Spinoff - Relaxed ladies -- how often do you wash/co-wash?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Generally I wash once a week and co-wash once during the week. With the warm weather approaching (and also now that I'm experimenting with letting my hair airdry into soft curls), I'm wondering what others do . . . .

I wash faithfully with shampoo once a week

Co-wash 2 to 3 times a week

When summer comes ...I plan to co-wash daily

I'm Air Drying Queen
I'm in the wash for growth challenge, so I'm pre-pooing, shampooing and deep conditioning every other day. My hair is VERY moisturized, and I love it :grin:
I'm doing the daily/every two day challenge so for the past week I've been washing at least every two days sometimes more. I prefer to just put the conditioner on my hair and let it sit for a while then rinse it out. I guess that's considered a co wash?