

Well-Known Member
I know we discuss this often, but let’s actually have a lesson on Stewardship. I know it’s extremely important to pay your tithes, but you have to be wise about it. Paying tithes is a struggle it’s easier to pay a bill then to pay your tithes because you can see where the money is going, and tithes you can't and so sometimes you question it, and in some cases, your tithes can be the biggest bill you have, it is for me currently. But since I pay faithfully, I am never ever broke.

But I digress. I pay my tithes to my church because I know where it all goes, I trust my church, and I also send money for other things that go on in the church. I wasn't as faithful until I started working in treasury and I can see that people actually tithe everything. Everything they have down to the penny. We still have that discussion do you pay gross or net, most pay gross. They pay tithes on gifts on just about everything and I am amazed at their hearts. Some even choose to live on 10% and give the lord the rest. AMEN. So I started really listening, I always paid tithes but not as faithful and not on everything. I paid on my income but not if I got extra money, I now know better.

So this is a lesson I am studying called stewardship. I hope it will help anyone else that is having some doubts and concerns about tithes. It’s really not about money it’s about trusting in God completely. Oh and to add you should be getting a receipt of your tithes at the end of the year. If your not I would have some serious concerns about that. I also pay my tithes online I do so because it is the very first thing I do when I get paid, no waiting holding on to nothing, its done. I pay with a check, because its cheaper for the church and sometimes I pay with my card and add the fee that it cost my church, its no fee to me, but they pay a fee and so I pay it Glady. It’s a burden off of me to pay my tithes right away.

Study: Stewardship (St)

Intent of Study: Everything belongs to God; as stewards we are responsible to Him.

Focus It: Jesus Christ gave all and wants us to be closer to Him through our willingness to be faithful with what He has given.

Know It Mark It:

1. Deuteronomy 10:14

2. Genesis 1:26

3. Malachi 3:8-10

4. Nehemiah 10:37,38

5. Luke 21:1-4

6. Deuteronomy 8:18

7. Mark 10:17-30

8. Luke 14:37

9. Luke 5:27-29

10. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

11. John 5:39

12. Matthew 28:18-20

13. James 1:27

14. Matthew 25:34-36

15. Romans 12:4-11

16. Romans 12:1-2

17. Romans 14:8

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In studying about Stewardship there is a VERY important principle we must establish first:

1. Deuteronomy 10:14 - everything belongs to God

Who usually decides what happens in a home or a business? the owner.

What is a steward? A person who manages another’s property or financial affairs.

A person who has many possessions usually puts someone in charge of those possessions. We just saw that God is the owner of ALL. Let’s see who He puts in charge of all His possessions . . .

2. Genesis 1:26 - Here God assigned Adam as the steward of everything on this earth. Adam represents mankind here. We are stewards of God. Everything we own, even our lives belong to Him.

Let’s see what God requires for us to do with what He has entrusted to us . . .


3. Malachi 3:8-10 - What was God expecting them to bring? tithe and offering.

What is a tithe? It is the tenth or 10% of our earnings.

Is that all God asks from us? No, He also asks for an offering. Free will gift of thanksgiving beyond the tithe.

What does He consider those who do not give Him tithe and offering? Robbers/thief

In other words this is considered as breaking one of God’s commandment. Thou shall not steal.

Where does it say to bring the tithe? Into the storehouse. Where is the storehouse? Is it a room in my house? Could it be a savings account in the bank? Like good students of the Bible, let’s see what the Bible says . . .

4. Nehemiah 10:37,38 - to the house of our God, God’s house=church

Some may say, well I can’t trust the church. So, I keep it and give it to the poor and needy myself. Well, let’s see what Jesus says about giving to a church that can not be trusted . . .

5. Luke 21:1-4 - Jesus knows that the church was in apostasy, they were even plotting to kill Him. So, when He sees this, He quickly says: “NO, don’t give your money to the church, don’t you know they are going to misuse it? Is that what He said? NO. Instead, Jesus commends her for giving despite the condition of the church.

Some may say, well you know it is my money it really isn’t God’s because I’m the one that works to earn it. If I don’t go to work, no money comes. So, it’s mine! Let’s see what the Bible says about that . . .

6. Deuteronomy 8:18 - Who gives you even the strength to work? God. You wouldn’t even be alive if it wasn’t for Him.

Let us look at a story that will help us understand clearer this concept of stewardship . . .

7. Mark 10:17-30

vs. 17-23 - What a sad story!!

What did this young man have? great possessions

How many of those possessions does he own now? None of them.

How much did he gain by keeping these possessions? Nothing

How much did he loose? EVERYTHING

Jesus says “How hardly . . .” This left the disciples surprised. And Jesus went on . . .

vs. 24-25 - Here Jesus illustrates this concept by using a camel-one of the largest land animals in Palestine and the eye of a needle - one of the smallest openings known to the Jews of the day. Here he presents an IMPOSSIBILITY! This left the disciples confused . . .

Basically Jesus is saying it is IMPOSSIBLE for a rich man to make it to heaven. But, this presents a problem in the disciples minds, and in ours . . . what about Abraham, Job, David, they all had great possessions and from the Bible account we can deduct that the will be in heaven. Praise the Lord Jesus didn’t leave the disciples confused, let us continue reading to see what He says . . .

vs. 26-27 - “With man it is impossible” - it is impossible for a man who has riches to make it to heaven, but then it says . . .

“but not with God; for with God all things are possible” - if a man surrenders all His riches to God, then the man as well as the riches are with God and with God all things are possible”

While we are holding on to the riches, it is impossible for us to make it to heaven, but once we surrender it all to God, then the way is clear for us. When you surrender it all to Him, then you are leaving it to Him to decide to do with it. It is God’s greatest desire that you are in heaven, so if He sees that the riches will keep you from being saved, He will take them from you.

vs. 28-30

What is the promise He give to those who leave all?

How much did God give for us? ALL

8. Luke 14:37 (Matthew 10:37) - God asks us to give it all

9. Luke 5:27-29 - How much did the Levi left? ALL

But, it goes on to say that after that the Levi made him a great east in his house. If he left all, how does he still have a house and how is he able to give a feast?

To leave/give all means to surrender it all to God. In other words, you are willing and ready to give any or all of it at any time God asks of you.

When He ask us to give it all, what is He asking us to do? to be like Him.

We established at the beginning that how much belongs to God? EVERYTHING! Not just money, everything! When we talk about stewardship we usually think of money, but God wants us to be good stewards of ALL that He has given us.

Money - some have much, some have little

But there is something God gave us that we all have the same amount of, what is that? TIME. Time is one of God’s greatest gift! Let’s look at some principles in the Bible of what God expects us to do with our time . . .


10. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 - pray without ceasing

11. John 5:39 - search the scriptures

12. Matthew 28:18-20 - we are to take part in the work of spreading the gospel.

13. James 1:27 - ministering to people in need

14. Matthew 25:34-36 - ministering to people in need

Some may say, well I just don’t have time! But, we all have the same amount of time, it is all about how we use the time that we have.


15. Romans 12:4-11 - dedicate your talents to God by using them in the work of the church

Our Bodies

16. Romans 12:1-2 - give our bodies a living sacrifice. God expects us to be good stewards of our bodies by adopting good lifestyle habits.


17. Romans 14:8 - live for the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:31 whatever you do, do all to the glory of God)

Simple Questions and Simple Answers:

1. Q: I can’t afford to pay tithe

1.A: You can’t afford not to.

1.Malachi 3:8-10, Deuteronomy 8:18, Luke 21:1-4, Matthew 6:24-34

2. Q: The New Testament does not require tithe

2.A: Matthew 23:23, Luke 20:25


3. Q: I don’t trust the church

3.A: Matthew 6:21

3.Luke 21:1-4 - Jesus commends her for giving her all even though the church was plotting to kill Jesus, He still said give to this church


4. Q: Can I pay tithe anywhere?

4.A: Malachi 3:8-10 w/ 1 Timothy 3:15

4.1 Corinthians 9:9,14 - return your tithe to the church so that the workers can get paid


5. Q: Can I pay back tithe?

5.A: Leviticus 27:31

Great thread...marking my spot.

The last Scripture mom had to explain to me and eventually I allowed the Word to sink in... adding 1/5... with Five being the number for Grace. Some people give their tithes once a quarter, others once a month, etc..., not per paycheck... this should be interesting...

:yep: Be back...
I glanced over this and will go back and study it fully, but I like what is being said bc I realized that since I started giving this year it comes back to me in some way or form. I NEVER have to worry about money because I trust in the Lord and I know He got my back because of the things I do.