STILL struggling with DRY HAIR


How to Treat Damage to the Hair Caused by Household Water

It is thought that rinsing the hair in rain water which has been filtered a few times through a coffee filter, is a good solution. Instead of using hard water, you are using natural water which has been filtered of all its chemicals.

Another remedy you could use is if you live in a place where the water is extremely hard, you could rinse the hair with either vinegar or lemon juice. Obviously lemon juice will smell better, but generally vinegar is very good for solving many hair problems.

Here is the one I plan to get unless Lowe's has a better one:
are you sealing after moisturizing? if so, how? I don't think I have mastered sealing my ends properly yet.

I'm still having this problemn myself. This is what I did last night:

Pre-poo'd dry hair with conditioner
Sat under medium heat dryer for 25 minutes
Rinsed with cool water
sat under cool dryer to dry hair
applied moisturizer to hair, saturating my ends
put on a bonnet and went to bed

Results this morning when I woke up:
my 12-week post ng is very soft
my ends are dry like desert weeds :perplexed

I don't think I have the sealing method down yet. I just don't get it. Can someone please instruct me when and how to moisturizer & seal properly?

Do I seal only on wash days or each time I moisturize? If I seal after I wash, condition and moisturize the next time I put moisturizer on my hair, it's not going to do anything because the cuticle is closed, correct? I don't care, call me slow because I just don't get it.
My guess would be that you need a hot oil treatment. I would prepoo my hair with Amla oil or oilive oil. :yep: Your hair is probably overprocessed.
You know, I read this thread with interest because I feel like I have really dry hair, but I'm not sure if some of the solutions listed here are appropriate for me: I'm natural and I don't feel my hair is porous, it takes FOREVER to dry but I have had a terribly hard time finding a moisturizer that works for my hair. I do think my most problematic area with dryness are my ends which are colortreated, so maybe when and if I chop those it won't be so tough to manage my moisture level. :sad: