Still using Boundess Tresses?

I rarely like scented products. I have mild allergies to a bunch of stuff so unless it's organic I usually have a headache followed by hours of sneezing. Anyway, I just my scented version and I love it! It smells like a baby to me, but not like baby powder exactly. Smells like clean happy baby. :babyg: I was sad that it was my "off day." I wanna wear that scent like perfume.
iCandey said:
i stopped bc of the bumps and the smell when it hit the sun, I have almost a full bottle, i think though there was some growth...

The same thing happened to me. I used it for about six weeks. I had some growth, but I just couldn't take the smell any longer. :nono: I had the scented BT, but like you, whenever the sun hit it there was an odd smell that I just couldn't take. Maybe my nose is sensitive to the smell of suphur.
Re: Still using Boundless Tresses?

I just placed my first order for some BT (unscented) thinking I could put a couple of drops of peppermint EO in the bottle.... Do you think that would be ok?

I'll be glad when it arrives 'cause I'm ready to grow some hair!:)
I must say that I never experienced any fast growth or inches, but BT filled my sides in about 2 months so I was Happy with That! But just remember it might not work for everyone and we all experience different, Just like a few of us are outside and the sun hit, we smell sulfur, but others don't, some get 1inch in a few weeks some might not get it until week 5. But it is okay if someone doesn't like BT or it doesn't work for them, There is good and bad in every product.

I know some people are afraid to say they don't like BT because they will get pounded on, But I say if it don't work Say so! I mean you don't have to be rude about it. I personally can't use it because I seem to get Headaches when I do, I tried using it as a grease, every other Day, once a week,Lightly LOL!!! I just came to Realize it is not for me. But the Proof is in the Pudding that it works for some but it won't work for all. But I have Passed that Bottle along and I am gonna order some for my Sister since she likes it and has no access to Computers LOL!!!!
Re: Still using Boundless Tresses?

RelaxerRehab said:
I just placed my first order for some BT (unscented) thinking I could put a couple of drops of peppermint EO in the bottle.... Do you think that would be ok?

I'll be glad when it arrives 'cause I'm ready to grow some hair!:)

That's the exact same thing I did with my unscented BT. I didn't add the Peppermint to cut the smell. I added it cuz I love the smell of peppermint and the tingles that I get:D And might I add that I am getting excellent results with Boundless Tresses:D :D :D

But yeah that should work:)
I just started back using it Sunday when I cornrowed my hair. I has stopped using it for a coupe of weeks because I had an allergic reaction to it on my neck. I had a bald spot in the front of my head were I had micros and it pulled the hair out. THAT SPOT HAS FILLED IN COMPLETELY:yay: ! So now I am not applying BT to my nape and there are no problems.
InsatiableMe said:
I already have my second bottle on standby though. :D

Ha Ha.. Girl I have five bottles on the way!!!! husband thinks I am crazy:lol: :lol: BT took care of the dry scalp issues I was having, the hair line filled in nicely ( weave accident) and I love the smell...
If I could I would stock up for years...:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
YEAH! NL just PM'd me to let me know my order is on its way! I'm about to stalk my mailman until my BT arrives. Hopefully customs doesn't hold it up at the border on its way to Canada.

Soon I'll be able to post my testimony!

Thanks NL!
I'm waiting on mine. I'm such a freak, I check my mailbox every chance I get.

How often are you relaxed ladies applying it? I wear my hair down most of the week, I was thinking I could apply it every 2 days very lightly to my scalp. Would I still get the growth benefits?
I got an email that she packed my order and sent it out today! *does cabbage patch*

I'm relaxed and plan to use it at night when I tie up my hair.
Because I plan on washing my hair 1-2 times/ week instead of the usual bi-weekly, I will probably "dot" mine on nightly. I had to apply it this morning because I went to bed not being able to wait for my wet set to dry. last night. This morning, I dotted it throughout the scalp paying special attention to the problem areas.

I will still apply it tonight. Night time is definately my best treatment time.
LondonDiva said:
If it's dripping you are using way way way too much. I apply the nozzle to my scalp and as soon as a lil drop is in the part I rub it in. I have no problems with skin irritations from it.

Maybe this was my issue. Some of it was touching my neck and forehead and sideburns. I will start applying it with my fingertips instead. Do you tie your hair up with a silk scarf and then what? I don't want my pillows soaked:(
autumnbeauty29 said:
Maybe this was my issue. Some of it was touching my neck and forehead and sideburns. I will start applying it with my fingertips instead. Do you tie your hair up with a silk scarf and then what? I don't want my pillows soaked:(

If you apply with fingertips and rub it in that means you're using it sparingly and probably won't have a saturated pillow. I stuck a straight pin in the tip of my bottle and it comes out just enough for me to dab and rub in.

I wrap my hair and put a bonnet on and for added protection, I put my pillow inside of an old t-shirt. I do this anyway to keep my face from breaking out. This way I can change the shirts every couple of days and wash the pillowcases with my linen every week.
Ok, Ive resolved the problem I had with my stylist about using Sulfur-based products but I need to know before I buy BT is it better than MTG?:)
Nice & Wavy said:
Well, for you ladies that are applying BT and its running down your forehead and neck, you are applying too much. Put some on your fingertips and massage your scalp with works just as well without all the running of the product down your face/neck area.

As far as the smell goes, I don't have that problem. I guess because I only use a very small amount (remember, a little goes a long way) I don't have that sulphur/bad smell some of you are talking about. Also, I use mine in the evening before I go to bed, so maybe also that works well because by the morning, the smell has dissapated.

I encourage you ladies to continue on with it if you are able to. The stuff works very well and I'm getting the best possible growth with it for sure.


True. I just got mine today and I applied a small amount to my finger tip then rubbed it into my scalp. If it's running down your back, it's too much! I really like the smell also, I got the scented version. It smells sorta like jasmine oil, I also like that the consistancy isn't oily like grease. I can feel how it would be absorbed into the skin.
Just wanted to shout out naturallady as I received my package in a BIG OLE box this morning! Very timely and professional!:) Glad to support Black business and have a QUALITY product!

I'll shout out the great results I expect to have!

ETA: just opened the bottle to smell it before putting it on and I don't smell ANYTHING so what are y'all talkin' 'bout? LOL!
i have a few questions for those that are using

do you get a tingling feeling on your scalp or have you had headaches? the 1st day i used it i had a headache and everytime after that certain areas of my head with start tingling.

secondly for those that have 4a/b hair does it make your hair drier? 1-1.5 cm from my hair line is 4a/b hair and it is prone to dryness already. i started putting BT around the area to help facilitate growth since it is short. in the am when i get up i noticed the area is dry even though i put some moisturizer on it before i went to bed. i only put BT on my scalp but when i rub it in it gets on the roots on my haor. since that hair is short it gets on the hair totally but it so dry now. is that common?
I have been using mine for about two months and I just ordered and received a bottle of the scented to go with my unscented. Initally, I was having problems with the scent-I could smell the sulfur and it was much worse when I worked out or was in the sun. I added some jasmin oil and problem solved. I was also seeing hair strands after using it, more than before. It has since stopped.

The good--My hair has really grown. I have Lupus and some times I get scalp sores and the BT seems to heal them and keep new ones from appearing (at least so far). Also, I had Lupus alopecia (bald spots), two for almost a year now with no hair growth. I applied the BT almost every day for the last two months to those spots and it has grown about an inch and a have. It is baby fine but there and growing. Finally, it is the first product that DH agrees has really made my hair grow. He encouraged me to by another bottle and told me it should be purchased just like my prescriptions.

Sorry so long but, I'm a believer!!!!
grnidmonster said:
I have been using mine for about two months and I just ordered and received a bottle of the scented to go with my unscented. Initally, I was having problems with the scent-I could smell the sulfur and it was much worse when I worked out or was in the sun. I added some jasmin oil and problem solved. I was also seeing hair strands after using it, more than before. It has since stopped.

The good--My hair has really grown. I have Lupus and some times I get scalp sores and the BT seems to heal them and keep new ones from appearing (at least so far). Also, I had Lupus alopecia (bald spots), two for almost a year now with no hair growth. I applied the BT almost every day for the last two months to those spots and it has grown about an inch and a have. It is baby fine but there and growing. Finally, it is the first product that DH agrees has really made my hair grow. He encouraged me to by another bottle and told me it should be purchased just like my prescriptions.

Sorry so long but, I'm a believer!!!!

Wat is a DH? Im bad with code words lol...reply plez
Hey guys I just got mine today and I wanted to know do any of u guys use with any othet products like oil and stuff is there any side effects with it well let me know and how long does it take to see results especially on edges??/
myztiquecleo said:
Hey guys I just got mine today and I wanted to know do any of u guys use with any othet products like oil and stuff is there any side effects with it well let me know and how long does it take to see results especially on edges??/

from what i understand you can use this with any product and according to the website it takes 4-6 weeks to see results

so far the only side effect i have had was a headache the 1st day i used and after that a tingling feeling on my scalp after using it

i am only using a small amt on my scalp everyday but my have to cut down a bit because someone told me they can smell a slight smell of sulfur. i can't tell but i figure because it is hot and my hair is rather thick and causes my scalp to sweats. don't ask me what i am going to do when i start going to the gym.
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