Spinoff:Some Hair Grows FAST!!(pics)



Spinoff from the Jada Debate:

My daughters hair grows pretty fast. Some folks are just built that way. No protective styling, no special growth aids, it just appears to grow fast.

I've cut her hair to ear length a few times and it always grows back fast. In April of '05 I cut it to ear length because I was tired of dealing with it.


By Feb. 06 it had recouped a lot of the length WITH trims.


This is her hair now WITH trims and cuts in between


She's still not back to her original length because of the trims and cuts, but when you compare April 05 to now, you see how fast her hair APPEARS to grow. I say appears because in reality, her hair is probably only gaining a few inches more than average. The difference is the retention of length. She's mainly a ponytail girl, I don't allow her to use heat or a bunch of gunk. She doesn't wash everyday, and I encourage co-washing. She's learned to comb from the ends up on damp hair, etc.

Thanks Ladies.

I just had an epiphany as well. When we're young we can eat what we want, not exercise, just be carefree and our system (body..hair...skin) is VERY forgiving. Everything works faster...the rate of cell renewal, etc.

As we get older, this changes. And the focus naturally becomes preservation, etc. because the renewal process is slower and less forgiving.

So right now my daughter doesn't have to do a thing to have hair that is long and, to some, attractive. Still, I need to train her properly because as she gets older this will change.

We've all seen the posts of people with damaged hair NOW reminiscing about the thick waistlength hair of their youth. :)

Very pretty!

Man, all of you ladies posting pictures of your beautiful daughters and their lovely hair are really making me wish I didn't have all boys.:look: :lol:
I don't have any boys, but if I did there hair would be grown out too.

Just wanted to add that my daughter is NOT biracial lest that be supposed a factor in her hair growth.

I think you daughter has some beautiful hair.

I also think that the growing process of a child and that of an adult are very different. Kids are growing rapidly and are in constant growth phases. Their bodies are depending on them to get to their desired weight/height etc. They are growing at a faster rate in everything that adults because we are not growing anymore (unless we are getting fatter :cool:).

I know for me my hair grew waaaay faster in grade school then now that I am an adult. Everything slows down and I think that is not limited to our hair growth too. So I think you daughter's age may be a good contributor inher fast growth rate.