statement from Cathy Howse's site


New Member
Forgive me if this has been posted, but I was just reading some of her hair tips, and I saw this...

"64. You probably have heard about Hair Formula 37 vitamins that contain vitamins and proteins for the hair. I know you mentioned in your book about the importance of supplements for the hair, but this product contains 4200 mg of proteins (amino acids) for the hair. Have you heard of this product? If so, what do you think about that many mg of proteins?

Pamela, internal applications of protein have very little affect on the hair. The application of protein has to be applied to the outside of the hair in order for it to strengthen it. I experimented with this when I did my research. Ingesting large amounts of protein causes the body to speed up to process the extra protein. The brains uses glucose to feed off. When the body speeds up to process the additional protein, the brain is left with very little. You starve the brain of its only nourishment thereby causing you to have headaches and increased girth (in the midsection) when too much protein is taken without reducing carbohydrates.

On using this product for the vitamins, you be the judge, if it contains the recommended ones I stated in my book they are probably okay. I just would get rid of anything with protein in it that suggest it should be taken internally to make the hair stronger."

Has anybody read this and stopped taking certain vitamins because of it? Has anyone done research on this? I'm just curious. I have noticed that I've had more headaches than normal lately and my midsection is getting a little thick...could just be from all these sandwiches I eat :lol:...but that particular question and answer just peaked my interest.
I can comment based on my own personal experience in the weight loss field vs just Cathy Howse's comments. It is true that if you DO NOT reduce DRASTICALLY the amount of carbs when incorporating a large amount of protein (esp. heavy proteins like beef and pork) you will GAIN weight. No question about that. Now, in terms of eating more healthy proteins I can't see this having any negative effect on the hair.
Catina72 said:
I can comment based on my own personal experience in the weight loss field vs just Cathy Howse's comments. It is true that if you DO NOT reduce DRASTICALLY the amount of carbs when incorporating a large amount of protein (esp. heavy proteins like beef and pork) you will GAIN weight. No question about that. Now, in terms of eating more healthy proteins I can't see this having any negative effect on the hair.

I have been saying that since the day is long. I feel like a broken record saying this but the body has a limited storage for protein. All extras are stored as fat. Scientific Nutritionist did not make up the Food Guide Pyramid for nothing!

I would rather put the protein on my hair to get the benefits. A fat body is not worth it.
LocksOfLuV said:
I have been saying that since the day is long. I feel like a broken record saying this but the body has a limited storage for protein. All extras are stored as fat. Scientific Nutritionist did not make up the Food Guide Pyramid for nothing!

I would rather put the protein on my hair to get the benefits. A fat body is not worth it.

yep.. what she said.;)
To each her own. I've actually been losing weight since I increased my protein consumption. I find it naturally decreases carbohydrate craving for me. :ohwell: I guess we should each do what works best for our bodies and hair.
Actually, the amount of weight gained or lossed is dependant on the type of protien consumption and the amount of daily calories/macronutrients ingested.

So thats just to say what will work for one, may or maynot work for the other. Protien/nutrient intact is very unique for everyone and not exactly one size fits all.

I'm not a protien or nutrition expert (I do however live with one:lol: ) so can only say what I do know for fact. He gets into much more detail than I ever would.

Catina72 said:
I can comment based on my own personal experience in the weight loss field vs just Cathy Howse's comments. It is true that if you DO NOT reduce DRASTICALLY the amount of carbs when incorporating a large amount of protein (esp. heavy proteins like beef and pork) you will GAIN weight. No question about that. Now, in terms of eating more healthy proteins I can't see this having any negative effect on the hair.

Didn't know that, but thanks for posting this. I'm not taking HF37 nor am I considering it, but I was just wondering if maybe some other vits I was taking had this kind of protein in it. Or maybe 30 is just creeping up on me and the weight is sticking...:perplexed I definitely want to increase my protein intake because I do not eat meat, and all of this is good information for me to know. Definitely something worth researching.
Arcadian said:
Actually, the amount of weight gained or lossed is dependant on the type of protien consumption and the amount of daily calories/macronutrients ingested.

So thats just to say what will work for one, may or maynot work for the other. Protien/nutrient intact is very unique for everyone and not exactly one size fits all.

I'm not a protien or nutrition expert (I do however live with one:lol: ) so can only say what I do know for fact. He gets into much more detail than I ever would.


I must admit my overall calorie consumption has fallen since I started, but that's mainly because it kills my appetite.
sareca said:
I must admit my overall calorie consumption has fallen since I started, but that's mainly because it kills my appetite.

Yeah, protien does have that affect which is a definite benefit. I personally prefer a higher protien diet because it enables me my glucose levels to stay steady through the day. The more carbs I eat, the more I seesaw all over the place...the more I eat too!

To keep the hypoglycemia in check I eat low carb/high protien... just works best for me.

For some that wouldn't work longterm but for me, its been my mainstay and keeps me sane. also keeps my blood sugar around 80 (normal for me).

SO can't totally understand it, I told him I'm one of those that sits outside of his unified nutrition theory;) Even with a unified theory there's got to be some that fall outside of the umbrella!

But back on track, I never noticed my hair coming in stronger because of protien consumption. I DO notice that my hair is stronger because I use protien on my hair though...but, who knows? maybe they can work in tandem????

When I step up my workouts (especially adding lots of cardio) I do get a big hair growth boost.

But the exercise part is like a whole other animal:lol:

High carb diets affects my mental clarity, makes me crave more carbs, then makes me lethargic when I have them. :huh: Somehow I always gradually return to eating high carbs and wondering why I don't feel right. *sigh* I didn't notice it doing a thing for my hair either.
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