Starting a relationship at the wrong time.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I tend to ramble but I'm going to try to be as brief as possible on this! So, to update my life story, I joined the navy, dumped the no good loser I had been dating from college, and have been living my life, happy, not stress free or perfect, but for the most part growing to love myself. Yayy. Had a couple disappointments here and there during school but nothing bad enough to throw me in the dumps again. Well, I graduated school, and come around base every now and then to hang out with the friends I made there (I'm a reservist). Should be focusing on getting a JOB, but a girl needs to relax every now and then. So, during one of my excursions I ended up some way somehow talking to one of my friend's friends.

Didn't have any plans for him at first, he was just one of those things that happen and I don't know why, but then...he seemed to start getting a little more interested in me than I had in mind, and next thing you know, we're 'together'. To be honest, all my relationships have been crappy, and this is the absolute nicest guy I've ever met. He's a big change; he's someone my age (I usually go older) who's in the navy (I usually go dead-beats) and outside of my race (I usually go black) and actually treats me like a human being (I never said I had good judgement). We don't get to spend a lot of time together, but when we do, I'm actually happy, he seems pretty darn happy, and I have to push him to study when he wants to spend more time with me. I'm just surprised that I'm actually in a good relationship - this has never happened before!

The main problem is, almost exactly two months from today, he goes to the other side of the continent for three years.


My worst fear here is that I'm going to get attached (it doesn't take me long) and it's going to break me when he leaves. Or that I'll never find another guy like that again. I'm a virgo and he's a cancer. It's perfect! Lol. But anyways, ladies what do you do in this situation? We had a brief talk about it and all he could say was 'we'll work it out. You can come visit me.' Uh...who 'visits' from across the continent? Not a likely thing. I'm wondering, should I erect the brick wall of the friend zone? Should I ride it out and be tough about it? CAN it be worked out?
I think you should just take it for what it is and enjoy it while it lasts. If it were me in the situation I would just look at him as a break from losers and proof that I can attract a good man. Long distance relationships are a no for me and even if I were to consider one, him being away for 3 yrs is a def no.
Just assess what your limits are.