Great progress. I'm glad you came in and posted, because I didn't know who they were talking about. Keep up the good work:)
SqrpioQutie said:
oh WOW!!.. :grin: this is one of those LHCF moments that make you feel that you've "arrived"... :grin: :grin: :grin: when i saw my name on this thread, i was like wha whaaaaaaaaaa??

so first, thank you so much ladies!!!... i truly appreciate the compliments... :love:

regimen-wise, during my growout, i cowashed daily, shampoeed maybe once a week and dc'd occasionally.... i bunned faithfully for about 2 months, but for the most part, i wore it out in wash n gos... i am most definitely a pj (but i'm in recovery - Yay), so i've used surge, mtg, gueye hair oil, wgo, nioxin vits, gueye vits, etc. sporadically... now that i'm tending to wear my hair more straight, my washing has cut drastically, so i'm having to experiment with moisture retention... but rollersetting is slowly becoming my new best friend!!!... oh and i haven't trimmed since March... i keep saying that i will but i'm not so sure if it's necessary...

i have no idea where i am inch wise, though... i'm not even sure how to measure that... lol

Thanks again ladies!!!... i heart LHCF!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Thats some crazy growth!!!! Beautiful!
Well daaaaaaayum! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy Your hair is gorgeous Scorpio! I remember looking at your siggy once when you only had those two pics and being impressed, but this is just amazing. Congrats! :)
for me, this whole process was a test in patience.... and it is so great to be somewhere where you can both inspire and be inspired by others... i've learned soooooooooooooo much from this board and you all... and i'm still learning!!!...

one thing though - i figure, if i'm going to do something, i'm going to go all out... :grin:
SQRPIOQUTIE...the amount of growth from 2005 to now is amazing girl. You have definitely figured out what works for your hair...keep it growing...
Oh my stars!!!! You and your hair are beautiful. Keep up the good work. That is aLOT of growth. You are definitely doing something right girl!

I've suddenly recently got the urge to get real hardcore with my hair again. For some reason I feel like I did when I first started this board. Typed up a new regimen, and everything.
:eek: That is absolutely amazing!!!!!!! It takes me about 2 years to get that amount of growth. But from your regimen it sounds like you were really dedicated. And I think your ends look good in the pic don't trim if you don't need to , maybe just dust. Wow, I am really in awe of your hair right now. It is very motivating to see such a drastic change.
I saw her siggy the other day and I was like::eek:


That amount of length in that amount of time is simply AMAZING!!!
SqrpioQutie said:
for me, this whole process was a test in patience.... and it is so great to be somewhere where you can both inspire and be inspired by others... i've learned soooooooooooooo much from this board and you all... and i'm still learning!!!...

one thing though - i figure, if i'm going to do something, i'm going to go all out... :grin:

Indeed you did!!:eek: All I can say is AMAZING!! And it looks so shiny and healthy too. Loving the color!

Congrats on ALLLLLLLL that growth in such a short period of time; what an inspiration!

(Girl you need to try to bottle that potion up and sell it; you'd be a millionaire!)
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SqrpioQutie said:
oh WOW!!.. :grin: this is one of those LHCF moments that make you feel that you've "arrived"... :grin: :grin: :grin: when i saw my name on this thread, i was like wha whaaaaaaaaaa??

so first, thank you so much ladies!!!... i truly appreciate the compliments... :love:

regimen-wise, during my growout, i cowashed daily, shampoeed maybe once a week and dc'd occasionally.... i bunned faithfully for about 2 months, but for the most part, i wore it out in wash n gos... i am most definitely a pj (but i'm in recovery - Yay), so i've used surge, mtg, gueye hair oil, wgo, nioxin vits, gueye vits, etc. sporadically... now that i'm tending to wear my hair more straight, my washing has cut drastically, so i'm having to experiment with moisture retention... but rollersetting is slowly becoming my new best friend!!!... oh and i haven't trimmed since March... i keep saying that i will but i'm not so sure if it's necessary...

i have no idea where i am inch wise, though... i'm not even sure how to measure that... lol

Thanks again ladies!!!... i heart LHCF!!!!

OMG!!! What amaizing GROWTH!!! Congratulations girl! You hair is BEAUTIFUL! :grin: