Struggling with your natural hair? Come in here.....

Hey ladies! New natural here....I've been natural for a little over a month and transitioned for 15 months. What can I do about frizzy ends? If they are fuzzy at the end of my twists does that mean I need a trim? Or just some tlc? Seems like I wouldn't need one already since I just cut my relaxed ends off, but some was already natural from breakage.

I've been doing a lot of wash and gos as my go to style, so I've ended up with a lot of ssks, I've trimmed some and left some there, but they do seem to cause more tangles and get shed hair tangled up.

A couple days ago I put in chunky twists on dry hair with Shea moisture deep treatment and coconut oil. My ends look a little fuzzy now so seems like it will result in a frizzy twistout.

I deep condition weekly but admit since I got w&g happy I haven't been moisturizing a ton bc I wet it daily and seal with coconut oil.
[USER=3524 said:
Leslie_C[/USER];18409721]Hey ladies! New natural here....I've been natural for a little over a month and transitioned for 15 months. What can I do about frizzy ends? If they are fuzzy at the end of my twists does that mean I need a trim? Or just some tlc? Seems like I wouldn't need one already since I just cut my relaxed ends off, but some was already natural from breakage.

I've been doing a lot of wash and gos as my go to style, so I've ended up with a lot of ssks, I've trimmed some and left some there, but they do seem to cause more tangles and get shed hair tangled up.

A couple days ago I put in chunky twists on dry hair with Shea moisture deep treatment and coconut oil. My ends look a little fuzzy now so seems like it will result in a frizzy twistout.

I deep condition weekly but admit since I got w&g happy I haven't been moisturizing a ton bc I wet it daily and seal with coconut oil.

Welcome Leslie. You need to seal your ends with something heavier than what you seal your hair with. The ends of natural hair tend to be more porous than the rest of the hair and dry out much faster. There are several things you can try. First mist your ends with water before sealing and then

1. Try a heavier oil on your ends: Olive Oil, Castor Oil, Hempseed, Wheat Germ Oil

2. Try a butter on your ends or something like Shea Moisture Smoothie

3. Try a cream on your ends like Taliah Waajid Curling Cream

4. Try layering with an oil and then a butter or an oil and then a cream.
My hair has been behaving so much better since I figured out the hard water / clarifying issue over a month ago. Of course I still have my usual natural hair struggles that are inevitable (tangles, keeping hair moisturized, etc), but I feel my hair is back to normal now.

My hair is low density so I have to be careful with heavy products, but heavy oils/butters have been working best for me in terms of keeping moisture sealed in. I have to use a light hand, but shea butter and castor oil have been my 2 go-to sealants recently.
I feel like I have been wearing this wig forever, when in all actuality its only been 2 - 2 1/2 weeks. I have noticed a little bit of growth since I have been p/sing with wigs and twists. About an 3/4's of an inch since I BC'd. My bangs were eyebrow length when I cut them and are now mid eyeball, my sides/crown is also a bit longer too. So I am all yay for the length.

My curl pattern still hasn't shown its true form yet. I can feel ringlets in my head when I wash...but my hair...has been feeling...a bit dry? for lack of a better word.

I stopped co-washing so much ( I have washed once this week) to see if that would help curl formations...and it seems to have. When I delay washing my curl pattern is tighter than if I wash and co-wash it more often. Which I dont know if that means I have a looser pattern when its more moisturized? Or if thats my true texture or if when I wait a week between washes....if thats the truer texture it just feels dryer.. Not really sure at the moment. Its been feeling a little rough since I havnt been washing it every other day and I will go back to co washing at least 3 times a week next week, and start green housing on DC hair just doesnt like me. Not really sure what to do.

I dont have to worry about it TOO much since I have been wearing a wig but its still like. UGH. I cant wear my own hair at this point....I cant put heat on it because I have some pretty nasty heat damage on the ends still. So at this point the only thing I CAN do is wigs /twists/braids and my own hair is thinner than I thought so doing knot outs arent working atm with it being so short :(

Not sure what to do to get my hair on point while spending the summer p/sing.
Ask and you shall receive! Thanks faithVA and greenandchic! I saturated my ends with agree moisture curl enhancing smoothie because that's what I had on hand that you mentioned and sealed with castor oil and they look better already. Today I undid the twists I had in all week and fluffed my hair out and pinned it to the side...I like it! this is my first style I've written besides a wash and go or bun, and this past week chunky twists. I'm starting to venture out a little!

I'm so frustrated !! My hair was doing so great then I started staying at my grandma house...I think it caused some sort of copper build up or something. My hair feels like hay plus my curls aren't forming like they do. im not sure what to do! especially since I am supposed to get kinky twist tomorrow for prom....should I still get them? how should i fix whatever this stuff is going on with my hair. thank ya'll :((
[USER=346095 said:
Igotstripes[/USER];18427751]I'm so frustrated !! My hair was doing so great then I started staying at my grandma house...I think it caused some sort of copper build up or something. My hair feels like hay plus my curls aren't forming like they do. im not sure what to do! especially since I am supposed to get kinky twist tomorrow for prom....should I still get them? how should i fix whatever this stuff is going on with my hair. thank ya'll :((

Sounds like you need to chelate or clarify. You may have mineral deposits. Do you have time to wash your hair before you get your kinky twists? Is the person who will put in the twist going to wash your hair?
Sounds like you need to chelate or clarify. You may have mineral deposits. Do you have time to wash your hair before you get your kinky twists? Is the person who will put in the twist going to wash your hair?

thanks! I might have time if I just blow dry my hair. are there any ways to chelate with stuff one may have in the kitchen? nobody is here to take me anywhere lol. and no, i think all she does is the twisting part
thanks! I might have time if I just blow dry my hair. are there any ways to chela te with stuff one may have in the kitchen? nobody is here to take me anywhere lol. and no, i think all she does is the twisting part

This area isn't my specialty. Maybe one of the other ladies can help out.

I think you can clarify with some baking soda. You may want to do a search on LHCF or the internet.
I have clarified with baking soda with no ill effects on my hair. But you DO have to be careful. Just add a spoon to a very large cup of water, work it in REAL FAST and rinse it out. It opens the cuticles all the way so you HAVE to follow it with an ACV rinse to close the cuticles (unless you follow with the aloe juice below, THEN you ACV).

Aloe juice is supposed to be a chelating agent. It is actually used to chelate in most natural swimmers shampoos, like Aubrey Organics Swimmers Shampoo as the active chelating ingredient.

I have clarified with baking soda with no ill effects on my hair. But you DO have to be careful. Just add a spoon to a very large cup of water, work it in REAL FAST and rinse it out. It opens the cuticles all the way so you HAVE to follow it with an ACV rinse to close the cuticles (unless you follow with the aloe juice below, THEN you ACV).

Aloe juice is supposed to be a chelating agent. It is actually used to chelate in most natural swimmers shampoos, like Aubrey Organics Swimmers Shampoo as the active chelating ingredient.

They don't have either of those things but thanks ..i just read about the aubrey one too lol. did you like that one? also if i don't take care of this right now will my hair be okay? and do you think it'd be cool to get the twists and them spritz aloe juice on it O.o
They don't have either of those things but thanks ..i just read about the aubrey one too lol. did you like that one? also if i don't take care of this right now will my hair be okay? and do you think it'd be cool to get the twists and them spritz aloe juice on it O.o

Depends on how long you leave the twists in. A week? You'll probably be OK-ish. Two weeks might be pushing it. It's gonna be breaking even while it's in the twists longer than that.

I have fine hair fragile so too much mineral deposits and build-up = bald headed :sad:

I use the AO swimmers very sparingly as my hair hates aloe (it makes it break off), I got it for my daughter who swims every week. Works wonders. I use the regular chemical swimmers shampoo from Mane and Tail once a month or 6 weeks or so. Works well! Igotstripes

If your hair likes aloe, you can make your own braid spray with it in a sprayer with distilled water, aloe, your hair's favorite oils and maybe some condish... I make my own spray for my crochet braids...
Depends on how long you leave the twists in. A week? You'll probably be OK-ish. Two weeks might be pushing it. It's gonna be breaking even while it's in the twists longer than that.

I have fine hair fragile so too much mineral deposits and build-up = bald headed :sad:

I use the AO swimmers very sparingly as my hair hates aloe (it makes it break off), I got it for my daughter who swims every week. Works wonders. I use the regular chemical swimmers shampoo from Mane and Tail once a month or 6 weeks or so. Works well! Igotstripes

If your hair likes aloe, you can make your own braid spray with it in a sprayer with distilled water, aloe, your hair's favorite oils and maybe some condish... I make my own spray for my crochet braids...

I would have the twists for a while so maybe i should wait...thanks for being honest lol. thank I'll try to.find those shampoos!
I duno whats going on with my hair. Right now I am doing a overnight DC. Its been under a wig for about 2 weeks now. Im gonna wake up tomorrow rinse, and m/s. I am 5 months 4 days post relaxer and 1 month and 21 days post BC.

Can anyone give me a hint as to what my hair is doing? I havnt flat ironed in about 2 months so there has been NO heat on my hair at all. But I am sure the ends are really heat damaged.

Im just so confused atm. I am going to p/s all summer/fall (wigs/braids) probably will wig and braid it for a full year. But is this normal? I dont know what its going.

This is my roots damp with no product. Theres two of my hair overall with dc.
Ill take more in the morning when I rinse

My edges are growing back in since I started wigging yay.


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I have heat damage at the ends of my hair in the front. Heat damage doesn't go away. It either gets cut off or gets a bit curlier with protein. hnntrr

My swirly and loosely curled ends in the front are here to stay. It isn't breaking and I can't cut it or my hair would be uneven. I could add perm rods I suppose.

Is it breaking?

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
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Your roots look great hnntrr! And yea, with the full shot, heat damage all over. Hana is correct about your options. You will always be in here worrying until those ends are gone. Theyre obviously messing up whatever you're trying to do and you cant get a clear picture of what you're working with while the damage is still there. Once you get a length of ng you like, I say do another chop and be done. You'll be way happier.
HanaKuroi: True, that makes sense. And I have a little breakage but not a ton, more shedding that breakage thank god but its short pieces that I think are coming from the heat damaged part.

DarkJoy: yeah maybe ill do that and thanks! They feel nice, its just the ends that suck atm. I think I am going to wait just long enough so that it gets to a length that i can p/s in braids comfortably and cut the heat damage off. It kinda sucks I have to do another chop, but at least this time it will be nicer...and ill get someone to i it for me so its not uneven hahaa. Tbh I think its those ends that are making my hair feel so dry.
hnntrr I just want to tell you that you will have a successful hair journey. It will have bumps of course.

You include pictures and describe what is going on very well.

Most importantly you are patient and you listen. You try your best and with a good attitude. I can tell you research. You are doing your job. I appreciate that about you.

You will get there! This is a journey and you will make it!


I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Hey ladies I need a little bit of advice of how to stop all my shedding! :( I have just finished uni assessment period and now on holidays til next term so I attribute all my shedding and balding to stress :( plus I haven't been very well.

Anybody gt any methods to help me fill in this hair!!! I'm considering garlic for any future shedding but just need ideas Dior filling in my hair, its not looking to shabby so I can't really complain!! TIA x
Hey ladies I need a little bit of advice of how to stop all my shedding! :( I have just finished uni assessment period and now on holidays til next term so I attribute all my shedding and balding to stress :( plus I haven't been very well.

Anybody gt any methods to help me fill in this hair!!! I'm considering garlic for any future shedding but just need ideas Dior filling in my hair, its not looking to shabby so I can't really complain!! TIA x

You can use the garlic, I think there are other supplements that help as well, especially if its a health issue (thyroid for example). I use a tea mixture to help with my shedding and it seemed to help a lot when I was wearing my hair out.

A lot of people from what I have seen on here use a base mix of black tea, green tea and chamomile to start out, then branch out from there adding or eliminating what they need.

You will never stop shedding completely. Our hair is gonna shed regardless, but your right.... its about HOW much sheds...if its an excessive amount thats bad and can be related to stress other health issues...but *again this is recycled info* I've heard you can shed 50 - 100 hairs a day, but you also have to make sure its not breakage as well (sheds have the little bulb at the end).

Try the garlic, try the tea, search the forums for shedding reducing recipes, there are tons on here.
I say tea like hnntrr. Even if you only have Earl grey. Just pour it over your head after a wash and put the deep condish on. Stops shedding right away. I was a heavy shedder and now barely anything.

Also what are the products in current rotation? You make changes a week or two before the shedding began?

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
hnntrr said:
You can use the garlic, I think there are other supplements that help as well, especially if its a health issue (thyroid for example). I use a tea mixture to help with my shedding and it seemed to help a lot when I was wearing my hair out.

A lot of people from what I have seen on here use a base mix of black tea, green tea and chamomile to start out, then branch out from there adding or eliminating what they need.

You will never stop shedding completely. Our hair is gonna shed regardless, but your right.... its about HOW much sheds...if its an excessive amount thats bad and can be related to stress other health issues...but *again this is recycled info* I've heard you can shed 50 - 100 hairs a day, but you also have to make sure its not breakage as well (sheds have the little bulb at the end).

Try the garlic, try the tea, search the forums for shedding reducing recipes, there are tons on here.

Yes it's definately shed hair but I've never had this much shed hair before so I'm wondering what is going on!!! I think I may try the tea method first before I try anything else. Apart from that i'm guna be increasing the tlc :)

DarkJoy said:
I say tea like hnntrr. Even if you only have Earl grey. Just pour it over your head after a wash and put the deep condish on. Stops shedding right away. I was a heavy shedder and now barely anything.

Also what are the products in current rotation? You make changes a week or two before the shedding began?

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*

Thanks nothing has really changed in my regi it's very simple haven't dcd in a while buy ive never been a heavy shedder before except when I was relaxed but that was due to bad hair care practices :-/

**Thanks a lot ladies off to get so tea recipes **
Almost out of conditioner. Trying to decide if I want to try Aubrey GPB instead of WC this time. My hair has been feeling a little dry lately, even if I DC overnight.

I am thinking I may need to shampoo again? My parents house has soft water, and my apartment had hard maybe thats contributing to the dryness.

If thats the case I think I might run to whole foods and get Aubrey GPB... is there anything else I should try? Still on curly gurl method....however... Using one shampoo with a mild sulphate twice a month.

So id possibly get Aubrey GPB and try that aloe vera stuff people have suggested to me? Jojoba oil has been workin well. I think I might mix it with some castor oil my mom has to see if that works.

Otherwise just really frustrated with my curls.

Maybe I will DC tonight with what I have left and put my twists back in tonight/tomorrow. I need a break from this wig.
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Hey girls,

Really struggling with my hair! From what I can feel its growing out 4a/4b/4c in different sections of my head. I bc'd in February last relaxer was in December 2012. Currently using as I am leave in and curl pudding, tresemme naturals conditioner and shampooing 2x a month. My hair is so coarse and dry, as I am appears to be ok when hair is damp but as soon as its dry, it feels like a scour pad! My curls are there (tight cork screw curls) but hardly defined.

Any recommendations for moisturised curls? Also how do u stop curls from going completely flat after sleep or laying down? I always wake up with a flat patch :/
I think my hair is so dry because....its a dry climate AND i dont really drink water cause (dont shoot me) I really dislike water, like it all tastes either coppery, or plastic, or glassy and I really hate that sooo much.

Gonna dry drinking more tea to up my water intake, figure out some water I like cause ugh the water in DC/MD is horrible.
[USER=239906 said:
Tiana_Sade[/USER];18470235]Hey girls,

Really struggling with my hair! From what I can feel its growing out 4a/4b/4c in different sections of my head. I bc'd in February last relaxer was in December 2012. Currently using as I am leave in and curl pudding, tresemme naturals conditioner and shampooing 2x a month. My hair is so coarse and dry, as I am appears to be ok when hair is damp but as soon as its dry, it feels like a scour pad! My curls are there (tight cork screw curls) but hardly defined.

Any recommendations for moisturised curls? Also how do u stop curls from going completely flat after sleep or laying down? I always wake up with a flat patch :/

What are you using after the As I Am leave-in?