Spinoff: Working towards goals in a Chrsitian way


Well-Known Member
Spinoff: Working towards goals in a Christian way

This is sort of a spinoff to the vision boards thread. Many of the ladies on LHCF appear to be goal oriented women. You'll see it in almost every sub-forum on the board. I think it's great, since high school, I've had a practice of writing down my goals. It helps when I have a concrete document of things I want to achieve.

When I first read about vision boards (before I committed my life to serving Christ), I thought it was such a great idea to motivate myself. After reading the thread, I have my reservations.

So how do you go about writing your visions, setting down your goals? While I do understand that our goals are secondary to God's will and plans for our lives, I don't see anything wrong with working toward goals as long as we are prayerful about them and seek His guidance.

Do you write them down? Keep them in your head? How do you remain motivated?
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This is sort of a spinoff to the vision boards thread. Many of the ladies on LHCF appear to be goal oriented women. You'll see it in almost every sub-forum on the board. I think it's great, since I school, I've had a practice of writing down my goals. It helps when I have a concrete document of things I want to achieve.

When I first read about vision boards (before I committed my life to serving Christ), I thought it was such a great idea/motivation. After reading the thread, I have my reservations.

So how do you go about writing your visions, setting down your goals? While I do understand that our goals are secondary for God's will and plans for our lives, I don't see anything wrong with working toward goals as long as we are prayerful about them and seek His guidance.

Do you write them down? Keep them in your head? How do you remain motivated?

I understand what you're asking. :yep:

There's such a fine line, yet at the same time, the signs are so obvious.

As an event planner, (mostly weddings, Bridal parties, etc.) it is imperitive that I keep a journal and a contact list with a checklist for what each individual event requires.

I also have to maintain a portfolio which contains a photo album of cakes, dresses, floral designs, linens, wedding decor, etc., adding to all of this, to keep order, I must create and maintain both a personal and a business calendar.

This is called keeping things in order.

For my Bible Studies, I keep a separate chronological journal of my notes, scriptures, messages.

For home study, I have a journal to make notes of the scriptures, messages which the Lord places on and into my heart.

When traveling, I plan far ahead of time by making a list of what I'll need, my clothing list, and other items. Each time something is packed,it gets checked off.

Personal Goals and Objectives:

I have another journal :yep: I love journals. I 'write' alot. I have a lot of words... :look: :lol: :lol:

As for vision boards.... even for the most 'seemingly innocent of use' something's not right. It just isn't. :nono:
For me, I'm a picture and/or words type of gal. For example, in my avatar a picture of a married couple. On my computer, I have a goal sheet, on my bedroom door a goal sheet with some pictures. Just quick things to remind me of my goals. I focus more (with the Lord's help) on the steps to accomplish those goals.

I learned the hard way if I don't have my goals displayed, I won't remember them and accomplish very little. I don't have a "timeline" on when these things should be accomplish, I'm trusting God in that area and also to show me the steps/path I need to take to accomplish these things.

I like you LoveisYou got on the "vision board" train and got DERAILED!! God accomplish some of my goals, but nothing like I THOUGHT it should happen.

I learned some valuable things: Don't box God into a timeframe, He is the author of time and will accomplish His will on His time --the perfect time. Talk to God each step towards those goals (after you talk to him about your goals).