Straightening my hair with Aveda Products


Well-Known Member
What do you Aveda gurus suggest I straighten my hair with? What products do I break the bank and use from Aveda? I am a naturally kurlee, 4a and I want to achieve straight, shiny, touchable hair. :yep:

If you do a search (if the search feature is working) on Pinkskates and Aveda, she has tons of reviews on straightening hair with Aveda products. In fact, she is what made me try Aveda to straighten.

That being said, I tried the Damage Remedy line for my wash on condition. Next, I detangled with Qhemet Biologics Detangler, and then spritzed the Aveda Brilliant Damage Control on tiny sections (hair is still wet). I rolled up the tiny sections on rollers and let it air dry overnight. You can blow dry it, but I am trying to keep as much heat off my hair as possible. The next day, I just take down each roller one at a time and flat iron with my Sedu. This usually lasts a little over a week. It could last longer, but my scalp begs to be washed after 3 days.


ETA: By the way, I am a natural 4 a/b.
I like Aveda Hang Straight Straightening Lotion and Aveda Light Elements Smoothing Fluid. I mainly use these products when I roller set my hair, and once in a while I use them when I flat iron.