Spinoff: LHCF Youtube Series?

lauren450 said:
YAY!!!! :yay:

So I take it you've had some haters there.:mad: I'm sure it's going to help a lot of women, though. Would you be willing to include them in the LHCF series, or would you want to keep yours separate?

Any other ideas ladies?:D
Of course, Id include them in series:D Without LHCF, I wouldnt be doing any of this!!
I really dont know what I could contribute but this is a really great idea. :) Once I get a handle on my regimen maybe I could help some of the ladies growing out a short cut.
This is a fabulous idea! So many good ones have been mentioned already.
A tutorial on self-relaxing would be great. Airdrying. Detangling.
Also a tutorial on the types of brushes and combs that are healthy for our hair would be helpful also.
kels823 said:
I really dont know what I could contribute but this is a really great idea. :) Once I get a handle on my regimen maybe I could help some of the ladies growing out a short cut.

Great idea! That in-between stage makes you want to shave yourself bald. :lol: I had the hardest time with that.
So here are the ideas we have so far:

Black Hair Myths
Flat ironing
Natural Styles
Trimming/Dusting/Search and Destroy
Relaxer Stretching
Growing out a short cut
Hair tools (combs, brushes, etc)

Ok, that's a lot!:lol: Any more volunteers?:look:
macherieamour said:
Of course, Id include them in series:D Without LHCF, I wouldnt be doing any of this!!

You are the best! I just love your site and its wonderful that you are willing to share your work with us here....
Also the basics like shampooing, conditioning, and leave-in conditioners..u know some don't know how to do this properly or dont condition or use a leave in at all
Also a variety of healthy hair and styles like short..sl..apl..bsl..mbl...ect
that way if they just see realy long they might think ok what to do with my hair in the meantime when reaching each goal
And moisture/protien
growth aids
having a regimen
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I'd probably never feel comfortable putting myself out there like that but I'd enjoy looking so yall go for it.
macherieamour said:
hi!! I put my Healthy Textures tutorials on YOutube.

It can be really scary because your identity is OUT THERE and Ive found people to be not always as nice and supportive as on LHCF (its REALLY rare that people are so receptive here :) ) so its just important to approve the comments (not just let people comment willy nilly) and disable "embedding" so people dont steal your video and post on their website or...dating service:lol:

Did this person have your permission to post this? Saran Wrap

I found your other video's under your own name. I was confused :perplexed.
Aalize said:
Did this person have your permission to post this? Saran Wrap

I found your other video's under your own name. I was confused :perplexed.

heh- yep, thats my other screen name. I use Macheriehair now but that was my old AIM screenname. Thanks for telling me tho!!!!! LHCF got my back!
Energist said:
I would love a series of videos like that on youtube, however by posting videos on such a public site it leaves a great vulnerability for the many haters who will not like to see Black women with long flowing beautiful hair educating other Black women. This site goes against every Black hair stereotype in the book as it is. I'd just be fearful of that, otherwise I'm all for it :)

you can disable the comment part. i believe comments you don't like can be deleted as well
I volunteer Sistaslick and LocksOfLuV to do a video or 2 or 3:look: .....

Sorry 4 puttin u 2 out there like that. I'm just a big fan:D :D :D :D :D
I didn't realize that you could disable embedding and comments. That is good to know. I can't wait until we get some member videos on there... maybe with lhcf at the end of some of the titles so that we can find each other or something. Or maybe have a lhcf account where any one can log in and add their video or have 1 member in charge of uploading new member videos. Sort of the way expertvillage has theirs :confused: I dunno' just running through a few ideas :) I know that I'll just be happy with any way you guys want to set things up!
good idea. there's one girl, i don't remember her name but she has her video blog on youtube and she does some haircare videos (she did one explaining her regimen and then one on how to do a strawset). she's about my age, i'm 18, and she's got amazing natural hair. i'll have to search for the video so i can give you the link.
This is such a great idea. I'd love to do a video or help out in some way but I don't have anything that I excel at. But I can't wait to see the final product of this
OT kinda--but I would luv for BMORE and anyother ladies who wear make-up to do some HOW-TO videos. I would like to see how to do a colorful eye, natural eye, smokey eye, false lashes etc....
Children's hair care would be a good topic, so that parents can learn that there are alternatives to relaxing a four-year-old's hair.
That is a great idea.
I'am also all for short or medium haired haired ladies to put themself out there so people can witness their hair growth!
Count me in, I actually started making some tutorials for naturals , to use on my website in the near future. Once I'm through I'll post the links here as well. A lot of my client's are newly natural and struggle with their new found freedom. I though of doing this to help them with everyday piratical issues.
I'm addressing.
Natural Styles
two strand twists
shake and go's
Healthy Hair tips ;)

I'm up..I've already put my self out on the net ... and pray the Lord cover me and mine;) The Lord is with me
Oh, excuse me!
I have a few haircare vids on youtube, and aside from the stay negative comment, I get a lot of positive feedback:grin:

Anyway, I'm game....I'll represent for the natural girls:yep:
Please tell me this didn't bomb.:wallbash: I was reading each page like I know the link will be at the end....:yep: but :nono:
OT kinda--but I would luv for BMORE and anyother ladies who wear make-up to do some HOW-TO videos. I would like to see how to do a colorful eye, natural eye, smokey eye, false lashes etc....

I've had requests for this so would be down for a how too:grin:
This may make me sound computer illiterate...

but how do you make videos for Youtube? can you do webcams--- do they come with speakers or would I have to be all set up with a mic and stuff? how would you do the chopping up and editing stuff? Can yall start posting tips like that in here?

This is embarrassing... my mom has all this webcam equipment, etc and I just recently got my first cell with a camera on it...

You know... so we can have an extended OT version on YouTube... :giggle: