Also, we need to be very carefully of the statements we make like this. Unfortunately, the first place people point to Voodoo is Haiti, even thought its practiced in tons of other sites, including the US. Now people are saying Haiti is suffering because of Voodoo which is hurtful lies. You wouldn't believe the number of times I have heard people say this. People take what we say and use it how they please
"Cutie" ... there's only 'one' thing I need to be careful of, and that is to speak the Truth of God and not man's perceptions or emotions.
If you see voodoo as not being evil, that's your perspective, however it is not the truth, regardless of whether you practice it or not. I hate to disillusion you, but any 'religion' outside of God is evil. Anyone who prays to idols or to other dieties or spirits is evil in the sight of God. God is very clear about this in His word. Quite clear.
Don't confuse this with what's going on with Haiti. And also let's be clear, not everyone, including myself is blaming Haiti for what has happened to her. It's a tragedy and believe me, it grieves the heart of God to see this happen to them as well as others and myself.
What exactly was your point in resurrecting this thread in the first place? It's not going to change the fact of what voodoo is.. which is
indeed darkness.
And please do not insult the religions of the Muslims and the Jews,
by placing them in the
same basket as voodoo. voodoo is witchcraft in one of it's highest forms. It's demonic, it works upon conjouring up and communicating with the spirits of darkness.
The Jews DO acknowledge God and honor and respect Him as God and there is none other. They do not converge with the spirits of darkness as those who do with voodoo. Period, point blank.
Muslims, honor God as God. They do not practice voodoo. They do not converge with spirits of darkness as those who practice voodoo.
Hindus worship 'idols' and other spirits.
It does not matter whether you agree or not. What does matter is not to insult these two religions (Jews and Muslims) by placing them in the same category as voodoo.
Let me be clear. You are not the only person who is upset about what's being said about Haiti and if this is your way of defending Haiti, by defending voodoo, it's a waste of time and the wrong path in doing so.
I'm speaking to you and any and everyone else who is wasting so much precious time and energy complaiing about what is being said about Haiti. Do what others are doing instead. Get up from the keyboard and get some money over there and keep it going.
Instead of pouting about what so and so said about Haiti and voodoo and who-doo,
PRAY -- STOP wasting your time and words on what somebody said and use your words to keep praying.
These folks just had another earthquake ... 6.0 on the richter. For God's sake!
Ignore the distractions and Pray. Stop complaining about what other folks have said and do something productive.
As wrong as it is for those who are casting Haiti down with their words, it's even MORE wrong of those who waste their time 'crying' and complaining about it. And in the meantime, Haiti is attacked by another geographical disaster. Our words are needed to keep them in prayer and under God's protection.
I'm gonna tell you something and I hope you understand it.
"IF" . . . Haiti is indeed suffering due to practices of voodoo and other practices of such, wouldn't it make sense to get rid of the cause in order to set in place the cure? I'm
not accusing Haiti of anything; they've been through more than enough suffering.
However, If smoking cigarettes give lung cancer...... stop smoking.
"IF" indeed there is a
spiritual casue going on there, then I refuse to be an enabler, instead, I choose to love her and help her and by the loving grace of God, to see her set free. Haiti has suffered long and hard enough.
To Haiti...may the grace of all mighty God rest upon you and yours. Haiti you are loved and indeed many are 'actively' reaching out to you with our hearts, our money and most of all our prayers. No time is being wasted disputing the cause of this terror upon you.