Spinoff: How Often Do You Aubrey?


Well-Known Member
How often do you do your Aubrey Organics conditioning. I usually DC once a week w/GPB; but I have done Aubrey everyday this week. I know, wow! I am embarking on a new mini-twist reggie, and I cannot stop wetting my hair. Daily rinsing and co-washing is so refreshing and relaxing. I am alternating between DCing and regular rinsing w/GPB (my baby) and HSR. So what say you, how often are you Aubrey-ing?
Twice a week. As a DC on the weekend and as a regular conditioner midweek. And Aubrey's GPB is my poison of choice too. Every now and then, I'll replace GPB with Emergencée as a DC, so on those times, I use it once a week.
I Aubrey daily, I cowash with AOHSR or AORM. I use AOCM and AOBCM on a regular as a dry DC. Once every other week or so I use AOIN or AOGPB. I'm an aubrey addict:yep:
I Aubrey daily, I cowash with AOHSR or AORM. I use AOCM and AOBCM on a regular as a dry DC. Once every other week or so I use AOIN or AOGPB. I'm an aubrey addict:yep:

Hey! I am becoming an Aubrey addict too :yep:. I was wondering if anyone else does it daily. People always say to use cheapie conditioners for daily co-washes; but what about top of the line products for daily use? The cheap conditioners make my hair hard and dry. We definitely need this stuff to come in a big tub :lick:
Ooh I have AO White Camellia, GPB regular, GPB Rosemary Mint and Honey Suckle Rose but Ive only used the gpb so far :)
Hey! I am becoming an Aubrey addict too :yep:. I was wondering if anyone else does it daily. People always say to use cheapie conditioners for daily co-washes; but what about top of the line products for daily use? The cheap conditioners make my hair hard and dry. We definitely need this stuff to come in a big tub :lick:

virtuenow I don't really like cheapie conditioners...I like the AORM best for cowashing but I wait till I'm several weeks post before bringing that one out because to me that is truly an expensive conditioner!

Oh and I use AOWC on occasion too:giggle:
I Aubrey about once a week with GBP or HSR depending on how my hair feels. I also grab it to co-wash but I'm on a personal mission to use up my stash of shampoos and conditioners so I'm putting Aubrey to the back of the pile lol best for last!
Twice a weak, HSR sunday, GPB thursday for deep conditioning. My hair never gets to feel dry unless I have product build up or for weather reasons. I haven't need to moisture in forever....
I use AOHSR once a week and AOGPB whenever I feel like it.
I use they could put this stuff in a jar and not a bottle.
By the way, I have been feeling funny about my Aubrey since they changed the ingredients/got rid of the word organics. I don't know:(

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Currently just once a week as a DC. AO Blue Chamomile is my baby and White Camellia runs a close second. When I use up my other conditioners I may use it twice a week when I cowash. But right now I have too many other conditioners to use up.

Right now I have a twa so I can cowash mid-week. But, I am also like NappyNelle and can't wash in twist without my hair matting up. But I have a few months for that :yep:

When I do start using it more regularly I am going to dilute it. I found it works on my hair so much better when I mix it with a bit of water and spray it on and rub it in like a shampoo.
I use the AO GPB once a month and the AO Island Naturals about once a week. I was using the HSR, but I'm giving it a break since it was causing me to shed a lot. I agree that this product needs to come in a tub- a huge tub so I can stop buying 3 bottles at a time and stop putting water in it to get the remaining product out.
I love Aburey White Camellia and the GPB conditioners and use them together once a week. I use the GPB first on dry hair as instructed, then lightly shampoo that out. Then I condition with White Camellia with heat for 20 minutes, rinse and airdry overnight.

The combo almost makes my hair TOO soft, if you could believe that. :lol:
Twice a weak, HSR sunday, GPB thursday for deep conditioning. My hair never gets to feel dry unless I have product build up or for weather reasons. I haven't need to moisture in forever....

My routine is almost the same except I use white Camilla on Sundays. HSR does nothing for me. Has anyone tried the blue algae? It's super expensive!!! 4 ounces goes for a $11. Please let me know what you all think of it.
Now you guys are making me want to try the WC... I'm not supposed to buy any more shampoos or conditioners!! :wallbash: