Natural??? Is this cheating?

nurseN98 said:
Yeah, you are using styling products....I think most people use some type of product in some way, shape or form to help their hair look more to their liking.
Cheating is getting a process done then calling yourself a "natural 3c"

I hear process over here. Been there, done that, hair fell out.:lol:
nurseN98 said:
Yeah, you are using styling products....I think most people use some type of product in some way, shape or form to help their hair look more to their liking.
Cheating is getting a process done then calling yourself a "natural 3c"

Now that right there is the truth.

(BTW - I still agree with Den that her hair loose is 4b, but pulled tight with gel it could pass for another texture)
jwhitley6 said:
If folks ask if this is my natural texture...I'll just say "sort of".:)

Girl, bump that! You don't have any chemicals in your hair. You're not using heat. Sometimes we can't reveal ALL our beauty secrets, right? You do what you gotta do to make your hair look the way you want.
jwhitley6 said:
I hear process over here. Been there, done that, hair fell out.:lol:
:lol: Not laughing at you, just the way you put it made me lol :)
BTW, I think we are definitely hair relatives..:lol:
You have beautiful hair!
I have used many techniques to style my hair, sometimes to create a tighter curl and sometimes to loosen my curls into waves. Products per se don't do much for my hair, it's mainly the styling technique that makes a difference. That's not cheating to me, it's just making sure my hair looks the way I want it when I go to work etc.

I don't think anyone would look good if they just rinsed their hair with water and then let it air dry, unless it's really short.
nurseN98 said:
Yeah, you are using styling products....I think most people use some type of product in some way, shape or form to help their hair look more to their liking.
Cheating is getting a process done then calling yourself a "natural 3c"
This statement is really what's up...I could see if you were passing yourself off as having that texture of hair with out help calling yourself 3a or whatever, but you are not and people aren't dumb, they know too...Last week I was doing a deep condition in a ponytail for a couple days and one day I took the ponytail loose, fluff, added a headband and wore it like that. I really liked the way the conditioner froze my waves and curls. Lots of people were asking, "What did you do to your hair?" that's because they'veen it in different styles, and textures.

Everybody's hair doesn't wave/curl up with gels, creams, or butters.....there are lots of naturals that try and try to get their curls to "pop" with product but they have none and have to roll with what they have....and then there are those of us who can...and the curls are pretty and are what if I freeze them???

jwhitley6, your hair is absolutely gorgeous! You actually did a great job of "shingling" your hair! :up:
nurseN98 said:
Yeah, you are using styling products....I think most people use some type of product in some way, shape or form to help their hair look more to their liking.
Cheating is getting a process done then calling yourself a "natural 3c"

Yup. I agree. You use lipstick and makeup and doedorant and toothpaste. They don't make you less natural.

Your using gel to help create a style.
jwhitley6 said:
Don't get me wrong. I'm not ashamed of my hair texture at all. I'm just an open and honest person. You will never find me wearing a weave that could be confused as my hair...I might wear braids (extensions)that are obviously extensions....but I won't try to act like their real....I like to be authentic. I don't wear heavy make-up. I am a "natural" person.

Also, notice that I put "good hair" in quotes. I'm not saying that's how I feel. But people may look at my hair and get the wrong impression about my natural texture....kinda like the thread where Den1 was saying she was a 4b and everybody and their mama was screaming she's a 3c-4a.

I could actually make my hair look like 3b-3c if I start pressed and add conditioner to it...but that's perpetrating a little. Feel me?

Ok, well in that case, if you aren't claiming another hair type and simply using your natural texture to get a look, then you aren't perpin' in my opinion. People are always gonna make assumptions about your hair based on and no matter how it's styled. Like someone else said, if you are texturizing and claiming to be a 3c or something naturally, that's definitely "cheating". Girl, if you feel like working with your natural texture to get different looks, I don't see anything wrong with that. People ask me about my hair all the time, and I'm sure to be honest as what I products and techniques I used to get whatever the look of the day is.
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jwhitley6 said:
Don't get me wrong. I'm not ashamed of my hair texture at all. I'm just an open and honest person. You will never find me wearing a weave that could be confused as my hair...I might wear braids (extensions)that are obviously extensions....but I won't try to act like their real....I like to be authentic. I don't wear heavy make-up. I am a "natural" person.

Also, notice that I put "good hair" in quotes. I'm not saying that's how I feel. But people may look at my hair and get the wrong impression about my natural texture....kinda like the thread where Den1 was saying she was a 4b and everybody and their mama was screaming she's a 3c-4a.

I could actually make my hair look like 3b-3c if I start pressed and add conditioner to it...but that's perpetrating a little. Feel me?

My post my be the opposite of others here, but I'm just being open and honest too. What you are saying isn't that different from my opinion. I feel you and I agree with your idea of what's going on. ;) You are pretty clear about it, so as long as you are comfortable with it and your natural texture.... No need for concern, right? Also, the topic that you mentioned didn't come to mind immediately, but lots of others around here did.....
Girl, you are NOT cheating if you don't have chemicals in your hair. Styling products, twists, braid-outs, etc. are use to create a "STYLE". Like people said, I would only call it cheating if you got a texturizer and called it your natural hair texture. I'm chemical free so my hair is natural, regardless of whether I wear it pressed, in a puff, a twist-out, or with whatever styling product I may choose. You're only cheating if you are lying to yourself!
I use Ic fantasia or S-Curl wave pomade to freeze my coils. When my hair is wet with no product it looks like a curly/wavy/coily mixture.

I don't know if I would call it cheating. All natural haired women sport several different styles that stretch out their hair texture. I don't see a problem with it...

About the pressed natural hair issue... I personally will not ever press my natural hair again, mainly because of the negative experience I had from doing so (negative reinforcement). With frequent heat usage, it can alter the hair texture of some natural haired ladies...

Whether you style your hair with a bunch of gel or stretch out the texture for a certain style like a braid-out or twist-out, you're never really sporting the essence of your natural hair texture... you're just sporting a hair style on natural hair...

For instance, I have decided to wear twist-outs as my main style which stretch out the length of my hair. The textured achieved with a twist-out isn't my real hair texture. But the main reason I do twist-outs is because I love this hair style! After my hair gets wet, it shrinks up 75%. Sometimes I sport my shrunken fro and sometimes I do not...

I think as long as you do certain styles in moderation and you're not doing a certain style because you hate your natural hair texture, you technically aren't cheating. ;)

I do not regard use of a styling aid ie product, as cheating yourself out of your real texture, only chemicals/heat can permanently alter the curl pattern/texture of hair. Basically, you are merely excerising the versatilty of your natural hair.
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I just think it's unbelievable that some people try to call you a faker just because u are using a styling aid. I don't know not one person who don't use any type of styling aid in their hair...even chicks with natural bone straight hair use a little help to keep their hair in order. To my knowledge IC Gel cannot transform natural hair into straight long locks, or any other type of tranformation. It does not contain any chemical altering agents. Your hair is still in its natural state. If a chemist were to take a string of your hair and dissect it...He'd come to the conclusion that it's in it's natural state, there is no chemical straightening or chemical coloring agents present. So therefore you are 100% NATURAL. 100% natural texture, and 100% natural color. If i were natural and found a way to retain my NATURAL curls throughout the day....I'd DOUBLE DARE someone to tell me that i am not natural. :mad: I personally think thats a form of haterism... You hate that a natural headed person's hair is more curlier than yours, so you gotta call them out...
Mizani_Mrs said:
I just think it's unbelievable that some people try to call you a faker just because u are using a styling aid. I don't know not one person who don't use any type of styling aid in their hair...even chicks with natural bone straight hair use a little help to keep their hair in order. To my knowledge IC Gel cannot transform natural hair into straight long locks, or any other type of tranformation. It does not contain any chemical altering agents. Your hair is still in its natural state. If a chemist were to take a string of your hair and dissect it...He'd come to the conclusion that it's in it's natural state, there is no chemical straightening or
chemical coloring agents present. So therefore you are 100% NATURAL. 100% natural texture, and 100% natural color. If i were natural and found a way to retain my NATURAL curls throughout the day....I'd DOUBLE DARE someone to tell me that i am not natural. :mad: I personally think thats a form of haterism... You hate that a natural headed person's hair is more curlier than yours, so you gotta call them out...

Okay! I agree with you, I use IC Gel and other styling products that can enhance my natural texture and give it some Ummph!!
I'm in the same boat. my hair curls nicely when wet, but when it's dry, ughh, my hair starts a shrinking and a frizzing.:lol: IC gel w sparkelites and the cactus leave in make my hair maintain the wet look. Alot of people think I have a jheri curl, but as long as I know I'm not, it's enough for me.:) I think your hair looks gorgeous. Maybe you feel uncomfortable due to a new hairstyle. It's not cheating to enhance what u already have.;)
Cheating? I wouldn't say that. I'd call it styling too just as the others have said. I feel the same way about pressing your hair. However, I would say that if your hair looks differently when you put IC gel on it than when you leave it product-free then I wouldn't call the gelled hair your natural texture. It's very beautiful, btw.
I don't think you're cheating at all. All you're doing is using a product to enhance or bring out your natural texture. I haven't seen a woman yet that goes without putting some kind of product in their hair. That's your natural texure you didn't use any chemicals to alter it. I see women all the time white, black, any other race use gel, mousse, or any other kind of styling and holding product to keep their curls in place, etc. It's not like you're creating fake curls or something. If you don't already have a natural curl pattern you're not gonna be able to create them unless you use some chemicals.
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jwhitley6 said:
Don't get me wrong. I'm not ashamed of my hair texture at all. I'm just an open and honest person. You will never find me wearing a weave that could be confused as my hair...I might wear braids (extensions)that are obviously extensions....but I won't try to act like their real....I like to be authentic. I don't wear heavy make-up. I am a "natural" person.

Also, notice that I put "good hair" in quotes. I'm not saying that's how I feel. But people may look at my hair and get the wrong impression about my natural texture....kinda like the thread where Den1 was saying she was a 4b and everybody and their mama was screaming she's a 3c-4a.

I could actually make my hair look like 3b-3c if I start pressed and add conditioner to it...but that's perpetrating a little. Feel me?
You remind me of I have never had a perm or relaxer (is that the same thing, because I really don't seriously..I'm not, and i have always pressed my hair. People seem to think that becuase my hair stays pressed for a long time, that I must have "good hair". Girl, please.. I have so many different types of hair on my head, I do not know what to do with it. I feel that you are doing what's right for your hair to achieve a certain style. There is nothing wrong with that.

If you don't mind me asking, what do you use to press your hair, and do you press it or does someone do it for you? What's your story, because your hair looks really healthy...I'm starting to get a good way that
pet said:
You remind me of I have never had a perm or relaxer (is that the same thing, because I really don't seriously..I'm not, and i have always pressed my hair. People seem to think that becuase my hair stays pressed for a long time, that I must have "good hair". Girl, please.. I have so many different types of hair on my head, I do not know what to do with it. I feel that you are doing what's right for your hair to achieve a certain style. There is nothing wrong with that.

If you don't mind me asking, what do you use to press your hair, and do you press it or does someone do it for you? What's your story, because your hair looks really healthy...I'm starting to get a good way that

Thanks Pet. I press my own hair. I've been natural for all but 6 months of my life (got a relaxer in '01 and my hair fell I grew it out some and chopped). I condition well, use NTM leave-in, or just the serum, blow dry and press (marcels). I don't use any creams. Sometimes I'll put a little avocado oil on my ends. Thanks for the compliment.

..."don't hate me because I'm beautiful". You too can have beautiful you remember those commercials? I hated that chick! :lol:
Wow, I wish I could press my hair and have it come out that good. My mom has been to my hair since....well, forever, and she keeps telling me that I should start learning to press my hair because she is not going to be around to do it forever. I will be trying this summer, so if I jack up my hair, at least a lot of people won't see I don't really like salons, and it's funny because I have never been to one.

How long did it take you to press your hair so well? Sorry for all of the's not everyday I actually find someone on this board that presses their hair as much as I do. I mostly come here for healthy hair tips, or reviews on products and vitamins..etc.
pet said:
Wow, I wish I could press my hair and have it come out that good. My mom has been to my hair since....well, forever, and she keeps telling me that I should start learning to press my hair because she is not going to be around to do it forever. I will be trying this summer, so if I jack up my hair, at least a lot of people won't see I don't really like salons, and it's funny because I have never been to one.

How long did it take you to press your hair so well? Sorry for all of the's not everyday I actually find someone on this board that presses their hair as much as I do. I mostly come here for healthy hair tips, or reviews on products and vitamins..etc.

It takes me about 20-30 minutes for a good press. I use 2 combs, so that makes it faster than usual.
jwhitley6 said:
I usually press my hair, but I wanted to try the "natural" look today....Well, I had to use a handful (literally) of IC gel to keep my hair from looking a hot mess. I also had to blow dry, otherwise it would have taken all day for my hair to dry. I like the way it looks, but I can't possible call this my natural texture...can I? My natural texture (sans product) shrinks up into a ball of frizz that's about 1 inch in back and 3 inches in front.

What do you think? Are you "cheating" if you have to use a heaping handful of product to achieve the natural look? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

I put some photos in the gallery:

What exactly is "THE natural look"?:look: :look: :look:

If you're using a "heaping handful" of product to acheive a certain look that you cannot achieve without using alot of a product then you are "cheating", since it is not a style that can be naturally achieved without manipulation or extensive product usage.