Spinoff: Would You Date A Nonblack Man Who Used The N-word?

Would you date a white

  • Sure. It doesn't make him a bad person.

  • Hell nah.

  • It depends.

  • Only if he's not white.

  • If he'said a wigger, he can say n*****

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Hell nah. My H doesn't even condone me playing songs where they say the word. Even though i LOVE ratchet music without censors :drunk:
And none of this is OK. Passivity is what allows people to keep thinking it's OK. I check BM that do that and the non-whites that try and use it too.

Nobody white says it around me, they know better. If I am out in public and hear a random non-Black person say it you best believe I am saying something to them.
I date outside of my race, taking that into consideration means there is a probability I will marry outside of my race but I do not condone the use of the word whether it is being used by a black person or non-black person. Either way you will get the stank face from me if you use it (I give myself the stank face if it slips into my mind our out my mouth) and if your my man or someone I'm dating you will promptly get read. However, with black men I will give them the benefit of the doubt and not be as harsh when I request they not use the word. On the other end if a non-black person I was dating used that word in my presence I would think they should know better and their use of the word would immediately end our relationship.
Hell no: I wouldn't date a man (white, black, asian, hispanic, vampire) who use that word in conversation.
I primarily date nonblack men and my current SO is white. I would never be with someone who dropped the n word. Thats both disrespectful to both me and my race. Thus even though ive mostly been with white guys, ive never had one drop the n word around me.
My husband is Hispanic-- he went to an inner city high school with mostly black and/or Latino students. I think it's a pretty common thing for Latinos in NYC to use the N word, and I also use it pretty frequently (trying to cut down). Even with all of that said, I think I've heard him say it 2 or 3 times in the 6 years we've known each other. And always in the incredulous way, not actually in reference to a person.

I am also in the reclaim camp, where I am okay with mestizo/black Latinos and non-Latino black people saying it in an effort to reclaim it as our own/as a term of endearment, in the same way women call each other the B word.

Sorry for the essay! I hope I don't sound too defensive lmfaoooo :hide: