Spinoff - Is Dating a Priority For You?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
This is swiped . . . er, inspired by the thread targeted towards ladies in Houston.

Is dating a priority for you?

Do you have time to date?

What are you looking for?

Where are you going to find it?

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally?
Dating is between three and five on my priorities list depending on what I have going on. Usually closer to five.
Is dating a priority for you?
Yes. I have made it a priority in recent months. It's hard for me because I'm really a homebody by nature . . . I far prefer staying inside watching tv or reading to going out on the town. But if I want to be found, I need to put myself out there.

Do you have time to date?
Not really. I have to force myself to make time. I work 10-12 hour days most days and always have a jam packed schedule booked weeks in advance. Most nights I'd rather just crawl into bed then get on the phone/internet with some knucklehead, but I am finally recognizing that this is what I need to do . . . .

What are you looking for?
A well-educated and intelligent, ambitious/hard working guy with a strong moral foundation (Christian strongly preferred!), good family values, and a sense of humor. I am not too particular about looks, but he must be well groomed and at least as tall as me (5'7").

Where are you going to find it?
I actually have been meeting guys just walking down the street, going about my business. Also, I'm doing some online dating. I do not do so well with clubs or speed dating.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?
And how! I've told my older co-workers (who I trust) to keep an eye out for any eligible young men they might know. And all of my friends know I'm looking . . . the problem is that they're looking, too! :lol:

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?
Simply having a positive attitude, an open and confident demeanor and a bright smile have completely changed the game for me . . . .

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally?
Washington, DC. Even though people complain about it down here (the ratio being too heavily in favor of the gentlemen) I still think this is a good market. You meet all kinds of people from everywhere and, compared to where I'm from, there are a lot more pickings . . . .
I guess it's not. I'm a homebody and I haven't made any effort to go out and meet men to date :perplexed
Great thread OP!

Is dating a priority for you? No, its not even on the agenda at the moment. There are to many other areas on my life that need my full attention. I am not happy with where I so I don't feel like I should be dating. My lack of employment at the moment has me feeling some kind of way. Life in general isn't shaping up to well so dating is on the back burner.

Do you have time to date? Yes, I actually have all the time in the world right now. Just finished school, so I don't have to worry about projects and papers.

What are you looking for? Confident, humble, physically fit, good sense of humor, financially sound, outgoing, thoughtful, 5'5 at least, clean cut, bald head preferred

Where are you going to find it? I have no clue.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?
Yes, my friends know I want to find someone and a few have set me up with the men they know but no one has left an impression.
What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally? I am also in DC. I really don't think I am going to find the man for me if I stay in this area. Its great if you want to mix, mingle and go out a lot but finding someone to settle down with is the kicker.
This is swiped . . . er, inspired by the thread targeted towards ladies in Houston.

Is dating a priority for you?

Do you have time to date?

What are you looking for?

Where are you going to find it?

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally?

Oh, this is a fun thread! :D

No, dating is not a priority for me at the moment. It's lots of fun though! !

I have lots of time to date right now. I have a class in the morning, and I work at night. Everything else is basically free time.

I'm really not looking for anything serious right now. But if you mean preference- wise, umm tall...and attractive. That's about it lol

Where am I going to find it? Ohhh ya know, just going about my day really. Actually, my job is the reason I've been meeting so many people lately. I have to go to different locations and interview people about different topics...depending on the company who hired us to do the interviews. It's market research. I actually just got home from a date with this Japanese guy I met while doing a job out in Columbia, MD. The people I interview can be very friendly :lol:

I have not put the word out that I'm single and ready to mingle :lol:

Wisdom I've picked up? Hmmm...don't wear wedges? :lachen:

I'm in Baltimore. With frequent visits to DC. I don't really understand the complaint about not meeting guys in DC. That's where I meet most of my dates. But, like I said, I'm only dating for fun right now. Soo that's probably why lol

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Is dating a priority for you?
Yes, because I want to get married and have a family hopefully before I'm 30. But I'm also in school and trying to establish a career too.

Do you have time to date?
I'm VERY busy but I'll make time for guys who are worth it.

What are you looking for?
Intelligent, family-oriented, taller than me (I'm 5'3), kind-hearted, educated, has a decent job

Where are you going to find it?
That's the billion-dollar question because I have no idea lol. I've tried it all, book stores, events related to my interests etc. with no luck. But I love traveling and have better luck either outside my state or outside the US.:yep:

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?
Eh, not really but that's moot since I rarely meet anyone I'd want to know I'm available anyways lol.

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?
Be yourself and be honest.

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally?

SF Bay Area in Northern California. IMO the singles scene here is dismal. It's a miracle if I'm even a little attracted to a guy. I'm just not on the same page with the guys here and I have girlfriends who feel the same way. I used to think there was something wrong with me, but I just got back from a week in NYC and I saw so many attractive guys there I didn't want to leave lol.:lick: I'm convinced I'll have better luck if I relocate either to the East Coast or abroad, which isn't an option until I'm done with school.
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Is dating a priority for you?
At this time, not right now. I'm 23 - in the early stages of living an independent, adult life and I find I don't feel any urgency to get married at this point. I was actively looking 2 months ago but not so much now for various reasons.

Do you have time to date?

What are you looking for?
If I were looking, I think it's someone with potential for a long(er) term relationship. I don't see the point of seeking out repeated flings and the like. A lot of guys my age are unemployed (usually grads) and/or still living at home and/or at university. As someone who has already started their career and moved out of home, I'm finding less in common with them. I need someone on the same path.

Where are you going to find it?
I'm not adverse to meeting through friends, online etc.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?
People who know me, know that I'm single.

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?

Always be sure of what you want and own it - even if it differs from what others do.

Look for consistent behaviour. Some guys start off great at first but red flags can creep in. Don't let his previous behaviour make you overlook this. Otherwise 1 year down the line, you could be looking like :perplexed and saying "wtf happened?". I cut off a guy who went from getting in touch every 1-2 days to 4+ (with no explanation) - not a big deal to some people but imo you either start off like that or you don't. Another guy was fantastic at first but mentioned other girls he was dating purely to have me jump through hoops (imo). I'm not doing that ish.
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Is dating a priority for you?
Yes. I enjoy being in a relationship so I usually date with an intention of a long term relationship and eventually marriage.

Do you have time to date?
My life is always busy and I make time for everything else so I can make time for a relationship.

What are you looking for?
Many things. Mainly they have to fulfill my "list" and in addition be looking for a long term relationship as well and be willing to court me.

Where are you going to find it?
God alone knows:lachen:. I'll have to read the other responses for ideas lol.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?
How do you go about this? My friends know and we're on the lookout for each other I suppose. However, just because a guy asks me out doesn't mean that I accept. I'm very picky.

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?
Be honest on the first date. If he shows evidence of deal breakers don't waste your time going on a second date. Know what you want and don't settle or feel pressured to do so.
Is dating a priority for you?

Yes and no. I am currently have a nice guy that I am getting to know. If this friendship does not blossom into a lovely relationship, then I am going a mancation for a month or two. I love being in relationships, but at this point in my life marriage is a priority.

Do you have time to date?

Yes, you make time for priorities. I need a guy that has a lot going on also because between school, work, and studying for the cpa exam, my time is reserved for men with serious potential only.

What are you looking for?

Someone who's not perfect but perfect me. Our life plans, goals, and values should be compatible. We have similiar thoughts about relationships.

Where are you going to find it? Who knows?

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?

Yes, my mother is actively praying and trusted friends introduce me to single guys.

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?

Be yourself and always bring your A game.

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This is swiped . . . er, inspired by the thread targeted towards ladies in Houston.

Is dating a priority for you?
Not really. I am in a brand new career field, so I'm trying to get on track with that. And also have a million other things I want to see, learn, do and explore. I'm more interested in just meeting people establishing friendships/a social circle more so than dating right now.

Do you have time to date?
Yes, I do. I don't work long hrs, no kids, or other responsibilities. My biggest time consumers are my hair (only on wash day), and hobbies.

What are you looking for?
I want to meet interesting men and casually date for a while. And maybe in a year or so have a boyfriend.

Where are you going to find it?
Haven't really figured that one out yet.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?
Not really, although someone did offer to introduce me to a co worker of theirs. I don't even really know this lady well and didn't even mention that I was trying date. But I guess I'll take her up on it, why not? :lol: People are funny she made a point to mention what he does and what kind of car her drives, where he went to school.

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?
I have none as I have not really dated much. Just in general tho I see now that it helps when u r clear on who you are and what you want. Makes the weeding out process easier and helps you from getting emotionally involved w/someone who really wasn't right for you from jump

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally?
North VA near DC. Just got here so not sure yet. I think it is good here, you just have to get out the house and be social.
Yes, I like meeting new people and I love talking to guys but it generally doesn't last long once I lose interest. I don't like leading people on once someone shows me what their intentions are so eh. I'm attracted to tall attractive slim athletic men with hair on their head and young. I go out and just enjoy life if I meet someone doing something I enjoy then cool. I can meet several guys on any given day or none at all. Funny thing is, I always meet men when I'm alone. When I'm out with friends a guy may holler on the street or a friend may notice someone watching me but I don't get into convos with guys unless I'm alone for the most part. At this point in time with everyone with penis on the brain, it pays to have male friends (no benefits) cuz female friends have no time for you unless you have a peen :giggle:
Is dating a priority for you?
Sort of. I want to be dating and I make sure I socialize... But that doesn't always bring about dates.

Do you have time to date?
Before I didn't. Work and life was hectic for a while. I think now I do.

What are you looking for?
A nice guy who is really into me, is attractive, isn't a big partier, and shares certain things in common with me. Vague but trust I have my list.

Where are you going to find it?
Not sure. I'm going out to every party I'm invited to. I talk to people. I'm volunteering. I attend social events. We shall see.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?
I've told friends and coworkers that I am looking.

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?
Guys think that they have their pick of the litter (and they often do). Many guys are extremely immature and not ready for dating in the hopes of getting into a serious relationship/marriage. Lots of guys also abuse something I hate which is text messaging.

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally?[/QUOTE] there are lots of single men where I live... I'm in a big city. I have learned that most of them prefer to be single for as long as they can.
Is dating a priority for you?
It is second on the list.

Do you have time to date?
Right now, yes. I work in education, so i have the summer months off. Even during my working months i have time, since i have a really good work schedule.

What are you looking for?
A loving and exciting lt relationship.

Where are you going to find it?
Probably on an internet dating site, lol, but maybe in a lounge/bar/the gym/book store/coffee shop/club/etc. Who knows.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?
No, i haven't 'put the word out' per se... my fam and friends know i'm single, but it's not broadcast in hopes of being set up or anything.

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?
All men (the tough ones, the self-proclaimed 'good guys', the ugly ones, the nice ones, the 'timid' ones, the nerdy ones, the great-looking ones, the soft-spoken ones) want sex at the end of the day and will try to take advantage IF you LET them.

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally?
I am located in nyc. Singles scene is abundant and i frequently date, especially during the summer time. It is a lot of fun and helps me fine tune my radar for viable options in this city.
Is dating a priority for you? At this time, yes. Im ready to get married.

Do you have time to date? Yes

What are you looking for? I have the word document of my requirement list :look:

Where are you going to find it? Im finding what Im looking only problem is none of them are keeping me interested long enough. Im 26 and never been in love

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle? Yes

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game? Give people space and date as many as possible!

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally? Atlanta and it's aight. I go for the men that are new to the city lol.
I notice when my own priorities weren't in order I would think dating was important to get my mind off the situations going on in my life. Now that I'm totally focusing on me, dating is not a priority.
da hayel :rofl: :driver:

Is dating a priority for you?
Yes it is

Do you have time to date?
Yes I do but when my baby returns for the school year my time will be limited.

What are you looking for?
Educated, smart, has upper/middle class mentality, sexy, edgy, ready to get married and open to having a child if things get serious.

Where are you going to find it?
Upscale gyms, dining establishments, shopping districts as well as the gas station, the grocery store, the cleaners, the pet store knowing my dog is in Vegas :rofl: ....basically anywhere

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?

Yes I have. And if ya'll didn't know I's here!!!!

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?

a)Read the signs

b)Start training them in the beginning

c)Don't be on your best behavior be your everyday self that's who they will have to know and love

d) know that if you screw him you may be limiting your potential with him

e) be on time and not a flake if something comes up communicate although I like to be 5-10min late I don't like waiting on a man it looks desperate to me :look: I have so many lil hangups

f) don't play games. if you want to call or text that night call or text that night if you want to say i miss u say it I call it plan 2520.

g) know that not everyone has the time to break down your walls deal with your issues

h) take care of your body even if you are not trying to lose weight men like to hear that you work out, get your hair done, like to look nice etc etc

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally

I'm in Houston I keep hearing about a "good man drought" but for me it's raining...and I'm singin in the rain. I went on a date Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun and I just set up one for this Fri and was supposed to fly out to New Orleans to meet a nice lawyer that I met at Essence Festival but he says it's raining and If we stay indoors he might not be able to remain a gentleman LOL.

Last week I had a date Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning brunch.
No dating is not a priority for me. It's nice when it happens but I don't go out of my way to make it happen.
da hayel :rofl: :driver:

Is dating a priority for you?
Yes it is

Do you have time to date?
Yes I do but when my baby returns for the school year my time will be limited.

What are you looking for?
Educated, smart, has upper/middle class mentality, sexy, edgy, ready to get married and open to having a child if things get serious.

Where are you going to find it?
Upscale gyms, dining establishments, shopping districts as well as the gas station, the grocery store, the cleaners, the pet store knowing my dog is in Vegas :rofl: ....basically anywhere

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?

Yes I have. And if ya'll didn't know I's here!!!!

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?

a)Read the signs

b)Start training them in the beginning

c)Don't be on your best behavior be your everyday self that's who they will have to know and love

d) know that if you screw him you may be limiting your potential with him

e) be on time and not a flake if something comes up communicate although I like to be 5-10min late I don't like waiting on a man it looks desperate to me :look: I have so many lil hangups

f) don't play games. if you want to call or text that night call or text that night if you want to say i miss u say it I call it plan 2520.

g) know that not everyone has the time to break down your walls deal with your issues

h) take care of your body even if you are not trying to lose weight men like to hear that you work out, get your hair done, like to look nice etc etc

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally

I'm in Houston I keep hearing about a "good man drought" but for me it's raining...and I'm singin in the rain. I went on a date Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun and I just set up one for this Fri and was supposed to fly out to New Orleans to meet a nice lawyer that I met at Essence Festival but he says it's raining and If we stay indoors he might not be able to remain a gentleman LOL.

Last week I had a date Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning brunch.

You go girl!!! I ain't mad at you!! Send some of that rain my way, lol!!
Is dating a priority for you? Umm...maybe #3 on my list of things.

Do you have time to date? I can make time, I don't want to waste my 20s at work!

What are you looking for? Educated, humble, in shape, happy man, with no kids =)

Where are you going to find it? I was on okcupid, but haven't been impressed with the choices so I just socialize with my friends and meet guys that way.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle? Not really

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game? Don't overthink situations, enyjoy the moment, don't dissmiss a guy because he doesn't have something on 'THE LIST'.

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally? Athens, GA, undergrad city = terrible for me. Poor county = guys who can't meet my standards.
da hayel :rofl: :driver:

Is dating a priority for you?
Yes it is

Do you have time to date?
Yes I do but when my baby returns for the school year my time will be limited.

What are you looking for?
Educated, smart, has upper/middle class mentality, sexy, edgy, ready to get married and open to having a child if things get serious.

Where are you going to find it?
Upscale gyms, dining establishments, shopping districts as well as the gas station, the grocery store, the cleaners, the pet store knowing my dog is in Vegas :rofl: ....basically anywhere

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?

Yes I have. And if ya'll didn't know I's here!!!!

What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?

a)Read the signs

b)Start training them in the beginning

c)Don't be on your best behavior be your everyday self that's who they will have to know and love

d) know that if you screw him you may be limiting your potential with him

e) be on time and not a flake if something comes up communicate although I like to be 5-10min late I don't like waiting on a man it looks desperate to me :look: I have so many lil hangups

f) don't play games. if you want to call or text that night call or text that night if you want to say i miss u say it I call it plan 2520.

g) know that not everyone has the time to break down your walls deal with your issues

h) take care of your body even if you are not trying to lose weight men like to hear that you work out, get your hair done, like to look nice etc etc

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally

I'm in Houston I keep hearing about a "good man drought" but for me it's raining...and I'm singin in the rain. I went on a date Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun and I just set up one for this Fri and was supposed to fly out to New Orleans to meet a nice lawyer that I met at Essence Festival but he says it's raining and If we stay indoors he might not be able to remain a gentleman LOL.

Last week I had a date Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning brunch.

Great tips. And Houston is definitely on my list if I leave the DC area. I just got off the phone w/ a homegirl in FL telling her she needs to holler at houston if she ever relocates.
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Is dating a priority for you?

Yes. I'm ready to get married, since 11/10. But I haven't had any prospects as of yet. I'm over being alone.

Do you have time to date?

Yes. I make time for whatever I want to make time for.

What are you looking for?

PRACTICING Christian, loves and listens to God and his heart, English, 6'2, fun-loving, someone who smiles, middle/upper class status (money), small to average built, chill personality, detail, never married or have kids and a bunch of other stuff I shared with the Lord.

Where are you going to find it?

I don't know. I would like to meet him at my church. But it doesn't matter to me.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?


What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?

I haven't dated in years. But I'm the type that learns from other people experiences. I glean that knowledge and use it to my advantage.

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally?

Chicago - Western Suburbs. I live mainly in a family-oriented area. I love living in this type of area, unfortunately, I have no idea who is and isn't single.

Which is why its important that the guy approaches me, because I wouldn't know if he's single.
Is dating a priority for you?

Yes. I'm ready to get married, since 11/10. But I haven't had any prospects as of yet. I'm over being alone.

Do you have time to date?

Yes. I make time for whatever I want to make time for.

What are you looking for?

PRACTICING Christian, loves and listens to God and his heart, English, 6'2, fun-loving, someone who smiles, middle/upper class status (money), small to average built, chill personality, detail, never married or have kids and a bunch of other stuff I shared with the Lord.

Where are you going to find it?

I don't know. I would like to meet him at my church. But it doesn't matter to me.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?


What wisdom have you picked up in the dating game?

I haven't dated in years. But I'm the type that learns from other people experiences. I glean that knowledge and use it to my advantage.

OPTIONAL: Where are you located? What is the singles scene like in your area generally?

Chicago - Western Suburbs. I live mainly in a family-oriented area. I love living in this type of area, unfortunately, I have no idea who is and isn't single.

Which is why its important that the guy approaches me, because I wouldn't know if he's single.

MarriageMaterial - Are you British? If not, why must your mate be "English" (or is this just a concern about him having a command of the language - believe me I can relate to that one! :lachen:)
@MarriageMaterial - Are you British? If not, why must your mate be "English" (or is this just a concern about him having a command of the language - believe me I can relate to that one! :lachen:)

Glib Gurl :lachen: No, I'm not British. Just something I like, fortunately, I do tend to run into them (the married ones anyways). So it's something that I would like. It's not a deal breaker, if he isn't. I just find American guys....boring.
Dating has always been a priority for me. In my 20's I dated a lot because I wanted to have fun and figure what I wanted and didn't want in a man/relationship.

In my 30's once I figured all of that out and decided that I wanted to be married, dating was still a priority but I was dating with purpose then. It has worked out very well for me.:yep:
PretteePlease. What do you mean if you screw him.. Your limiting your potential?

I totally agree with F and G!! Many women I have across has told me to get over a guy you need another one and actually practices that myth. So then they become clingy, needy and bring their baggage into the next relationship or rebound and then want to analyze and moan as to why they are still single and left with super elastic rubberband like vajayjay!

Men succeed with that philosophy but not the majority of Women!!

I also believe at this point in my life I am working on being more expressive and showing interest to men who are appealing to me instead of playing hard to get!