Spinoff - Have you NOT dated a guy because he is really good looking?

Have you NOT dated a guy because he is really good looking?

  • Heck nah - I love a good looking man!

    Votes: 19 65.5%
  • Yes - I cannot handle someone who looks TOO good.

    Votes: 10 34.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I know this might sound wrong, but I do NOT want to date a man who is too good looking . . . I would be worried about somebody trying to steal him :look:
my mother always told me to marry "an ok looking man" to reduce the drama in my life.....too bad i didn't listen :giggle: (my baby is fione :lick: lol)

but i have never turned down a guy for being "too fine" - usually the "too fine" ones disqualify themselves with some kinda foolishness though :look:
good looking or not, if a man can claim to have been 'stolen' from me, the other woman can have him, no qualms.

I understand what you mean though. I tend to find that good looking is usually a gift on its own; problems ensue when good looks are accompanied by an overinflated ego, arrogance and delusions of grandeur.
Ive also gotten my butt in trouble with pretty boys. However, no they do not intimidate me. If they approach, Im willing to give them a chance based on the same basis I judge guys that arent so pretty
I used to think like this in high school when my self-esteem was in the toilet.

But now, nobody below a 10 better be checkin' for me, lol. Guys don't settle, why should we?

I've heard older women say this...choose a man who isn't too attractive..one that is 'decent' looking who is more in love with you than you are with him. I take issue with that...it's a situation where, once again, men get the more favored situation (a hot wife) while we are stuck with a dud.
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Well growing up in Israel I saw HOT guys all the time one on every corner but all shapes colours and sizes Some were arrogant some were not I just think it depends on the guy
Nope my DH is very good looking. When I was young I thought I had to settle for a not so good looking successful man. Once I got older I discovered I could have the total package and God sent me that.
The saying for men goes "If you don't want a troubled life, don't make a pretty woman your wife."

I'm sure that some women feel the same way too. I don't think it has anything to do with self esteem being low, but just realizing the fact that there "may" be problems when dating or being married to a very attractive person. It's unfair to categorize, so the best way to know if a stunner is for you is to get to know them and go from there.
Yes. Some guys many girls thought were hot have approached me. And I shut them down, but it's not because they are pretty boys; I shut down every guy lately. It's my own self-esteem issues that I am still working out. :look:
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All of the guys that I've thought we super hot turned out to be all looks and no substance. Either they're dumb as bricks, boring, or so self-important I couldn't stand to be around them for long. I'm open to dating anyone I'm attracted too though. That's just been my experience with guys that I've found to be gorgeous.
Yes, a lot of times I'm generally wary. The last one I regret because I think he was a really decent guy after all. So you never know.
I like to look at "good looking men" but I don't care for "pretty." When it comes to dating looks are somewhat secondary for me. The sexiest thing about a guy is metal acquity. I'm a smart chick (just sayin') and I really don't have time for guys that can't keep up.
I have to be physically and sexually attracted to you (doesnt require sex though) but you also dont have to be the finest/prettiest thing on the block either. Fine men for the most part are trouble. Its not settling, its strategic. I prefer your loyalty and love over your bullsh*+ from you thinking you're the hotness.

And its not a matter of men not settling because ALOT of men go for natural beauty (or she real cute girl) and not the overtly sexual beautiful girl because when it comes to wife-ing you, they look past the looks for much more.
No, I've never not wanted to date a guy who's too goodlooking. It's more his attitude that will determine everything. If youre really good looking and you are acting like I should drop to my knees on sight just because you look good, then I know to back away but then again I've seen Shabaranks looking dudes act like this too.
Yeah I've turned down guys that were too good looking (in their own eyes) after a few dates or convos, their arrogance and attitude was just too much for me to handle. I'm a pretty low-key chick, and if he takes longer than I do getting ready to go out...something is seriously wrong. And I was with a man like that so its really irritating to me now!
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I love men! I don't think I've ever designated someone as being "too good looking" because everyone has flaws....now, too sexy? that's a different story....heaven help us.......

ETA: Sometimes I say I hate men but deep down I do love em :yep:
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My mama always said,"Trust me if you want him, then someone else will want him too," and I believe that, so his looks (good or bad) don't have anything to do with him being "stolen".

To answer the question, yes I have but not for fear of him being " stolen".
Why settle for less over a "hypothetical"?

To me, the notion that you would turn down a gorgeous man and immediately assume that he can be stolen away means that you don't think enough of yourself as a woman.

Anything is possible and anything can happen but its never helpful to come out the gate with negative perceptions.

There are gorgeous guys that don't know they're so gorgeous or are very humble about it, I've dated a guy like that and he was amazing. You have to take people as they are, some guys are cocky some are reserved and debonaire, you'll never know untill you try:yep:
I tend to turn men down or shy away if I think their too pretty! I know it's not true in all cases but, I tend to not like their personality.. And, I don't know if it's a self esteem issue but, I'm always suprised when a good looking guy approaches me... and if they don't say somthing that catches me that I like right off I give him the cold shoulder... I don't know I've always said I don't like them too pretty. But, other than me not liking their personality at times I don't really know why.