Story & Pics of the hair breakage the stylist caused.

Vicki in Oregon

New Member
On March 10th I went to a hairstylist requesting Malibu treatment to try to fade the black color another stylist hag given me after requesting a nice medium brown. Prior to that a stylist bleached my hair orange when I again had requested a lighter brown than my normally dark brown hair I was born with. I told the stylist my entire hair history including that it was previously bleached and that I did not want to bleach again precisely because I did not want more damage to my hair. At that point I had not had any hair breakage but my hair was not as healthy as it once was and she could tell by looking and feeling it as well. She told me that my black hair would never ever fade. I asked, “not even a little?” She said no. I believed her. Yet today, my once level 1 black hair is easy a level 5. Had I known it would fade on its own I would have patiently waited a few months. She said the Malibu would not work so I was about to leave but she tried hard to convince me to do what she called a "10 hair test strand." Stupidly I agreed to the tiny piece of hair she had in her hand. She taunted me and said, C'mon, you can't handle 10 little hair with that huge head of hair?" She swore up and down I would not lose the hair and that she would use the lightest % bleach. Against my better judgment I agreed to the 10 hairs due to the pressure of this alleged expert. Except that the "10 hair test strand" turned out to be 30,000 hairs!!! She put the bleach on so fast and pushed me under the dryer so fast I had no idea what hit me. When she finally removed the bleach under the sink I tried to turn my head to see what was going on and she roughly turned my head back. When she finished and I saw all the tons of bright brassy orange and yellow sections I felt sick. She said, "look at how well your hair took the bleach, I could have used a much lower % bleach!" She also claimed I lost no hair while she was rinsing it but she did not let me see at the time. I said I cannot walk around with yellow and orange sections in my hair mixed with the black I came in! I asked why she did so much hair and to cover it up. I said please use a semi perm NO ammonia NO peroxide Semi permanent solution to cover up the mess. Her response was, I don’t want to do that because I want to be able to gage how much hair you lose!" She said she was curious to see how much I would lose! This was the same person who said I would lose none! The same person who would only treat 10 individual hairs! I took pictures of the hair the day after the incident but before I showered that day. When I got out of the shower, the hair had broken off! The bleached parts were 99% gone! Went to see the owner a couple days later when he was there. He called me a liar and literally pushed me out the door. And yet I not only showed him pics of my hair with the yellow and orange BUT also showed him the current breakage right before him. I showed him tons of breakage, massive amounts of hair that was broken near the root. I had no choice but to cut nearly a foot of hair! It was terrible. I use to have hair past my waist. I got so many compliments on my hair for years. It was so long, thick and pretty that people would come up to me and ask me if it was real because they thought it was extensions. Today it is shorter, thinner, frizzy, and so hard to comb because the short pieces get tangled. I even have a half dollar size bald spot where she applied bleach as well. I have spent a lot of money trying to find something to grow my hair faster by seeing dermatologists who also did expensive blood tests to show it was all chemical breakage. I bought tons of supplements and topicals. Spent hundreds so far trying to find answers. But there is no price I would put on the emotional pain and even physically this vindictive incident has taken its toll on my health. Turned out too that at the time she was not licensed and the owner was not registered as the owner after acting as owner for the place for so long. She has recently become licensed.
That's horrible! No more bleach for you!

Next time you should try to do your own semi-permanent ...with Bigen or Robert Craig.

If you do ever need to lift color again ... Jherri Redding has a Colorfix product (you can find it at Sally's)
I have tried to hard to find a lawyer but not enough $ in it for them so I will now just go to small claims. I will never color or do anything to my hair ever again. I won't have all virgin hair for many years anyway to be able to do more. BUt I am completely done. Makes it easier too this way. Had to cut off a foot thanks to her and it is still frizzy and thin. :(
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I hope that you win your suit at small claims court. That stylist used your head of hair as an experiment and she should be punished. :mad:
I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to you:( . You were very clear about what you wanted (and didn't want) done to your hair, but she tricked you about her intentions. I would love to say that she won't last long in the business with the way she treats customers, but sadly many stylists do. Don't be hard on yourself. Many people have been coerced into things by people who assumed themselves to be "experts". Just look at this as a great reason to baby your hair and yourself (you'll both recover faster that way;) ).
That is horrible!!! I really don't know what to say, but I REALLY hope you win your case in small claims court.

I really hate to think that there are people out there who would be so mean. :nono:
asubeauty said:
That is horrible!!! I really don't know what to say, but I REALLY hope you win your case in small claims court.

I really hate to think that there are people out there who would be so mean. :nono:

:( I agree Good Luck Vicki
thats crazy all i could suggest besides jumping out of the bushes on this ***** is alot of tlc and protien treatments to try to strengthen the weak parts and lots of moisturing conditioners to combat dryness

i use the aphogee/dpr-11 combo

hope this helps
Vicki--I am so sorry to hear about your ordeal. That $%#^& would have had my foot in her &^% :mad:
I too hope you win your case. Until then just stick to the board. These girls are great, especially when it comes to hair.
It was really hard to read this post because it was not in paragraph form.

Suing takes too long. Here is my suggestion:

Let everyone you know, let everyone you don't know, that this salon is horrible. Word of mouth is more powerful than law. Show pictures to people... before and afters. Let them decide if they want to go to these crazy people.

Write letters to your state board. Let them know of their horrible practices.

Stand outside with a blown-up picture of your pain and suffering and stand outside for thirty minutes on an early saturday morning.

Buena Suerte to you, I am so sorry that this happened to you.
anky said:
It was really hard to read this post because it was not in paragraph form.

Suing takes too long. Here is my suggestion:

Let everyone you know, let everyone you don't know, that this salon is horrible. Word of mouth is more powerful than law. Show pictures to people... before and afters. Let them decide if they want to go to these crazy people.

Write letters to your state board. Let them know of their horrible practices.

Stand outside with a blown-up picture of your pain and suffering and stand outside for thirty minutes on an early saturday morning.

Buena Suerte to you, I am so sorry that this happened to you.

That is a good idea--you should file a complaint with the state board of cosmetology...I know here in michigan you can do that, and they will go to the shop and investigate--maybe even fine them ( i think it's $500 for the hairdresser and $1000 for the salon or something like that), especially for the lady not being licensed part.(unless she was registered as an apprentice)
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msportugal said:
thats crazy all i could suggest besides jumping out of the bushes on this ***** is alot of tlc and protien treatments to try to strengthen the weak parts and lots of moisturing conditioners to combat dryness

i use the aphogee/dpr-11 combo

hope this helps

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Vicki, i'm so sorry, we are here for you during this healing process! I do not condone beating up people, but i would understand!!!
:eek: :eek: :eek:
This was appalling, to say the least. I am so sorry this happened. Seems like she was hating on you and set out to destroy your beautiful hair. The egregiousness of this situation is not to be believed! It's stylists like this who make it so hard for the good ones. :mad: And the "owner" made it no better. Definitely take it to small claims court and sue for the maximum amount, which is usually $5,000. And I agree with Anky about spreading the word.
Hi Vic,

Oh my God I am SO SORRY this happened to you. It sounds like she was malicious about it and had to try and ruin your hair.

I would:

1) Sue, even if it is pro se. Find out what the cap is on small claims in your state and file the papers.

2) Get receipts for how you paid her. Keep them along with the pics, and receipts from all the stuff you bought to try and prevent further damage.

3) Find out the date she was licensed and compare to when she did your hair. Most states don't allow apprentices to do hair without direct supervision. You can find this out at the licensing board.

4) File a complaint with the licensing board. Send copies of all the above documentation to them for proof.

5) Tell EVERYONE you know about what happened. Post flyers with the stylist's name and the salon's. Remember, it isn't defamation (libel/slander) if it's TRUE.

6) TELL US where you went, so we can boycott this place, too.

Good luck, and again, I am so sorry this happened.
Wow I think that witch (replace w with a BIG B!!!) was jealous of you,, damn i got so mad just reading that!! :mad::mad::mad:,, I hope you win in court ! this again reinforces why I do not have treatments done at the salon, you cant trust some of these ppl,, use protein and deep conditioning treatments now,, i recommend protein wise Nexxus Emergencee,, K-pak reconstructor, or Redken products and for moisture i use Neutrogena Triple moisture hair mask , also use gentle shampoo such as Neutrogena Triple... shampoo,, and deep con for a while after using a protein treatment,, and for the bald spot ( which i cant really see lol) u can use Nioxin follicel booster, Organic Root Stimualtor fertilizing serum , or a proven hair growth concotion composed of carrier oils jojoba and grapeseed and a mix of lavendar, cedarwood, thyme, and one other( you can easily get the recipe by looking up ,, lavendar oil hair growth on google), good luck
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I gotta wonder if this isn't some extreme haterism too:mad: Did you pay for this butchery? This is exactly why today when I saw the hate in the salon owner eyes I said no thanks! Protein and moisture will restore some balance. Please keep us posted. I was chemically balded by a stylist son I know the betrayal you feel.
How bout I would sue the hot sauce out those people!

My heart aches for you. Definitely take them to small claims and tell everything that moves, breathes, and talks about how nasty they were and exactly what they did to you! Fight back! Did you have chemical burns? I noticed redness around the baldspot...

Pamper your hair. I'd find someone that specialized in "healing" hair. I researched and found my stylist of four years. She's awesome and she actually listens to what's going on with me, my health, and my hair. I wouldn't trade her for the world.

lmao msportugal @jumping outta the bushes on that *****. LOL I ain't even violent (that much hahahaha) but yeah.... ol girl woulda caught a beatdown bout muh grass. :cool:
Time to put this witch who ruined your hair AND the shoddy so-called salon that hired her on blast. :mad:

I agree with filing a complaint with the licensing board...also file one with your local better business bureau, as well as your state's attorney general's office. They are experts AT SHUTTING PEOPLE DOWN.

And I'm sure a tv station in your area has a consumer reporter or one of those "on your side" them, outline the situation, tell them you have before and after pics and other evidence and have tried to work with the salon owner.
Tell them you want to make sure no one else has to suffer losing their pride and joy like you have.

And take the so-called stylist and the salon owner to court. These people cannot get away with this. And do it NOW, there is probably a statute of limitations on cases like this, plus you don't want youir hair to grow in too much so the damage isn't as evident.

BTW, what is the name of the salon and the beautician? Let us know...they don't deserve to be anonomyous, after pulling this stunt.

Good luck.