straight hair and the gym


New Member
So im getting my hair flat ironed for my birthday next Saturday. My birthday dinner is on that Tuesday. My concern is I go to the gym everyday and I sweat a lot. Im worried my hair will be ruined before my birthday dinner and I really hate adding extra heat to my hair after its already been flat ironed. Any advice?
celiabug Do you have a Sally's in your area. If so, go by and pick up one of these:,default,pd.html?cm_vc=SEARCH,default,pd.html?cm_vc=SEARCH

I both of of those in lieu of Nicole Ari Parker's

However, I have not been to Zumba class since the purchase. I missed this past Thursday, due to V-Day and our instructor has canceled class for next week. Therefore, I will not be able to report the efficacy of these until the week of February 24th.
I put mine in a pony at the top of my head and loosely bun the ends. My roots go back some but the length stays straight
Put your hair in a high bun or a pineapple with a scarf or something around your edges. I wouldn't suggest removing the scarf until your hair is dry.

That will keep it straight but I don't know if it'll maintain the style.