Intimidated by really good looking men

OK, so I hate to sound like the party-crasher but perhaps the issue is that you are short selling yourself by focusing ONLY (or primarily) on looks alone, when in fact you should be viewing yourself as the TOTAL PACKAGE.

Sis, as long as you live there will be someone (so-called) finer than you out here. And with age, this becomes even more apparent. BUT there is soooo much more to you than just what you look like and if you were to take FULL assessment of that and THEN add in your looks, you become more than just another pretty face.

Bottom line is, men are drawn/inticed by what they see through the eyegate, but it's the heart and strength of a REAL woman that KEEPS his interest. So with that said, I would suggest to any Queen who ever ponders these doubts to take another look in the mirror and learn to treasure herself on what TRULY makes her beautiful.
I'm also intimated by extremely good looking men. My standards are very high though regarding looks so I don't have this problem very often, lol.
Honestly, I've never had this problem because I feel I'm more attractive than most men and just as attractive as the most attractive ones I've met. Humble of me, I know :giggle:

Don't worry about it. Seriously. If he's talking to you then it means HE finds you attractive and that's all that matters. It's really not complicated or deep. Men are simple in that regard. It's the one area of relationships that is so simple because all that matters is whether the two people involved are attracted to each other. It's much less complicated than the clashes that can occur over values, hobbies, religion, etc..
Enjoy the situation and don't worry about all that other stuff because then your mind will be preoccupied and you could taint a potentially good thing. Enjoy :)
aawww, you ladies are so sweet :hug2:

You guys give such great tips and words of advice. :grin: Dating can so so challenging but I am just trying to have fun with it :)
Haven't read the entire thread, but in my experience, a lot of really good looking guys are WACK.
ETA: And arrogant.
pass those fine men to me.

Im not intimidated at all, i think they match me
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