Straigtening my hair: A mother's dying wish?


Well-Known Member
I swear moms can say the craziest things!

I've had very good growth these past 6 months and my mom noticed it. She began pulling my twists and was "oohing" and "ahhing" as to how long it had gotten. The back is almost bra-strap and the front is shoulder length (a milestone!).

She says to me "Your hair would be soooo long if you straightened it!"

I say "I know but I'm not straightening it."

She says "Please!"

I say "No mom. Besides, I'm scared of heat."

She says "When your hair is pressed right, your hair won't get damaged."

I say "The key word is 'right'. One bad move and my hair is burnt."

Then she goes on saying how our hairdresser says my sister's hair, my hair, and my mom's hair is incredibly hard to straighten.

I say "That's a sign that maybe it doesn't want to be straightened."

She says "Oh come on. For me? What if it was my dying wish for you to straighten your hair just once?"

I had to laugh because I can't believe she took it to the "a mother's dying wish" line!

I thought it was funny and wanted to share.

Also, I took length pictures and am waiting for my pictures to be added to a photo CD so that I can share with you ladies. Expect pictures by the end of next week!

I got a digital camera for christmas so now sharing has just gotten easier.
This wouldn't be my mother saying this but one of my grandmothers. And it would be a wish ungranted.

I washed and flatironed yesterday to take some end of year pics and I have come to the conclusion that my hair is absolutely of the hard to straighten type. I knew this before because the salons always used a super on me to relax but I thought flat ironing would work as a natural. During the years of my relaxer experiment the only time it ever looked straight was the day I got it done at the salon and when it was pressed with pressing combs and pressing creme it started reverting the next day. I have flat ironed a few times since '02 and so this time around I thought that I would do it with no product because maybe I was using too much heat protectant before. No dice, it came out the same.

Maybe the maxiglide might work but not my jilbere turned to the highest setting. And there will be no Dominican blowout for me, I can't stand being under the hood hair dryers so there is no way I'll be able to stand a blowdryer to my roots.
Wow, what pressure! Nevertheless, it's your hair. Moms can be a trip. I was sharing some potential baby names (not pregnant, not trying, just thinking ahead) with my mom and she criticized ALL the girl names I had. So I had to kindly remind her that this would be my child and she's already had her opportunity to name her children.

I know how mom's words can mean alot, but we have to do what works for us.
Good luck with all that. :)
Been there done that...took family a jacked up weave instead of pressing, and the pictures reflected how I felt...jacked what makes you happy...