staring at stranger's hair


New Member
lately Ive just been staring at women's hair... especially those naturals or who wear dreds...

Ive even contemplated snapping pictures of strangers just to post on LHCF...

One lady caught me staring at her hair & gave me a look that made me think she either thought I was some sort of pervert or weirdo or something...

some of the women, like the one I saw at the rest stop on RT 95 yesterday... hair in possibly the worst condition Ive ever seen........I tried not to look until she turned around... she was irritated, as was I, with the traffic so I didnt bother trying to tell her about healthy hair choices or LHCF

but then I saw the elderly lady.. with the prettiest shiniest 3 A/B/C TWA all in silver... I just wanted take pics of her...

then later yesterday I took my daughter to her pediatrician who I KNOW has to be a current or former LHCF member ( Hi Dr Vera Brown) ... I was too chicken to ask but she had her hair pulled back into a BSL single braid... but she is 100% natural about 2C/3A mix...maybe 3B too... but her hair had that shine that Ive only seen with Henna... we have another appt at the end of the month, Im gonna ask her can I take pics of her hair

I feel so odd now, seems like when I see people now I look at their hair first... I dont remember doing that before
I have always been a starer. I love buns and ever since I was in elementary school I would stare at womens buns (HAIR!!!!:lachen:). Even my cell phone wallpaper is a picture of my own bun. I think I stare because I admire but I try my best not to look too long or be too obvious so that the other person wont think I'm attracted to them when in fact I only like them for their hair :yep:. I have also been staring at locks lately. OMG there is this lady that lives 2 blocks down from me and she has long thick dreads that she dyed brown....wooooow! I just imagine how these hair styles would look on me.

If I think a persons hair looks bad I try not to stare though because its depressing.
haha, I always stare at hair good or bad.

I commute to work so I see a little bit of err thang.

My pet peeve is little girls with unkempt hair. That bugs the heck out of me. I want to take the child, treat & braid her hair and give her back to her momma and say "here, that'll last you a couple weeks". :spinning: But of course I can't do nothing but look in disgust.
Oh, yeah, I'm a starer.

I'm either trying to suss out their style, in pure awe of the gorgeousness of their hair, or horrified by it's poor condition.

If I'm close enough, and I get busted, I'll usually compliment the women with the gorgeous hair. :lol:

Errybody else, I just look away real fast. :lachen:
You're not alone. I was in Foreman Mills and people kept asking about my hair and someone asked if they could take a picture so they could "prove a point to someone" they were debating with, I was like oooookkkk. lol I stare a lot too. When it's jacked up hair, I'm thinking of a reggie for her in my mind and when I see great looking hair, I'm tempted to ask what all she might be doing or if she's a member.
I'm either trying to suss out their style, in pure awe of the gorgeousness of their hair, or horrified by it's poor condition.

:lol: Same here.

I was in Foreman Mills and people kept asking about my hair and someone asked if they could take a picture so they could "prove a point to someone" they were debating with, I was like oooookkkk.

Well that's bold. Exactly what point were they trying to prove?
I probably need counseling for my strong urges to cut random heads of damaged hair everywhere I go

lord if I carried scissors on me.........:lol:
I just stare at hair of all types everywhere I go now. I don't usually ask any questions, make comments or snap pictures. I just stare...and wonder if they are on the hairboard, what their regimen is or think gosh, you really need to do something about that...
Oh, yeah, I'm a starer.

I'm either trying to suss out their style, in pure awe of the gorgeousness of their hair, or horrified by it's poor condition.

If I'm close enough, and I get busted, I'll usually compliment the women with the gorgeous hair. :lol:

Errybody else, I just look away real fast. :lachen:

I used to do this until one lady started laughing when I told her she had beautiful hair. I'm like whats so funny:look:

I'm a starer too. There was this lady online in Target and I was right behind her. And I keep staring at her hair because I wanted to wear my hair like that one day. I think she felt me staring at her because she turned around and asked me if I was interested in buying some Mary Kay products. I thought she was gonna curse me out :lol:
I definately stare. I went to a commerce bank this week and the associate who talked to me had the longest, prettiest blown out WSL (natural? i think) hair I had ever seen! it looked 4a too. I could not stop staring :grin::grin:
I am a BIG TIME hair stalker!!! It's like I'm on a hunt for long healthy black hair:grin:.

I will stare all day long:ohwell:.

If the person catches me staring I will honestly tell them "I love your hair!" :yep:

If I'm staring because the hair is in poor condition, I shake my head and keep it moving!!!! :nono: Is that bad???
I used to do this until one lady started laughing when I told her she had beautiful hair. I'm like whats so funny:look:

I'm a starer too. There was this lady online in Target and I was right behind her. And I keep staring at her hair because I wanted to wear my hair like that one day. I think she felt me staring at her because she turned around and asked me if I was interested in buying some Mary Kay products. I thought she was gonna curse me out :lol:


Maybe it was a weave? Maybe she left the house this morning feeling toe'up? Maybe somebody, a second ago, had just told her she needs to cut that ish off?

:lachen: See, now I'm curious. Why would you laugh?

My nosy butt would most likely be all 'What? What's so funny? You do!' :lol:

Maybe it was a weave? Maybe she left the house this morning feeling toe'up? Maybe somebody, a second ago, had just told her she needs to cut that ish off?

:lachen: See, now I'm curious. Why would you laugh?

My nosy butt would most likely be all 'What? What's so funny? You do!' :lol:

Girl, I can spot a weave a mile away. And she was right next to me, asking me for help. I would say I'm about 90% sure it wasnt a weave. She looked like she just came out the salon.

I figured she thought I was crazy for paying attention to her hair.
Girl, I can spot a weave a mile away. And she was right next to me, asking me for help. I would say I'm about 90% sure it wasnt a weave. She looked like she just came out the salon.

I figured she thought I was crazy for paying attention to her hair.


Sometimes, I feel like ya'll weave-spotters should sponsor a class, or something, for the more unaware of your sisters.

I can spot a bad weave from a mile away.
I can spot an okay weave, up close.
A good weave, though? :nono: I could be three inches away, and still be - Hrrrm? Does she or doesn't she?

And it's not that I really care - I'm just nosy.

Sometimes, I feel like ya'll weave-spotters should sponsor a class, or something, for the more unaware of your sisters.

I can spot a bad weave from a mile away.
I can spot an okay weave, up close.
A good weave, though? :nono: I could be three inches away, and still be - Hrrrm? Does she or doesn't she?

And it's not that I really care - I'm just nosy.

Yeah girl, I didnt call myself locabouthair for nothing :lol:

I've seen weaves that didn't look bad at all, but I could just tell.

I can always tell by the ends of the hair.
I stare too esp at a head of hair that just needs help:nono: I have the urge to say "Please cut that off and start over again" But I just stare:blush:
Yeah girl, I didnt call myself locabouthair for nothing :lol:

I've seen weaves that didn't look bad at all, but I could just tell.

I can always tell by the ends of the hair

The ends??? Really?? I always focus on the roots - what is it about the ends that lets it slip? Do they just not look like 'real hair' ends?

Hrrrmmm. *thinks about someplace I can go to wait in line and weave check*

I am a serious starer, I have to stop myself sometimes :lol:..
When I am on the train and notice someone with healthy thick hair I tend to gaze.
I am a deeply twisted hair Starer. I don't even look away when people notice. Most of the time that is the que for me to say something to them.

I think I've even started to rub off on my husband. He's always nudging me now and saying...Is her's real? :poke:
I stare at nice, healthy heads of hair.

I just glance at busted ones. I can't stare... it'll make my day sad. :sad: :lachen:
I stare at long pretty (natural not weave) hair. I try not to make it obvious because I can't stand someone to stare at me though...
I stare at nice, healthy heads of hair.

I just glance at busted ones. I can't stare... it'll make my day sad. :sad: :lachen:

I stare because I'm curious - wondering how their hair got that way, if they are happy with it, what would be my first step if I had free reign on their head, etc, etc, etc....... :look: And then I forget I'm staring. :lol: