Spinoff: Things your man does to make you feel like a queen...

So I've been reading the "How do YOU stroke a man's EGO?" thread and it got me wondering. What does your man do to make you feel appreciated, loved, desired and treat you like the queen you are? For the single ladies, what are the things you would like your future SO to do?
My husband rolls the red carpet out for me all the time! Not literally, but I get the red carpet treatment. And we are 4 years strong!

He will cook when I need him to or sometimes without my asking. When I cook, he helps me or washes the dishes as I'm cooking. He puts the kids in bed every night, get their baths ready and we bath the little one together (I'll wash her and he sits there with the drying towel). He puts little I love you notes in my purse and whenever I'm sad or something he'll go get me flowers or make me a treat like hot cocoa. Honestly, I don't think there is a husband as good as mine! Imma put it out there ladies :grin:.

I am spoiled by him, just ruined! :drunk:

I LOOOOVES to shop, and he doesn't restrict me in that area. But of course, he loves electronics so I don't restrict him either.

I swear he teaches me things like the father I never had, yet loves (mentally and physically) me like the man I always wanted. he supports me in everything I do and will over ways to improve or whatever. He is my one man band! He takes ME in consideration before considering anything or anyone else.

All the ladies he works with come tell me that I must put vodoo on him everyday, because all he talks about is "my wife this, my wife that, my wife is on the deans list, my wife can do that and better...". It's so funny and then I get mad at him for bragging because them women might start hatin on a sista. Beside, I'm not superwoman! He says "yes you are!"

When we were dating, he had a busted car and for valentines day he drove to this restaurant (that we went to on our first date) to get the cheesecake I looooved so much. Well his car broke down, and that didn't stop him, we walked the rest of the way like up hills and all, got on the plane and surprised me with a vist, with the cheesecake in had and a victoria secret basket full of goodies. That's when I was like...this joker is officially on lock down!

He compliments me on my looks and all my body parts. Like when we bath together, he like taking pictures of my feet! weird huh? I like it though!

He also listens to me not all the time, but majority of the time. His ears shut down when he's playing PS3 or a game is on.

I love that he treats me like one of the boys when it's football season! I love college football and most guys would write me off like I'm some dumb girl, my husband actually wants me to watch the games with him and will sometimes pick watching the game with me over his friends.

Oh, and he is a family man! It's hard getting him out the house! I love that I don't have issues with trying to track my man down. I know where he is at all the time....right at home. When he does go out, he will call me to let me know he got there and call me before he leaves.

But, of course when we are pissed at each other.....let's say the house silent as a library. :lachen: But that's not often, we talk alot and so we neogotiate on many things to alleviate battles with each other.

I'm a tough cookie and very high maintence, but he knows how to drive this race car.
He listens to me talk about stuff he honestly has no interest whatsoever in.

He always makes time for me

He brags about me to his family and friends

He reveals his emotions to me

He honors and protects me

He will use his Blockbuster movie watcher package and order movies I wanna see. He even pushes my movies to the top of the mailing list, even if he has been waiting to see a certin movie for a while.

He cooks for me

He is alwyas finding a way to touch or caress me

He plays with me. We run around and play fight like elementary school kids

He reverences me

He rubs my feet

He constantly tells me how lucky he is to have me

Honestly, hardly a thing, and I am so tired of feeling unloved and unappreciated. Almost at my last...
currygal i am so sorry to read that. have you spoken to him about your needs?

how about printing off this thread for him to read:look:
Hmmmm where do I start. It's just the small things that make me feel special.

Cooks for me..all the time.

Caters to me like always bringing me things to drink or new things to try

Chills my glass in the freezer just because I like my glass chilled

Full body massages a couple of times a week

Shopping sprees

Flowers on a regular basis just because

Opening and closing car doors for me

Setting out clean towels for me to use in the morning

Driving hours out of his way just to take me somewhere or pick me up

Always letting me choose the movie

When we're in the car, he plays the music that I like

Buys me painting supplies just so I won't run out.

Basically he always puts me first.
I have a question for the ladies that have responded in this thread: Did your DH/SO do these things from the very beginning of your courtship, or were these things a result of growing love and appreciation?

Oh, and this is a lovely thread. :yep:
He truly cares about my well being, he is always willing to feel uncomfortable so that I can feel at ease

He gives me his last, literally

He will go without so that I can have

He listens to me talk about hair for hours on end

Every night before bed, he kisses me and tells me he loves me

He opens doors for me

He shares his world with me without reservation or hesitation

There is so much that my husband does, its the little things to me that let me know that he cares....
Wow!.....words can't express the magnitude of love and admiration my hubby has for me. (and I for him)

I know I'm spoiled and he calls me his queen all the time.

I can talk about our relationship till I'm blue in the face....but a lot of times...it really sounds too good to be true.....so I don't. But let me just say....I have been truly blessed. This man has treated me like I'm the only woman in the world from day one.

I know I'm special in his eyes...
I know can't no other replace me....
He respects me....
He listens to what I have to say....
He knows my likes and dislikes and knows just what to do to make me smile.
Always says "Thank You" for loving me and for being a wonderful wife & mother.

My most favorite thing to have done is a foot massage. All I have to do is say...'honey' and he will massage my feet. Sometimes I don't have to say a word. :grin:

There is so much more I can say....but I don't want to write a novel. :lol:

God has blessed me with a 'King'.....and I'm his 'Queen'. :yay:
i'm currently single. here's what i expect him to do:

-call me for no reason, just to hear my voice

-go out of his way for me if i need him to

-Respect me and everything i stand for.

-He doesn't have to like my friends but he can't talk bad about them in front of me

-Know when i'm in a bad mood and stay away until the coast is clear.

-Try to make me feel better even if he's failing miserably. It's the thought that counts...

-one word: massages!

-share his fears, hopes, and feelings with me

i could go on...
i'm currently single. here's what i expect him to do:

-call me for no reason, just to hear my voice

-go out of his way for me if i need him to

-Respect me and everything i stand for.

-He doesn't have to like my friends but he can't talk bad about them in front of me

-Know when i'm in a bad mood and stay away until the coast is clear.

-Try to make me feel better even if he's failing miserably. It's the thought that counts...

-one word: massages!

-share his fears, hopes, and feelings with me

i could go on...

I'm single was well, but this phrase is an important one to me as well.
For me..."queen" has to many responsibilities.

I rather be treated like a princess. :grin:

- He calls me sporatically throughout the day just to say I love you or to send hugs and kisses. :yep:

- He leaves little notes and cars under my windshield wipers at work.

- He rubs my feet and gives me great back massages. :drunk:

- When i stay at his house on the weekends (I stay there every Saturday) he always cooks my favorite foods or takes me out to eat. :lick:

- He takes my son to the park or whatever when he can tell I'm having a stressed mommy moment. :wallbash:

- He kills creepy critters around the house without teasing me for my illogical fears. :nono:

- He helps me wash/condition my hair when my arms are sore from working out. :yep:

- He gives me plants (because he knows I don't like cut flowers - I always feel like those are too and a waste). :perplexed

- He never lets me open a door or pull out a chair and sometimes I'll run to a door at the store and he's like don't you dare open that door and I'll giggle and open it anyway and he makes me walk back out of the store so he can open it for me. LOL. One of our silly moments. :grin:

- He always tells me I'm beautiful even when I'm clearly not...such as when I wake up in the morning and I have eye boogers and drool out one side of my mouth. :blush:

- He'll kiss me even with my morning breath. :perplexed

- When he's not IMS'ing he is a great communicator. He talks to me about things that are important to him and he shares his thoughts and feelings. He's not macho 100% of the time and sometimes he lets me baby him (and I need that) even when he doesn't want to be babied
Mike soaks my feet and then rubs them for a good half hour with cocoa butter anytime I ask. He loves to do it so much I never have to ask! :grin:

He usually cooks dinner. I have to ask to cook for him and he won't let me pay for anything even when I ask.

He's learning how to do my hair.

He washes the clothes I leave at his place.

He calls me more than I call him.

I pinched myself so many times the first few times we were together that I got bruises I couldn't believe how great he is!!
He has a present for me pretty much everytime we've seen each other.

He offers and gives me massages constantly, sometimes he doesn't even want one in return.
My DH is very special to me.

He cooks at least once per week. When I cook, often he offers to clean the dishes after.

Lets me choose where we go out to eat.

Will watch Lifetime movies with me :lachen:

Leaves cards/gifts for me, for no reason.

Pretty much does what I want, without a battle.

Calls me often through the day to hear my voice.

Tells me he is lucky to have me/ says ILY daily.
I have a question for the ladies that have responded in this thread: Did your DH/SO do these things from the very beginning of your courtship, or were these things a result of growing love and appreciation?

Oh, and this is a lovely thread. :yep:

The traits were there at the beginning, but developed over time.

Example- NOW DH says "My plan is to make it so that you don't have to work if you don't want to, or be able to pursue what you want todo, without regard to $$"

The after one month of dating DH said " You know, I think both the husband and wife should contribute as much as they can, to the expenses of the household".

So I think that his thinking about certain things has changed, since we have gotten married as opposed to being single.
Hmm... I don't even know where to start. Well, I can't think of anything he doesn't do!
Cooks me breakfast every weekend--usually in bed, a lot of times I do go downstairs though.
Cooks dinner whenever I'm tired, and that's a big deal because he's the only vegetarian in the house!
Always helps with the laundry
Rubs my back
Will do the grocery shopping if I need it
Holds my hair back when I washing my face at night (nightly routine), strands are always falling down even though I pin my hair up or back.
A big supporter of my dreams, he motivates me big time!
Always compliments me. I'm talking several compliments each day!
Calls throughout the day just to hear my voice
This is in addition to the normal yard work, bringing home the bacon, etc...
Gosh... I could go on and on.
Oh yeah, and he's always talking about when we met, how he knew I was the one etc... he remembers several different outfits I wore on several dates. He's forever bringing those up.

I couldn't ask for a better man. I feel very blessed to have him. :love3:
Wow ladies.....

I am not lying... I didn't know there were men like that out there...

I can't remember ever feeling that kinda love....

Dear Lord...

I thank you for blessing these women with such wonderful men. This thread has taught me to have patience with my decision to hold out for the man God will bless me with.

Thank you lord that I read this thread.

Ever you daughter,
Man, the list could circle the Earth! He is amazing.

-Always lets me hold the remote, and pick what we watch on TV.

-Brings home the bacon so I don't have to work.

-Cooks dinner EVERY NIGHT. And cooks breakfast/lunch etc on weekends and holidays. We're talking gourmet type food, too. Lately I've been wanting to learn how to cook, and he eats my"experiments" without complaining!

- Washes the dishes. Always. And cleans the kitchen daily.

- Listens to me natter on forever about things he probably wouldn't care about otherwise.

- Best father in the entire world. He'll play with DD for hours, while I rest, read, sleep, whatever. He's not as perfect with some of the details *I* think are important, but I've learned that daddy-style parenting won't kill her, and lets me catch a moment's peace. (Example: he'll dress her in two things that do NOT match, let her go out with her hair uncombed, etc.)

- Does the grocery shopping, at 4 different stores, EVERY week. 90% of the time he takes DD so I can relax at home!

- Always puts me first, in everything.

- Tells me he loves me, that I'm the best wife and mother on the planet. Thanks me for taking such great care of our babies.

- Spends nothing on himself... every dime that doesn't go to bills/savings goes to special treats for me and DD. :grin:

I ADORE this man!!!!!!!!!!! Marrying him was the best thing I ever did.