The new stylist BROKE my hair

Foxy DON'T cut your hair!!!!

Protein it up, make sure it's getting enough moisture and trim that back portion if it's breaking too much for you not to, but leave the rest alone. Hair can be repaired.

I'm sorry for your setback, but don't give up now.
If I can nurse MY hair back to health, you can too.
AJamericanDiva said:
foxybronx said:
I FEEL soo sick right now. All my progress is down the drain. The worst part is that it wasn't even my fault. Last relaxer i tried a different stylist and i had a feeling she didn't neutralize me right (she only neutralized me one time). I was nervous, I even posted about it. But a few people reassured me so i was certain that i wouldn't have any breakage. Lo and behold 3 weeks later (yesterday) i noticed gaps in my hair when wet. When my hair dried i still seen gaps. I washed it just now and sectioned each section and i see SEE THRU ends. Its clearly breakage because it wasn't there before. I am too seconds away from cutting my hair..and if it continues to thin i am going natural. Heres a pic..Someone cry with me

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Good Lawd, Foxy! Why didn't you get back in touch with me? I feel like SH@&$ as I referred the stylist to you.
I've never had a problem with her. If you look in my album, one of my hair inspirations "Jane Doe" goes to her and even another member of this board. They've used her for the last 10 years and haven't had a problem. I wouldn't deliberately send you there to be sabatoged. I don't know what went wrong. I am soooooo sorry this happened and feel even worse as I recommended her to you. She only neutralizes me once as well and I've never had a problem. If it was bothering you and you were nervous, you should have asked for a second shampoo. She wouldn't have mind. I know... shoulda, coulda, woulda.... Every head is different, I guess. My daughter and I both let her relax our hair. See our pics. I wouldn't deliberately send you so someone I didn'thave confidence in. From the depths of my heart, I apologize. As for now, DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR!!! Start giving it some protein followed by moisturizing treatments. I am sorry!!!
Boy, oh boy!!! When my LHCF sisters get a hold of me
, am I a goner!!!

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Diva i know it isn't your fault, you recommended her because she does a great job on your hair. You didn't force me to go..i seen the pics of jane doe and you and your daughters hair and based my decision on the health of ya'll hair. Neither you or i could foresee what happened. I have been doing protein and more protein i did penetrait, elucence breakage control, motions silk protein, and today i am doing keraphix (all followed by moisturizing conditioners. But my hair still feels gummy and soft and pliable like there is no strength to it.
Its the bottom layer of my hair, a little bit of the sides, and my crown is jacked again which i thought was my fault, b/c that used to be a problem area of mine. It wasn't until i seen the damage in the bottom layer that i knew it wasn't my fault b/c i NEVER have problems there. That is usually the healthiest part of my hair.
lthomas1 said:
I am sorry about your hair mishap. Just start using Nexxus Emergencee every time you wash your hair. Do some deep conditioning too, until the breakage stops.

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I will do that. I have tried other proteins to no avail..maybe i need the Nexus emergencee. Thanks
Im not sure if u know who Dwayne is from "askdwayne", he is a hairstylist and wrote the book What your stylist doesnt want u to know. When I was going through some old posts on his message board, he suggested this combo for ppl experiencing bad breakage.

He suggested doing an emergencee treatment followed by a moisturizing treatment every 3 days about 3-4 times. After that, u will need to do weekly treatments of a reconstructor mixed with a moisturizing conditioner once a week for a few weeks. this should get your hair back on track. it sounds like a good plan to me. I hope this or something else works for u...
i feel your pain,
kind of did you neutralize again? might be too little too late but i wouldn't cut it. do a protien treatment followed by moisturizing conditioner. if you do cut it i would only cut the problem area & camoflague (sp?) it with the rest of your hair. but thats just me
Foxy, I spoke to ChoclatePrincess whose been going to that hairdresser for many years. This is what she had to say. She couldn't post the message herself as she just sent off her payment and hasn't been credited as yet.

From: ChoclatePrincess

Foxy I heard about your drama and I'm so so sorry to hear that and I am definitely crying with you. You know that I have gone to this beautician for over 10 years and have never had a problem. I just got a relaxer on Saturday and she washed my hair about 3 or 4 times. She did however after rinsing out the relaxer, put the conditioner in before using the neutralizer shampoo (which she has never done to me before) and then proceeded to wash again twice, then put conditioner (but no deep condition), rinsed, put Infusium and then rolled. I didn't realize that she was putting the conditioner before the neutralizer until it was on my hair and I smelled it (that's how I know what she's using without looking, by the smell) and it didn't smell like the neutralizer shampoo. I have never seen her only wash someone's hair once. She usually rinses the relaxer completely before putting any shampoo in. I don't doubt what your saying because I definitely see the difference in your hair. I just have a few questions, because I'm trying to understand how and why this happened to you...When did you first notice a change in your hair? You said you went three weeks ago, did you go back to get your hair washed again? Was this your first time using the Affirm relaxer? As Diva said, did you use anything different than your usual products in your hair during the 3 weeks after the relaxer or even before the relaxer?

Never be afraid to speak when someone is doing YOUR hair. Whenever someone is about to put something in my hair I ALWAYS ALWAYS read the bottle first! If you are 100% confident that she was the cause of this, then you should go speak to her about it and if you have your pics of your hair handy, I would bring those too.

foxybronx said:
Thanks for the sympathy and kind words everyone. I am 2 seconds from a breakdown. I try to tell myself that it is only hair..but i worked so hard to KEEP it. The pic is not my whole head it is just the bottom layer that broke..but compare it to this pic and you can see the difference. Should i cut that layer even? or start over completely?

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I'm sorry that this happened to you but look on the bright side - It is only the back layer. I think you can disguise the breakage with roller sets while your hair grows back. Roller sets can give the illusion of thickness - especially when you use large rollers. A few minor trims and your hair will be back in no time at all.

There is no need to cry. Your hair will grow back.
ITA w/ fashionslave,
Im a little upset at the crown breakage I got from waiting too long to relax and it snapping off, but the good part is its easy to diguise and its only a couple of tiny sections. bad part is its a little over an inch long so we are looking at a year to grown back! so on the bright side, at least it didnt break off at the new growth, that would be a serious setback!
Oh no Foxy.

Don't worry it will grow back. I agree with the ladies, do lots of treatments and trim gradually. If the breakage is too much then go for the trim.
Thanks Leslie,
I will do that..I wash my hair every three days anyway and i have plenty of protein conditioners. Thanks for the tip.
AJamericanDiva said:
Foxy, I spoke to ChoclatePrincess whose been going to that hairdresser for many years. This is what she had to say. She couldn't post the message herself as she just sent off her payment and hasn't been credited as yet.

From: ChoclatePrincess

Foxy I heard about your drama and I'm so so sorry to hear that and I am definitely crying with you. You know that I have gone to this beautician for over 10 years and have never had a problem. I just got a relaxer on Saturday and she washed my hair about 3 or 4 times. She did however after rinsing out the relaxer, put the conditioner in before using the neutralizer shampoo (which she has never done to me before) and then proceeded to wash again twice, then put conditioner (but no deep condition), rinsed, put Infusium and then rolled. I didn't realize that she was putting the conditioner before the neutralizer until it was on my hair and I smelled it (that's how I know what she's using without looking, by the smell) and it didn't smell like the neutralizer shampoo. I have never seen her only wash someone's hair once. She usually rinses the relaxer completely before putting any shampoo in. I don't doubt what your saying because I definitely see the difference in your hair. I just have a few questions, because I'm trying to understand how and why this happened to you...When did you first notice a change in your hair? You said you went three weeks ago, did you go back to get your hair washed again? Was this your first time using the Affirm relaxer? As Diva said, did you use anything different than your usual products in your hair during the 3 weeks after the relaxer or even before the relaxer?

Never be afraid to speak when someone is doing YOUR hair. Whenever someone is about to put something in my hair I ALWAYS ALWAYS read the bottle first! If you are 100% confident that she was the cause of this, then you should go speak to her about it and if you have your pics of your hair handy, I would bring those too.


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Hey chocolate,
I haven't tried anything new at all. I been doing the same ol, same ol, I didn't go back to her to get my hair washed, i washed it myself three days later. I noticed the change a couple of days ago (my hair looked see see thru, and FELT thinner..and i couldnt' get rid of this soft gummy feeling no matter how much protein i used. It wasn't til 2-3 days ago when i sectioned my hair did i notice the gaps where there used to be hair.

I been using affirm relaxer for years.

I would feel better if i thought i caused the damage, b/c then i would at least feel responsible and know that i caused my own grief. But i honestly can say that i haven't done anything new. You are right i will never keep quiet again.

Did she base your scalp? and i noticed she conditoned you after she shampooed..she refused to condition me after, i even offered her my humecto. She said i didn't need it. I'm a little hesistant to go back to her only because i feel that there is nothing that she can do to get my hair back that i can't do at home (protein treatments etc) you think i should go back?
msportugal said:
i feel your pain,
kind of did you neutralize again? might be too little too late but i wouldn't cut it. do a protien treatment followed by moisturizing conditioner. if you do cut it i would only cut the problem area & camoflague (sp?) it with the rest of your hair. but thats just me

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I neutralized my hair again, three days after i got my relaxer done. Thanks for your help ms portugal.
AFashionSlave said:
foxybronx said:
Thanks for the sympathy and kind words everyone. I am 2 seconds from a breakdown. I try to tell myself that it is only hair..but i worked so hard to KEEP it. The pic is not my whole head it is just the bottom layer that broke..but compare it to this pic and you can see the difference. Should i cut that layer even? or start over completely?

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I'm sorry that this happened to you but look on the bright side - It is only the back layer. I think you can disguise the breakage with roller sets while your hair grows back. Roller sets can give the illusion of thickness - especially when you use large rollers. A few minor trims and your hair will be back in no time at all.

There is no need to cry. Your hair will grow back. [/quote

Thanks for helping me remember the positives AFH, b/c i definitely needed to hear some. You are 100% right my hair will grow back
Foxy, I am so sorry aabout your hair. We all work so hard to get our hair to where we want it to be and then things like this happen. At least you have the supposr to fthe girls here. And you know how to treat and care for your hair so it will be back.

Definitely do not cut your hair to that brakage length. I would treat the breakage area like it was on a whole new head. This is what I did. The only problem I ran into was when the TOP portion of my hair started growing faster than the breakage and thus, I had to even out. But see how much growth you get before cutting up to the breakage.

leejure said:

Definitely do not cut your hair to that brakage length. I would treat the breakage area like it was on a whole new head. This is what I did. The only problem I ran into was when the TOP portion of my hair started growing faster than the breakage and thus, I had to even out. But see how much growth you get before cutting up to the breakage.


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I'm sooo sorry for your pain.
I made that mistake once and regret it everyday. I had breakage and just got frustrated and cut it ALL off, but didn't know about this site at the time.

Also, I went to the same salon years ago and the lady who did your hair has done my hair before, I never had a problem. I recommended her for my mother, who has super fine hair. My mother's hair looked great, but ended up on the floor. However, she has a lot of clients with super-long, and really healthy hair.

I think that some stylists are just not good with certain hair types.
I'm wondering if you should go overboard with the protein as you said not all of the hair is damaged... don't want the protein to cause any further breakage to the hair that isn't damaged... be sure to do a moisturizing treatment after each protein treatment.
Also, if you are sure Nancy is responsible for the breakage, I would go back to her and show her what the deal was... bring your pics to, even if you decide that you don't want her to give you any treatments and such.
How's your hair doing now, Foxy? Boy, that'll be the last time I refer a stylist for sure!

Supergirl gave feedback on a treatment she tried to stop breaking hair. I'll link the thread here.
Foxy, I'm just now getting back online and to the board...I am so sorry to hear that this happened to you! Please don't cut off all your hair. I would follow the suggestions of the other ladies, Nexxus Emergencee is great! Do a lot of protein and moisturizing treatments, and if necessary trim off only the damaged ends for those particular sections. Please update us soon
I'm so sorry to hear that this happened to you foxybronx. this same dilemma happened to me in the past, a new stylist did not rinse my nape area properly, my hair in the nape area fell out, and i was left with an inch.
stroll said:
don't cut it. First try to strengthen your hair...try a good protien treatment, followed up with a really good moisturizer... If all else fails. maybe cut your hair into layers... don't give up hope though....

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ITA It's not impossible to recover your hair. I've done it before while relaxed.
nicki6 said:
OMG...I am so sorry this happened!!
Keylargo is right...make no decision while you're upset.

But on another note, do you need backup to beat that stylist down?

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LOL I'm witcha!
foxybronx said:
AJamericanDiva said:
Foxy, I spoke to ChoclatePrincess whose been going to that hairdresser for many years. This is what she had to say. She couldn't post the message herself as she just sent off her payment and hasn't been credited as yet.

From: ChoclatePrincess

Foxy I heard about your drama and I'm so so sorry to hear that and I am definitely crying with you. You know that I have gone to this beautician for over 10 years and have never had a problem. I just got a relaxer on Saturday and she washed my hair about 3 or 4 times. She did however after rinsing out the relaxer, put the conditioner in before using the neutralizer shampoo (which she has never done to me before) and then proceeded to wash again twice, then put conditioner (but no deep condition), rinsed, put Infusium and then rolled. I didn't realize that she was putting the conditioner before the neutralizer until it was on my hair and I smelled it (that's how I know what she's using without looking, by the smell) and it didn't smell like the neutralizer shampoo. I have never seen her only wash someone's hair once. She usually rinses the relaxer completely before putting any shampoo in. I don't doubt what your saying because I definitely see the difference in your hair. I just have a few questions, because I'm trying to understand how and why this happened to you...When did you first notice a change in your hair? You said you went three weeks ago, did you go back to get your hair washed again? Was this your first time using the Affirm relaxer? As Diva said, did you use anything different than your usual products in your hair during the 3 weeks after the relaxer or even before the relaxer?

Never be afraid to speak when someone is doing YOUR hair. Whenever someone is about to put something in my hair I ALWAYS ALWAYS read the bottle first! If you are 100% confident that she was the cause of this, then you should go speak to her about it and if you have your pics of your hair handy, I would bring those too.


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Hey chocolate,
I haven't tried anything new at all. I been doing the same ol, same ol, I didn't go back to her to get my hair washed, i washed it myself three days later. I noticed the change a couple of days ago (my hair looked see see thru, and FELT thinner..and i couldnt' get rid of this soft gummy feeling no matter how much protein i used. It wasn't til 2-3 days ago when i sectioned my hair did i notice the gaps where there used to be hair.

I been using affirm relaxer for years.

I would feel better if i thought i caused the damage, b/c then i would at least feel responsible and know that i caused my own grief. But i honestly can say that i haven't done anything new. You are right i will never keep quiet again.

Did she base your scalp? and i noticed she conditoned you after she shampooed..she refused to condition me after, i even offered her my humecto. She said i didn't need it. I'm a little hesistant to go back to her only because i feel that there is nothing that she can do to get my hair back that i can't do at home (protein treatments etc) you think i should go back?

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She didn't base my scalp as she usually doesn't. She didn't give me a deep conditioner but she did put conditioner in my hair and then rinsed it out. Actually after rinsing out the relaxer she put conditioner before putting the neutralizing shampoo which really had and has me worried now that I see what happened to you. I know my relaxer is still fresh but my hair is a little too straight and very soft. I know that some women on the forum have done conditioning before neutralizing and have had great results but this is not the norm for me so I guess that's why I'm a little nervous now. I'm not going to worry about it until I see a whole bunch of hair coming out, which I haven't and it's been 2 weeks. Definitely go back there and talk to her about your hair and what's been happening. You don't necessarily have to let her do your hair but just make her aware of what happened.