
New Member
OH MY GOD!!! have ya'll SEEN her signature!!! you have tooooo check it out, Girl you have came ALONG way since Sept 05.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get in here and tell me what your regimen is ASAP, also how many inches do you have from root to tip.... I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING!!!!! :) ok i'M GONNA GO NOW AND SEE IF SHE UPDATED HER ALBUM TOO (stalking mode) :)

P.S girl I saw your hair in your signature in a thread on the Entertainment board, and almost fell out....I ran over here to start a thread!!!! GREAT PROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!
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Who is this person? Can someone post a link? I'm dying to see this progress and I don't even know who she is!
Hey guys just type in her name in the search engine then click on one of the topics that she's posted in then you'll be able to see her siggy, I dont think that her album has a back shot in it.
oh WOW!!.. :grin: this is one of those LHCF moments that make you feel that you've "arrived"... :grin: :grin: :grin: when i saw my name on this thread, i was like wha whaaaaaaaaaa??

so first, thank you so much ladies!!!... i truly appreciate the compliments... :love:

regimen-wise, during my growout, i cowashed daily, shampoeed maybe once a week and dc'd occasionally.... i bunned faithfully for about 2 months, but for the most part, i wore it out in wash n gos... i am most definitely a pj (but i'm in recovery - Yay), so i've used surge, mtg, gueye hair oil, wgo, nioxin vits, gueye vits, etc. sporadically... now that i'm tending to wear my hair more straight, my washing has cut drastically, so i'm having to experiment with moisture retention... but rollersetting is slowly becoming my new best friend!!!... oh and i haven't trimmed since March... i keep saying that i will but i'm not so sure if it's necessary...

i have no idea where i am inch wise, though... i'm not even sure how to measure that... lol

Thanks again ladies!!!... i heart LHCF!!!!
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SqrpioQutie said:
oh WOW!!.. :grin: this is one of those LHCF moments that make you feel that you've "arrived"... :grin: :grin: :grin: when i saw my name on this thread, i was like wha whaaaaaaaaaa??

so first, thank you so much ladies!!!... i truly appreciate the compliments... :love:

regimen-wise, during my growout, i cowashed daily, shampoeed maybe once a week and dc'd occasionally.... i bunned faithfully for about 2 months, but for the most part, i wore it out in wash n gos... i am most definitely a pj (but i'm in recovery - Yay), so i've used surge, mtg, gueye hair oil, wgo, nioxin vits, gueye vits, etc... now that i'm tending to wear my hair more straight, my washing has cut drastically, so i'm having to experiment with moisture retention... but rollersetting is slowly becoming my new best friend!!!... oh and i haven't trimmed since March... i keep saying that i will but i'm not so sure if it's necessary...

i have no idea where i am inch wise, though... i'm not even sure how to measure that... lol

Thanks again ladies!!!... i heart LHCF!!!!

YOU GO GIRL! :up: :yay: :clapping:
SQRPIOQUTIE, this is fantastic growth...I'm adding you to my list of hair inspirations...Congratulations, and keep growing!
SqrpioQutie said:
oh WOW!!.. :grin: this is one of those LHCF moments that make you feel that you've "arrived"... :grin: :grin: :grin: when i saw my name on this thread, i was like wha whaaaaaaaaaa??

so first, thank you so much ladies!!!... i truly appreciate the compliments... :love:

regimen-wise, during my growout, i cowashed daily, shampoeed maybe once a week and dc'd occasionally.... i bunned faithfully for about 2 months, but for the most part, i wore it out in wash n gos... i am most definitely a pj (but i'm in recovery - Yay), so i've used surge, mtg, gueye hair oil, wgo, nioxin vits, gueye vits, etc. sporadically... now that i'm tending to wear my hair more straight, my washing has cut drastically, so i'm having to experiment with moisture retention... but rollersetting is slowly becoming my new best friend!!!... oh and i haven't trimmed since March... i keep saying that i will but i'm not so sure if it's necessary...

i have no idea where i am inch wise, though... i'm not even sure how to measure that... lol

Thanks again ladies!!!... i heart LHCF!!!!

Thanks for posting your regimen your hair looks great and I think you deserve the spot light ..Yeah Yeah.:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
All I can say is Be-U-T-FULLLLLL.
SqrpioQutie said:
oh WOW!!.. :grin: this is one of those LHCF moments that make you feel that you've "arrived"... :grin: :grin: :grin: when i saw my name on this thread, i was like wha whaaaaaaaaaa??

so first, thank you so much ladies!!!... i truly appreciate the compliments... :love:

regimen-wise, during my growout, i cowashed daily, shampoeed maybe once a week and dc'd occasionally.... i bunned faithfully for about 2 months, but for the most part, i wore it out in wash n gos... i am most definitely a pj (but i'm in recovery - Yay), so i've used surge, mtg, gueye hair oil, wgo, nioxin vits, gueye vits, etc. sporadically... now that i'm tending to wear my hair more straight, my washing has cut drastically, so i'm having to experiment with moisture retention... but rollersetting is slowly becoming my new best friend!!!... oh and i haven't trimmed since March... i keep saying that i will but i'm not so sure if it's necessary...

i have no idea where i am inch wise, though... i'm not even sure how to measure that... lol

Thanks again ladies!!!... i heart LHCF!!!!
Great progress! I may have missed this but are you still natural and just wearing a blowout? Keep up the good growth!:p
Cayenne0622 said:
Great progress! I may have missed this but are you still natural and just wearing a blowout? Keep up the good growth!:p

i started texturizing last year and now i guess i'm more texlaxed (? - maybe 60% relaxed... i get bored quickly soo completely natural was fun for a minute but then i had to move on to the next phase... so now, i have what i figure is the best of both worlds - i can wash and go on a whim or be straight on a whim... :grin:
SqrpioQutie said:
i started texturizing last year and now i guess i'm more texlaxed (? - maybe 60% relaxed... i get bored quickly soo completely natural was fun for a minute but then i had to move on to the next phase... so now, i have what i figure is the best of both worlds - i can wash and go on a whim or be straight on a whim... :grin:

You know I'm jealous, right? :eyebrows2

Just kidding, girl. I'm glad to hear that your hair is doing so well. I LOVE IT!