How often should you wash during transition?


Well-Known Member
I'm 6 months into my transitioning phase, and I'm wondering if it would be detrimental to me if I co wash once a week or even more often than that? I have about 4 inches of new growth and 8 inches of relaxed hair and although I know that washing my hair would be beneficial for my natural hair, wouldn't it be too harsh for the relaxed part? Thanks for any feedback...
I find that doing conditioner washes helps my transitiong hair a great deal. Up until month 8 I washed once a week. After that my hair started getting dry and I just couldn't deal with it when it was dry. I now condtion wash my hair everyday and shampoo on the weekend to avoid buildup. My hair is more moisturzied and easier to deal with and I don't have any damage to the relaxed or natural parts of my hair.

Thanks so much for your opinions...I was worried that even the conditioner washes might be too much for my relaxed hair (4a/b), but it appears that CW help both the new growth and relaxed portions...

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When I was transitioning, it was very hard to be consistent with washing my hair. I tried waiting every 2 weeks, once a week, every 4 days, but it didn't work out. I think it's best to wash your hair whenever it gets dry and is in need of the ultimate moisture: WATER. I only transitioned for 7.25 months and decided to cut my relaxed hair all off. It feels so much better than having to deal with the two textures all the time after washing. Now I wash daily.

I am transitioning and I co wash either every day or every other day with DDTA depending on how I wear my hair. Works GREAT for me. I ahve braids now so I guess I will just reort to rinsing. I also have NO sheedding.
What do you do with your hair after conditioner washing everday? I only wash once a week because it takes me SO long to comb out my hair section by section and make 14 braids!
I am transitioning, and I CO wash everyday. My hair has so much slip from the conditioners that once I add my mango butter and shea butter to my hair, its very easy to comb thru and my hair is laid down to the max! Plus, my curls/waves are defined w/ the mango butter. I style my hair in a braid and pin it up. That's about it. On my relaxer stretch, I CO washed everyday for a month and my relaxed hair was not negatively affected in comparison with the new growth. Same now.
For me, it depends on my hairstyle. Like this week I'm cowashing every 3-4 days because I am wearing rodsets (experimenting with different rods). I do the same thing when I wear braidouts, etc. The only time I don't wash my hair frequently is when I am wearing braids. Cowashing helps to keep my new growth soft, moisturized, and breakage free.