STILL struggling with DRY HAIR


New Member
When I was pressing
When I was natural
And now relaxed STILL DRY HAIR

I've clarified, tried protein treatments, tried condish with loads of moisture (supposedly), i try deep conditioning regularly, and nothing works I just dont get it
I moisturize every day, concentrate on my ends, and the next day its like i never did it
I baggy my head, but my hair only seems soft i think because its actually WET

Its like I cant achieve long term soft moisturized hair

Any suggestions???
I just relaxed with no-lye last Friday which makes things worst

Have you checked your porosity. Since you have been dealing with this with natural and relaxed hair, this might be something that has to do with your hairs nature. Some people have naturally more porous hair than others. If your hair is too porous, it will absorb alot of moisture but it will feel dry because it can't hold on to it. To help fix porous hair try acv rinses. I have porous hair and I have to keep a constant eye on it. I use porosity control conditioner every two weeks or so and I do a acv rinse nearly everyweek and it helps control it.

Check out Sistaslick's articles on it.
Have you checked your porosity. Since you have been dealing with this with natural and relaxed hair, this might be something that has to do with your hairs nature. Some people have naturally more porous hair than others. If your hair is too porous, it will absorb alot of moisture but it will feel dry because it can't hold on to it. To help fix porous hair try acv rinses. I have porous hair and I have to keep a constant eye on it. I use porosity control conditioner every two weeks or so and I do a acv rinse nearly everyweek and it helps control it.

Check out Sistaslick's articles on it.

I was going to suggest the same thing. read sistaslick's articles on porosity. You said you used no-lye have you ever tried using a chelating shampoo to remove the calcium deposits on the hair? This can help with the dryness.
I was going to suggest the same thing. read sistaslick's articles on porosity. You said you used no-lye have you ever tried using a chelating shampoo to remove the calcium deposits on the hair? This can help with the dryness.

Redken makes one. You can also get one from justabout any drugstore, its the ORS aloe shampoo, it chelates and neutralizes.
My big sis suggested the ORS shampoo; it works really well. I have found that using silk, wheat, and collagen for protein treatments work much better than when I was using other types. Porosity Control is excellent.

I am cosigning as this was an issue I no longer have resolved y following the advice given to you. I use a Phyto which is no-lye, and do not have a problem with dryness.
Okay so chelating shampoo (ors aloe something? oh wait i'll look again after i type this)

and Porosity control

this will be my next step

I think this will help because I remember my mother struggling with my dry hair my whole life
Remember to drink your water each day. 1/2 your weight in ounces of water daily moisturizes your hair from the inside out. :)
Have you checked your porosity. Since you have been dealing with this with natural and relaxed hair, this might be something that has to do with your hairs nature. Some people have naturally more porous hair than others. If your hair is too porous, it will absorb alot of moisture but it will feel dry because it can't hold on to it. To help fix porous hair try acv rinses. I have porous hair and I have to keep a constant eye on it. I use porosity control conditioner every two weeks or so and I do a acv rinse nearly everyweek and it helps control it.

Check out Sistaslick's articles on it.
Good tip, my hair is porous also...I always rinse in cold water and get conditioners with low acidity which helps to seal the cuticles. I do a deep condish then follow with a low ph rinse. Works great
Good tip, my hair is porous also...I always rinse in cold water and get conditioners with low acidity which helps to seal the cuticles. I do a deep condish then follow with a low ph rinse. Works great

What conditioners have you found that help?
*takes out notepad*
My hair has a tendacy to be really dry also. I've only found a handfull of products that really moisturize it. Everything else literally did nothing also.
Cream of nature shampoo, ORS pack, Carefree gold moisturizer. -----None of those moisturize your hair? Also, when i switched to a lye relaxer, me newgrowth was much softer, and i think that was a BIG reason why it was so dry.
My hair is porus also like the other ladies said, so i use ACV or Lemon juice and add some to a really cold cup of water, and use that as my final rinse after shampooing and conditioning to close my cuticles up.
I have the same problem so I have to check out the porosity control and acv rinse. But I just did an oil rinse for the first time and it is the bomb!!!!!!!! For the first time in forever two days later my hair doenst look like desert tumbleweed!!!!! Try it as well!!!
how did you do your oil rinse and with what?

I have the same problem so I have to check out the porosity control and acv rinse. But I just did an oil rinse for the first time and it is the bomb!!!!!!!! For the first time in forever two days later my hair doenst look like desert tumbleweed!!!!! Try it as well!!!
Redken makes one. You can also get one from justabout any drugstore, its the ORS aloe shampoo, it chelates and neutralizes.

I LOVE ORS aloe shampoo for when I need to clarify because it works and is not stripping. I'll be using this for my weekend wash just because I think it's time to clarify.
nexxus aloe rid is a good gentle one also. I like how the silk protein is moisturizez (Lacio Lacio). How are you drying your hair?

Not sure, but shouldn't protein help with porosity?

IMO: drinking water does not help with hair that is already out of your head. Hair is DEAD
Are chelating & clarifying the same thing? I can use my ORS Aloe Shampoo as my clarifier?

Nah, clarifying is the outside. Chelating is the inside and all of that.
I've been told Chelating and Decalfying(sp) were the same thing, and i think ORS Aloe says decalfying doesnt it?
I think this may definitely contribute as I drink almost ZERO water a day

The first step to achieving moisturized hair on the outside is to start internally. Drinking a lot of water will help. But also as everyone else stated, the ACV rinses help to close up the cuticle and deal with dryness. Also have you checked the ingredients in your products? If they have mineral oils they're just coating your hair. Maybe its specific ingredients that aren't working for you.

Do you pre-poo before washing? I had really dry hair but pre-poos helped me SO much. It also forms a barrier so that the shampoo isn't as drying.
The first step to achieving moisturized hair on the outside is to start internally. Drinking a lot of water will help. But also as everyone else stated, the ACV rinses help to close up the cuticle and deal with dryness. Also have you checked the ingredients in your products? If they have mineral oils they're just coating your hair. Maybe its specific ingredients that aren't working for you.

Do you pre-poo before washing? I had really dry hair but pre-poos helped me SO much. It also forms a barrier so that the shampoo isn't as drying.

I agree with the bolded. Maybe you just havent found the right combination of products.

I really hope you can find out whats making your hair so dry. Try drinking more water as suggested already, and taking a flaxseed oil capsule a couple times a day may help, too.:yep:
How can water help with dry hair? Please explain?

It can help with newgrowth since hair is formed inside. A person who drinks water versus someone who drinks none at all is going to have softer/more moisturized hair.

But im not sure if people are talking about hair that is already out or not.

Alot of people dont think that drinking water can effect hair that is already out of your scalp, i've heard a couple say that water like oil can come from the scalp to the hair
---one of those opinion things
How can water help with dry hair? Please explain?

I suggested drinking more water so that her new growth and hair that is going to grow won't be as dry as it is now. It can't do anything to the hair that is already out of her head, but the hair that will come out will be helped.
How can water help with dry hair? Please explain?

Drinking adequate water prevents dehydration. Your hair comes out of a hair follicle which is simply a sebacious / oil gland in your scalp. These glands are surrounded by tissue which provides nutrient filled blood to the oil glands and hair follicle. If you are dehydrated, your blood volume is lower and there is less blood to nourish the hair follicle. Less blood supply= hair doesn't get nourished and either DOES NOT GROW , DRIES UP, FALLS OUT OR BREAKS OFF.

When you are chronically dehydrated, your hair follicles can become chronically damaged and hair will not grow or grows very very slowly. Your body has a mechanism that takes whatever blood you have in your body and gives it to the most vital organ (brain and kidneys) first. Your hair is on the last list of recipients since it is not vital for life.

In regards to the lengths of your hair, these strands stay lubricated from the sebum/ oils that are produced by your own scalp. Water is vital for all of these functions to occur. It is our most vital lifeforce!

Good tip Isis!!! Everyone especially those with dry hair should drink as much water as possible.

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how can you actually tell you have porous hair? and does everyone have porous hair to a certain degree? i'm a little confused on this topic:perplexed
bumping because i am dealing with the same thing.

i understand how to test if your hair is porous, but i dont understand if the hair is porous (meaning it doesnt absorb moisture) why using protein is suggested rather than using a moisturizing DC?
What conditioners have you found that help?
*takes out notepad*
Oh, am I late or what!! LOL sorry GymF :spinning:- - Nexuss Ensure is the Bomb but it's difficult to find, I got my last batch on Ebay! I just used Joico Moisture Recovery Shampoo and Conditoner its wonderful!! The pH is 3.5 to 4.5. My hair LOVES low pH stuff, it shines like new money when I use them.
Drinking adequate water prevents dehydration. Your hair comes out of a hair follicle which is simply a sebacious / oil gland in your scalp. These glands are surrounded by tissue which provides nutrient filled blood to the oil glands and hair follicle. If you are dehydrated, your blood volume is lower and there is less blood to nourish the hair follicle. Less blood supply= hair doesn't get nourished and either DOES NOT GROW , DRIES UP, FALLS OUT OR BREAKS OFF.

When you are chronically dehydrated, your hair follicles can become chronically damaged and hair will not grow or grows very very slowly. Your body has a mechanism that takes whatever blood you have in your body and gives it to the most vital organ (brain and kidneys) first. Your hair is on the last list of recipients since it is not vital for life.

In regards to the lengths of your hair, these strands stay lubricated from the sebum/ oils that are produced by your own scalp. Water is vital for all of these functions to occur. It is our most vital lifeforce!

Good tip Isis!!! Everyone especially those with dry hair should drink as much water as possible.

I need to tape this to my computer monitor when I'm at work because that's when I forget to drink my water!!! This makes perfect sense!!! Drink your water ladies!!