Spinoff: What Do You Bring To Your Man's Life?


Simply Komplex
I was reading that other thread and a poster said Women should not build up a man financially. I wholeheartedly agree. However, what do you bring to your man's life? How do you build him up?

My answer: I bring compassion. I bring organization and management. I try to improve his finances, spiritual being, overall mood, and make sure he is fed lol. I try to bring happiness for the most part.
Shoot...I bring ME.

I'm pretty, smart, kind, level headed and light hearted and have a great desire to be a blessing to him. However he chooses to use the qualities I already possess to his advantage/pleasure is up to him.

I don't think I agree with a woman not building a man up financially though - if he has potential and is a hard worker and needs some support to get him going, or if he's going through a rough time* (not a permanent 'rough' time'), I see nothing wrong with building him up if it is within your means and you love each other and trust the authenticity of the relationship

I know some older long time married couples (my parents friends age) who had it this way round when they were dating or just met, and the man grew into a financially secure man that was able to take care of the family, I think it just depends..
I don't think I agree with a woman not building a man up financially though - if he has potential and is a hard worker and needs some support to get him going, or if he's going through a rough time* (not a permanent 'rough' time'), I see nothing wrong with building him up if it is within your means and you love each other and trust the authenticity of the relationship

I know some older long time married couples (my parents friends age) who had it this way round when they were dating or just met, and the man grew into a financially secure man that was able to take care of the family, I think it just depends..

what would he have done if you weren't in his life?
I am awesome. I am the total package! I have it all, brains and beauty and can back both up. I'm that woman who takes her man to the next level. All my exes have left out relationship better off that when they entered hence the reason they all come back. My current got his big promotion a couple of months after being with me thanks to me telling him to apply, me telling not to care who wouldn't like it when he got it and me coaching him.

I do believe that any woman dating a relative of mine should add value to his life. If we aren't related then I don't care, carry on :look:
I upgrade any man's life that I'm with. Mental stroking, encouragement. They'll get where they need to be on their own, I promise. I'm here to play the supporting role. In my experience, that's all they seem to need. I'm always working on improving myself, so by proximity, he'll always be getting better as well.
I bring beauty, humor, encouragement and inspiration. My SO has told me that by seeing me grow in my career, finish school and meet my goals it's encouraged him to do the same in his life and he has had a lot of success in the two years we've been together. I'm compassionate, but I also am devil's advocate and challenge his views.
I don't know.
Or I should say, I'm afraid to say something that is not so.
I bring almost what everyone's already mentioned but I'm sure I'm off somewhere...
Hmm....interesting reaction.

I don't try to improve their lives anymore. Never worked for me.
I just give advice when asked. I'm not setting appointments, doing budgets, building credits, helping you network, find a shrink, lending money...none of that anymore. I learned.
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I'm STILL struggling with this. Everything I think of I say, "oh. Well that's not unique/special." Or "pffft. He can find that in another woman easily."

NO DAYMN IT. I am a beautiful, intelligent, caring, funny woman. Good lord enough with that little voice!

That's exactly what I'm thinking....
Like, that ain't special....I know tons of people who are like that.
In the end, I like the answers that just simple state. Me.
That's the best and most accurate way I can respond to this question.
I don't know.
Or I should say, I'm afraid to say something that is not so.
I bring almost what everyone's already mentioned but I'm sure I'm off somewhere...
Hmm....interesting reaction.

I don't try to improve their lives anymore. Never worked for me.
I just give advice when asked. I'm not setting appointments, doing budgets, building credits, helping you network, find a shrink, lending money...none of that anymore. I learned.

See now that I am married, I have no problem making appointments, doing budgets, building credit, etc because all of these things are beneficial to our married household and we are now a team, but as a girlfriend would I do all of that...nah.
See now that I am married, I have no problem making appointments, doing budgets, building credit, etc because all of these things are beneficial to our married household and we are now a team, but as a girlfriend would I do all of that...nah.
Lol I agree. Naw fam I'm good. Plus for whatever reason it seems like they don't appreciate that stuff as a girlfriend as much as they do as a wife.
Lol I agree. Naw fam I'm good. Plus for whatever reason it seems like they don't appreciate that stuff as a girlfriend as much as they do as a wife.

@PrissiSippi to me it's not that they don't appreciate it, it's that those acts don't ad any value to you as a girlfriend or wife for that matter. As a wife, it might be expected and can lead to being taken for granted as discussed in previous threads (it's human nature). So it doesn't really matter what status you have IMO.
If you're doing it primarily for them, you risk having that invested time and energy wasted (depending on what time wasted means to you).
So doing it in a marriage, as Mai Tai mentioned benefits the household, meaning both of you, and that's the best way to ensure that you DO get something out of it.
I have to be very aware of not trying to 'save' a man and his troubles.
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@PrissiSippi to me it's not that they don't appreciate it, it's that those acts don't ad any value to you as a girlfriend or wife for that matter. As a wife, it might be expected and can lead to being taken for granted as discussed in previous threads (it's human nature). So it doesn't really matter what status you have IMO.
If you're doing it primarily for them, you risk having that invested time and energy wasted (depending on what time wasted means to you).
So doing it in a marriage, as Mai Tai mentioned benefits the household, meaning both of you, and that's the best way to ensure that you DO get something out of it.
I have to be very aware of not trying to 'save' a man and his troubles.

Believe me...it does to a man that's worth his weight. My husband tells me all the time if it wasn't for me he'd be dead in a ditch.

I don't do the things I do for accolades but a good dude will give you them anyway.
This sort of came up in a discussion this weekend and I'd like to force myself to think about the most unique thing that I bring besides the generic ME answer.
He said that he didn't know if he could find someone else like me and I wanted sooo badly to show him where and how (I know, I don't take any form of compliment well) but I bit my tongue....really hard.
But I want to walk around feeling high like my **** don't stink lol How do men develop this [false] sense.
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