"Why are you staring at girls wearing bras"?

My boyfriend (bf) asked me “Why do you stare intensely at girls in their bras? Your favourite pics seemed to be those where the girls backs are turned away from the camera” :blush:

Just bra? I saw a lil' breast in a fotki today :lachen:
I love this post!

Ladies thanks for teaching me the alt tab thing-It's comming in really handy for me today (yes I'm at work currently):blush:

Ladies what other symptoms are you experinencing as a hair addict?? List them!

When your shopping list consist of thing others have in their fotki or they have raved on the board about, but there is no food on your list to eat only for your hair.

When you use your child as a guinea pig for products or tutorials.

When your linen closet is full of hair products and all of your linen is in your drawers.

When someone asks you what you do to your hair to get it like that (healthy) you hand them a printed copy of your regime and same products out of your purse! Yes I have done that!

Before my sister passed away, she called and asked for "that stuff" I used to make my hair grow, MTG, I was at her house in 5 minutes giving her my last bottle and went to the store the next day to get more. But why did I pour off a little out of the bottle before giving it to her? Plus I was on her computer showing her LHCF. I'm not really sure if she got a chance to look at it though.
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My hubby calls me an addict, i used to deny it. But you know what; my name is Anancy and IM A HAIR ADDICT.
My name is E-Will and I'm a hair addict :grin:

  • 90% of work-time is spent on here :look:
  • sometime buying hair products for me is more exciting than buying clothes/shoes :ohwell:
Ok I thought of another symptom....

You have a picture phone or camera with you everywhere you go to take a snapshot of your hair! I am so guilty of this....I probably have more pics of may hair on my phone and camera than I do of my kids!:nono: :lachen:
Oh wow... this is how it starts. I have been an addict for maybe 5 or maybe 6 years now... it started before this site was started and we were still a little teeny multicultural forum on longhairlovers.com - I didn't have my own computer at the time so I logged on the internet from my CELL PHONE just to access the site! I was straight addicted to it. And come my cell phone bill at the end of that month almost $300!!!! I went out and bought a computer JUST to be able to access the site. When the site grew to LHCF I swear I've been on it since like WHITE ON RICE, honey! In 5 years you think I'd be tired of hair? Girl :rolleyes: I'm on here everyday at work and at home... but the excuse I give DH for jumping online when I get home is that I can't access it at work... knowing good and well I be on here ALL day. :nono: