Staying out of the OT and ENT forum

You have to sit down and pray about it, and ask God to reveal it to you.

For example, if you went into one of the ET threads and there were pics of celebs looking absolutely flawless, in perfect makeup, hair jewelry, and clothing, it could make you feel insecure about yourself. BUT, you have to also remember, these are professional shots, many celebs have had cosmetic work done, they have professional makeup artists, personal trainers, chefs, stylists, etc. Therefore, even though they may/may not have natural beauty, they all also have lots of help! But if it affected you like this (not sure if it does), then staying away may be best for you.

Or if you were in OT and a topic say about race/interracial dating/color-complex came up, and you were sensitive about one of these topics (since all of these are favorites in there), then staying out of those threads, or any threads that add to your insecurity, would be a good idea:)

You're right about staying out of certain threads...but you know curiosity killed the cat:)

I wouldnt say that the threads made me feel insecure. I think the feeling is more of disappointment, if that makes sense. I'll keep praying about it. And for now I think I will take a break from those boards. Thanks for your help though
I was just browsing through and for the person who said that you are sometimes looking for a Christian perspective when asking questions, have you ever thought of going to an actual Christian board? I'm sure there are plenty if you google, just like any board that is geared to a certain topic or whatnot. Kind of like how you can google black hair and this board and several others come up.:)

Gee whiz, I thought this was an actual Christian forum....:look: :lol:

Just teasing you...(((hugs))) ;). I know what you meant. But it's good to have this Christianity forum here at this site for many, many reasons whether we are accepted or not; understood or not. Because you never know who's watching and is being ministered to. You never know another's person's heartache and how they may be saved from further hurt/harm just by coming into this forum.

I find much 'comfort' knowing the Lord is 'Here' in this place. Hair can't do it all for me. It's like a full service salon. Hair, Health, Fitness, Beauty, Current Events, and Prayer all in one area.....'Here'. ;)
I just wanted to say Thank you to all of my (Christians) ladies. I am still a new Christian and I lurk a lot. When i go into other threads and see some of the topics and discussions I am floored.

But what makes me glow inside is the fact that my Christians ladies hold it down with the truth. I know you have to be careful when you read certain material, but the responses and the information you ladies give helps me as new Christian understand how to handle these types of questions in my mind and other peoples mind.

And in some threads it seems like some of the Christian ladies are the minority but to me they are the majority.

I hope that you ladies never stop what you are doing; you have helped me and so many people with your knowledge and love of GOD.

I too stay out of those forums for a lot of the reasons mentioned. We as Christians should not involve ourselves in things God hates (Gossip, lust, fornication, etc.) We have to avoid the very appearance of evil and sometimes popping your head in Beyonce' thread can appear "worldy."

Bubblin, what you said doesn't surprise me at all. So many Christians want to be "seeker friendly" and go the extra mile so that the world "likes them" and so they don't "offend" anyone. But our very being offends them because they have not the Spirit of God. Jesus said we would be hated for His Name's sake and it's so true. Non-Christians are always calling Christians judgemental. Well that itself is a judgemental statement now isn't it?:lol: They say we're judgemental, and self righteous. Well I'm not self righteous, but I am the righteousness of Christ!:) Apart from Him I am nobody, nothing, but in Him I can do all things.

The fact of the matter is, they say those things about us because our lives and our testimonies convict them. They say we're condemning, but John 3:18 says they're condemned already by their sin. Jesus called us Salt and Light. Light exposes what's done in the darkness. Salt adds flavor, but it also heals wounds. When you put salt in a wound it irritates it. Now you know why atheists are so irritated by us:lol: It's because Jesus wants to use us to heal their wounded souls but it burns and irritates as it exposes and attempts to purge the sin from them.

So take heart, live for Christ and don't be ashamed of the Gospel. Don't appologize for the hope that is in you, just because it offends a sinner. It's not us that's offending them, It's God's Word. It's not us that's judging them, God has already judged the sin in their lives. We didn't write it. We're not self righteous, it's the righteousness of Christ in us that exposes their very own self righteousness which is as filthy rags to God.

Christians need to stop being spinless, limp wristed, compromising weaklings and be BOLD for Christ! People need to be loved yes, but sometimes love hurts, and stings, but it's the truth, and it's the truth that will set them free, not fluffy froo froo words that tickle their ears and silence their conscience. It's the Holy Spirit calling to them through us. Exposing the devil, stripping him bear and showing him for who he really is. It's time we stop playing babysitter and making light of sin, and time we put on the full armour of God and fight the good fight of faith. Notagainst flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in high places!

I said AAAAALLLLLLL that:lol: to say, yes I feel the same way about the OT and ENT board.:look:

Very well said sistah!!!!1:D

I have also been disappointed by the some of the responses I read about in those other forums. I have also decided to reduce my lurking on them. I am not a new christian but I can see how spending a lot of time there would cause some sort of struggle? dismay?:look:
I just wanted to say Thank you to all of my (Christians) ladies. I am still a new Christian and I lurk a lot. When i go into other threads and see some of the topics and discussions I am floored.

But what makes me glow inside is the fact that my Christians ladies hold it down with the truth. I know you have to be careful when you read certain material, but the responses and the information you ladies give helps me as new Christian understand how to handle these types of questions in my mind and other peoples mind.

And in some threads it seems like some of the Christian ladies are the minority but to me
they are the majority

I hope that you ladies never stop what you are doing; you have helped me and so many people with your knowledge and love of GOD.


Yes we are, more ways then one....bless you!
I too stay out of those forums for a lot of the reasons mentioned. We as Christians should not involve ourselves in things God hates (Gossip, lust, fornication, etc.) We have to avoid the very appearance of evil and sometimes popping your head in Beyonce' thread can appear "worldy."

Bubblin, what you said doesn't surprise me at all. So many Christians want to be "seeker friendly" and go the extra mile so that the world "likes them" and so they don't "offend" anyone. But our very being offends them because they have not the Spirit of God. Jesus said we would be hated for His Name's sake and it's so true. Non-Christians are always calling Christians judgemental. Well that itself is a judgemental statement now isn't it?:lol: They say we're judgemental, and self righteous. Well I'm not self righteous, but I am the righteousness of Christ!:) Apart from Him I am nobody, nothing, but in Him I can do all things.

The fact of the matter is, they say those things about us because our lives and our testimonies convict them. They say we're condemning, but John 3:18 says they're condemned already by their sin. Jesus called us Salt and Light. Light exposes what's done in the darkness. Salt adds flavor, but it also heals wounds. When you put salt in a wound it irritates it. Now you know why atheists are so irritated by us:lol: It's because Jesus wants to use us to heal their wounded souls but it burns and irritates as it exposes and attempts to purge the sin from them.

So take heart, live for Christ and don't be ashamed of the Gospel. Don't appologize for the hope that is in you, just because it offends a sinner. It's not us that's offending them, It's God's Word. It's not us that's judging them, God has already judged the sin in their lives. We didn't write it. We're not self righteous, it's the righteousness of Christ in us that exposes their very own self righteousness which is as filthy rags to God.

Christians need to stop being spinless, limp wristed, compromising weaklings and be BOLD for Christ! People need to be loved yes, but sometimes love hurts, and stings, but it's the truth, and it's the truth that will set them free, not fluffy froo froo words that tickle their ears and silence their conscience. It's the Holy Spirit calling to them through us. Exposing the devil, stripping him bear and showing him for who he really is. It's time we stop playing babysitter and making light of sin, and time we put on the full armour of God and fight the good fight of faith. Notagainst flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in high places!

I said AAAAALLLLLLL that:lol: to say, yes I feel the same way about the OT and ENT board.:look:

Kbragg, you know, I will be the first to admit, I sometimes sugar coat, not because I want to be liked but because I don't want to offend. You are so right though in all you mentioned and I am thankful for the way your post ministered to me. I am certainly in construction right now.
I as well have felt the same way often about the OT & Ent forums. Some of the things discussed and the advice are often a direct contradiction of what is in my spirit. I am more so of a lurker one way or the other but I also find that some of the Christians who post in those forums minister to me in the midst of all of the craziness.
I am one who definitely stays away from drama so the titles of threads and content of threads often give me excuse to stay away. I would say go with your spirit. What the spirit may be telling you may not be leading sister such and such to do...just yet. Just be thankful that the Holy Spirit has you in check in such a way that it convicts you just for clicking on the wrong link:lol:
I love this forum! The good, the bad and the ugly
I too stay out of those forums for a lot of the reasons mentioned. We as Christians should not involve ourselves in things God hates (Gossip, lust, fornication, etc.) We have to avoid the very appearance of evil and sometimes popping your head in Beyonce' thread can appear "worldy."

Bubblin, what you said doesn't surprise me at all. So many Christians want to be "seeker friendly" and go the extra mile so that the world "likes them" and so they don't "offend" anyone. But our very being offends them because they have not the Spirit of God. Jesus said we would be hated for His Name's sake and it's so true. Non-Christians are always calling Christians judgemental. Well that itself is a judgemental statement now isn't it?:lol: They say we're judgemental, and self righteous. Well I'm not self righteous, but I am the righteousness of Christ!:) Apart from Him I am nobody, nothing, but in Him I can do all things.

The fact of the matter is, they say those things about us because our lives and our testimonies convict them. They say we're condemning, but John 3:18 says they're condemned already by their sin. Jesus called us Salt and Light. Light exposes what's done in the darkness. Salt adds flavor, but it also heals wounds. When you put salt in a wound it irritates it. Now you know why atheists are so irritated by us:lol: It's because Jesus wants to use us to heal their wounded souls but it burns and irritates as it exposes and attempts to purge the sin from them.

So take heart, live for Christ and don't be ashamed of the Gospel. Don't appologize for the hope that is in you, just because it offends a sinner. It's not us that's offending them, It's God's Word. It's not us that's judging them, God has already judged the sin in their lives. We didn't write it. We're not self righteous, it's the righteousness of Christ in us that exposes their very own self righteousness which is as filthy rags to God.

Christians need to stop being spinless, limp wristed, compromising weaklings and be BOLD for Christ! People need to be loved yes, but sometimes love hurts, and stings, but it's the truth, and it's the truth that will set them free, not fluffy froo froo words that tickle their ears and silence their conscience. It's the Holy Spirit calling to them through us. Exposing the devil, stripping him bear and showing him for who he really is. It's time we stop playing babysitter and making light of sin, and time we put on the full armour of God and fight the good fight of faith. Notagainst flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in high places!

I said AAAAALLLLLLL that:lol: to say, yes I feel the same way about the OT and ENT board.:look:

Wow. Thanks for posting this. I just got my dose of reality in an LSA thread talking about Hollywood. The music, movie,tv biz. But I am believing Romans 12:1 to "not be conformed to this world....". So, the many of the ET threads do that. I am seeing now how we put celebrities on such a high pedestal and I don't like that. Also the scripture to be in the world but not of it comes to mind.:yep:
I as well have felt the same way often about the OT & Ent forums. Some of the things discussed and the advice are often a direct contradiction of what is in my spirit. I am more so of a lurker one way or the other but I also find that some of the Christians who post in those forums minister to me in the midst of all of the craziness.
I am one who definitely stays away from drama so the titles of threads and content of threads often give me excuse to stay away. I would say go with your spirit. What the spirit may be telling you may not be leading sister such and such to do...just yet. Just be thankful that the Holy Spirit has you in check in such a way that it convicts you just for clicking on the wrong link:lol:
I love this forum! The good, the bad and the ugly

I find that happening alot. Like when I used exercise, not that long ago and try to listen to a song, sometimes it was like an internal battle. Like, I'm like, "I like this song but I couldn't listen to it." But a couple of times I was rebellious and did but I thank God he hasn't given up on me.
I went into the off topic forum last night and I was reading a thread that was started by a newbie I believe. The thread got really ugly and as I was reading it the Lord spoke to me and said that he was not pleased with it. This morning the holy ghost let me know to stay out of that forum. I know that everyone is at differnt places in their walk with God but I just asked God to do a work in me so I guess he was letting me know that I should not allow any and everything into my spirit right now.
I think you have to pick what you read in the OT forum and what you don't. I think some of the topics are ok and I do respond to them.

It's a personal decision for all.

i also pick and read what i call safe topic and try to not open threads
that will grieve the Holy Spirit.
i know when i should stay away from a thread because i get this very uncomfortable feeling that almost wells up in me:nono:
and at the same time some topic are very informative, and long as
i'am not entertaining things that go againts the Word of God .