Spinoff: Trinity...is or isn't?

Alright now ladies, this going back and forth is going nowhere. After all is said and done, I feel its best to just believe that HE IS!! Lets not debate anymore over something that none of us fully understand. Personally I feel that the way we believe depends entirely on where we were when God revealed Himself to us individually. Its a personal thang. Lets move on cause I know what I know as do each of us who has that personal relationship. Love to all but lets not get a lock down over here.
mkstar826 said:
The agenda, from what I'm seeing, is to convince someone that the trinity exists as YOU (in general, not you specifically) believe it to exist. Nowhere in the bible does it say the word trinity or speak of it like many people believe it to be...It's a MAN MADE concept...so the topic IS up for debate and is subject to different interpretations, right? Just because you believe and interpret the scriptures in a certain way does NOT make it true or even accurate. Just because your pastor or whoever told you that the notion of 3 in 1 as one being is true does not make it true. This is why I said she should pray to God and study on her own rather than talk about it amongst people who aren't really open to seeing it from another angle...or atleast talk about it amongst a wide variety of people who are willing to be open. Talking about it amongst people who only see it one way only leads to confusion and debate over something that is subjective. ;)

Sorry, but that is not an "agenda." We didn't create this forum with an agenda to turn people to our way of thinking. This forum is for Christian fellowship. The word trinity is not in the bible, we all agree on that. Too many people seem to be hung up on that word. Perhaps if we said tri-unity that would be better. Since the belief of God in three person's is the corner stone of the Christian faith, we are trying to explain it as best we can. Clearly, as has been pointed out already, the concept is difficult to grasp and difficult to explain.

1. The Bible teaches that there is only one God. (Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:6-8, Isaiah 45:22)

2. The Bibles teaches that there is one who is called the Father and is identified as being God. (1 Peter 1:2)

3. The Bible teaches that there is one who is called Jesus and is identified as being God. (John 1:1-3&14-18, John 20:28-29, 1 John 1:1-4&5:20, Philippians 2:5-8, Revelation 1:17-18, Revelation 22:12-20)

4. The Bible teaches that there is one who is called the Holy Spirit and is identified as being God. (John 14:16-17, John 15:26, John 16:7-15, Acts 5:3-4, Acts 13:2, 1 Corinthians 12:4-18, Hebrews 9:14, Hebrews 10:15-18)

Now while you or others may not agree, that's on you, but I have no "agenda." If I explain it and you get it, fine. If you don't get it, fine. I say let the power of the Holy Ghost do the rest.
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mkstar826 said:
IMO, people are trying to convince those who don't believe it to be so of that. (My opinion can't be debated.)

Wrong. No one is saying their opinion can't be debated. I said that if the two sides cannot agree, the discussion is fruitless.
JenJen2721 said:
For me this discussion, after I posted the scriptures that to me proved that there is only one God consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, (I don't care whether one uses the term Trinity) to me trying to understand how one could ascertain (from scripture) that there is more than one God? :confused: So I was trying to understand, at least where the other pov was coming from.

I would like to see the scripture that supports that theory, but I suppose that's another thread.
I agree. I don't know how one comes away with the notion that there is more than one God, but. . .
pebbles said:
Sorry, but that is not an "agenda." We didn't create this forum with an agenda to turn people to our way of thinking. This forum is for Christian fellowship. The word trinity is not in the bible, we all agree on that. Too many people seem to be hung up on that word. Perhaps if we said tri-unity that would be better. Since the belief of God in three person's is the corner stone of the Christian faith, we are trying to explain it as best we can. Clearly, as has been pointed out already, the concept is difficult to grasp and difficult to explain.

1. The Bible teaches that there is only one God. (Isaiah 43:10, Isaiah 44:6-8, Isaiah 45:22)

2. The Bibles teaches that there is one who is called the Father and is identified as being God. (1 Peter 1:2)

3. The Bible teaches that there is one who is called Jesus and is identified as being God. (John 1:1-3&14-18, John 20:28-29, 1 John 1:1-4&5:20, Philippians 2:5-8, Revelation 1:17-18, Revelation 22:12-20)

4. The Bible teaches that there is one who is called the Holy Spirit and is identified as being God. (John 14:16-17, John 15:26, John 16:7-15, Acts 5:3-4, Acts 13:2, 1 Corinthians 12:4-18, Hebrews 9:14, Hebrews 10:15-18)

Now while you or others may not agree, that's on you, but I have no "agenda." If I explain it and you get it, fine. If you don't get it, fine. I say let the power of the Holy Ghost do the rest.
AMEN!!! :up:
A pizza is made of crust, sauce, cheese and meat. Seperate things, working to gether. However, it is still one pizza :lol: .
DelightfulFlame said:
The only problem I have with this example is that JenJen is still JenJen.

JenJen the daughter doesn't pray to JenJen the mother...I would assume. And JenJen the wife didn't create JenJen the mother. Does JenJen the daughter refer to JenJen the mother as FATHER?

THAT is why we will never COMPLETELY understand the Trinity...Because you're right, to OUR minds it doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense at ALL. Yet, it's scripturally correct. Again, my mind doesn't understand it, but my spirit has peace and knows it's the truth. I'd just pray about it girlfriend.
TJD3 said:
A pizza is made of crust, sauce, cheese and meat. Seperate things, working to gether. However, it is still one pizza :lol: .

HAAAAAAAA!! :lachen: you will not use pizza as an analogy!! too funny!

I must say, even though everyone has their own viewpoints, this was still a really good conversation. I think we can all come to agreement that JESUS is LORD correct? So hallelujah, let's end it. :lol: