopped. One day she'll do it to the wrong one.

I would DEFINITELY sue! She didn't even try to "pretend" that your friend's hair was damaged.

This is a true example of hate!

I personally believe the longer someone's hair gets, the less noticeable little split ends are anyway!

Shameful and I'm so sorry for your friend!
I'm looking forward to seeing this on People's Court! I would definitely sue in small claims court.
I can't believe she did that! I'm never ever going to a stylist after all the horror stories posted on this board. :nono:
That is just terrible. :nono:

If it was too much work for her to do her hair, she should have turned her away, not chop the poor girl's hair off! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
I am so sorry to hear this happened to you! What business is it of her as to why your friend wants her long hair? Thats crazy. If you have the name of the stylist, do a review in the salon review forum, posting her name and the name and city of the salon. Folx definitely need to avoid that stylist at all costs!

Agreed! Post the name location, stylists name, hell, get in the car and run back by the salon and get a picture of the storefront so you can post it in this thread!

I'm pissed for you. Even though yall couldn't hear/speak well, you still tried to express your instructions and she STILL ignored it.

Why are people that jealous of others with long hair?? Enough to sabatoge it? WTF??

Get in your car and go get those pictures girl! We need to see!
Agreed! Post the name location, stylists name, hell, get in the car and run back by the salon and get a picture of the storefront so you can post it in this thread!

I'm pissed for you. Even though yall couldn't hear/speak well, you still tried to express your instructions and she STILL ignored it.

Why are people that jealous of others with long hair?? Enough to sabatoge it? WTF??

Get in your car and go get those pictures girl! We need to see!

Girl that is something I would do. I'd probably send one of my girls in there to get a pic of the stylist.

Mud...straight mud.
Now that's what we call an "Ornary *****":Cow:.

Just plain hateful I tell ya.

Your friend should definitely file a complaint with the BBB.
SO SORRY!!!!!:nono:
I would get her...I would have called the police and filed a report or something. They would have :rolleyes: at me but I would have done it anyway. She needs to sue that stylist for malpractice AND call the state board. She would not be doing hair anymore for anybody after I got through with her.

Sorry this happened to your friend. It just disgusts me.

Also, make sure you post this in the salon review forum and include the stylists name.

where salon review section?? :perplexed I would like to help my friend to report her stylist's ass!!! :yep:
I hope she didn't pay the stylist..

cause the same way she thinks your friend dont need her hair long cause its a lot of work, is the same way she dont need money cause she cant follow direction..

I'm sooooo sorry for your friend some ppl...
where salon review section?? :perplexed I would like to help my friend to report her stylist's ass!!! :yep:

The Salon Review Forum is on the front page where you see a list of all of the forums. I would leave as much information as possible.:yep: Surely she will feel some of the hurt from this because there are ALOT of LHCF members and probably MILLIONS of lurkers!:yep:
Who the :censored: is this bytch to determine that your friend's hair was too long?! That stylist should be stomped in the face for that mess...

My deaf friend and I went to salon to get our hair done in PA, we never went there before so my friend wanted to get her hair done first because her hair was too long and it took a while to finish it. I didnt mind and let her, I was waiting on the seat for the turn. My friend nicely asked the stylist to trim a little bit about an inch. But the stylist didnt say anything so she assumed that stylist understood her and guess what!? She cut all the WL hair to BSL!!! My deaf friend didnt hear the scissor clipping or didnt feel alot of hair was falling on the floor! I was completely shocked!!!!!! :shocked: I signed to her if that what she wanted...she looked shocked and gasped. she quickly looked at her hair she was PISSSSSSSSSSSSEDDDDDDDD off!!!!! She went :hot::swearing::swearing::swearing:at the stylist why did she do THAT??!!! The stylist told her why did she need her long hair for??? It too much work for long hair and it cost you alot of money because you have a long hair that s why i cut it off. And she said that her hair will grow back anyway....I was like :swearing:You are so wrong!!!!!!! You cant cut her hair like that and it even NOT your HAIR!!!!! forget it we are not paying you anything!!! Of course we couldnt speak so well we sounded like alien we tried to speak english clearly oh well she better understand our girbblish language!! :catfight::catfight::catfight: We left without pay her! The stylist was sooo PISSSSSSSEDDDD off!!! I didnt give a f*** about her!!! Thank god I didnt went first, man i feel soooo bad for my friend! :nono: I cant believe this!
yo, tomorrow...go up to her(stylist) and just sock her in the face. Im serious.
Do you have any other witnesses? Im with the other girls. Go sue.

Dont come back here until you said you have an attorney! :|