Spinoff: Does Voodoo/Black Magic have REAL Power?

Is it real?

  • Yes voodoo is real!

    Votes: 94 65.3%
  • No it's not!

    Votes: 9 6.3%
  • I don't know!

    Votes: 22 15.3%
  • Maybe it is maybe it isn't.

    Votes: 22 15.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I'm asking for a Christian perspective. Can you "not believe" in these things? Or is it not a question of belief? Are these things real and cannot be denied or do we make them real with our fear of them?

As Christians should we refuse to acknowledge such things, or should we recognize them for what they are and behave in a certain manner...which would be...how?

Has anyone experienced such things, as in the "sexual demons." I have my own experiences that I believe I've posted before. :ohwell:

Just some questions. I have no answers. :look:
Without getting into any detail, trust me when I tell you: Voodoo is real and has real power.

I can't stress this enough: Though the enemy is not all powerful, do not be deceived! He has power! People would be surprised at some of the things that the enemy can do, and by the most "innocent" looking ways imaginable.

It's ok if people want to scoff and "pooh-pooh" voodoo and black magic into a corner. It's probably for the best. That way, they won't get curious and start doing any investigative work into it. That would be a disaster waiting to happen, and I pray against it!!

1 Peter 5:8-9 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

Recognize that we are in a war against the powers of darkness, and prayer is the primary and mightiest weapon we have, both in (1) aggressive war against the enemy and his works; (2) in the deliverance of men from his power, and (3) against him as an hierarchy of power opposed to Christ and His Church. The believer should pray against the devil, not only for himself, but for the whole Church (Ephes. 6: 18), and for the whole world, which in due time will be absolutely freed from his presence and power. Thank the LORD, GOD!!! :)
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I'm in the middle of something right now (at work), BUT I will also have something to share about this....
I agree with Pebbles. You are putting yourself in jeopardy if you underestimate Satan's power. His power is no where near the power of Jesus but he does have power.

I liken this to believing that Satan knows what's in the Bible. If you know that Satan knows the Bible, then you know that it is vital that you know the Word so that you can't be deceived by him when he tries to twist it around.
I think the human mind is incredibly powerful. I've seen many clients wasting away because they believed someone put 'roots' on them. (Isn't it interesting that this stuff only works if the person knows they've been 'rooted?') Now, I could've spent endless time trying to convince them otherwise, but what was the point? Nope, I'd either do some 'voodoo' of my own to remove the spell. Or send them to someone else to do the same. Its amazing how quickly they'd recover.
Does Voodoo/Black Magic have REAL Power?


To voodoo I say pbbbbttttt.

I have never heard good intentions behind voodoo. It's not practiced to give glory to any God or Gods, it's kind of a 'what's in it for me' selfish religion. There is something unquestionably WRONG with a religion where love/protection spells and hexes are run of the mill. The emphasis is instant emotional gratification without regard to anyone else's feelings or desires. I find the whole thing unseemly and unethical and I have questioned the values of anyone I know who was involved with the practice.

With that said, I wholly believe that voodoo is psychosomatic in that it only works if everyone involved believes in it. If one uses a love potion and subsequently finds a mate, then OF COURSE, that's due to the spell.:ohwell: If you acknowledge that this is something to be feared, then you have given power to something otherwise powerless.

Psalms 23 says " I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for You are with me.

As long as God is with me, I refuse to be afraid of a pot of soup made with evil intentions. Yes Satan is present in the world, I ain't scared of him. He got his role in this world and I got mine. If our paths cross, and they have, I seek counsel from the Lord and keep it moving. No big productions needed.
My mother-in-law, devout Catholic, was almost struck down with Voodoo. She has never believed in it until that time. At all. In fact, she really took it for a joke. After her experience, she won't sleep on it again.
Voodoo is an evil power. But God is all-mighty, all-powerful.

I trust God's word, and I don't fear what others practice. I believe no weapon formed against me can prosper once I'm prepared:
Eph 6:11-20
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints…
pebbles said:
Without getting into any detail, trust me when I tell you: Voodoo is real and has real power.

I can't stress this enough: Though the enemy is not all powerful, do not be deceived! He has power! People would be surprised at some of the things that the enemy can do, and by the most "innocent" looking ways imaginable.

It's ok if people want to scoff and "pooh-pooh" voodoo and black magic into a corner. It's probably for the best. That way, they won't get curious and start doing any investigative work into it. That would be a disaster waiting to happen, and I pray against it!!

1 Peter 5:8-9 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

Recognize that we are in a war against the powers of darkness, and prayer is the primary and mightiest weapon we have, both in (1) aggressive war against the enemy and his works; (2) in the deliverance of men from his power, and (3) against him as an hierarchy of power opposed to Christ and His Church. The believer should pray against the devil, not only for himself, but for the whole Church (Ephes. 6: 18), and for the whole world, which in due time will be absolutely freed from his presence and power. Thank the LORD, GOD!!! :)

This is what my momma says. She tells me crazy voodoo stories from Ghana. Then she tells me not to pay attention to what she's saying b/c she doesn't even want my mind going there. :look:
victorious said:
Voodoo is an evil power. But God is all-mighty, all-powerful.

I trust God's word, and I don't fear what others practice. I believe no weapon formed against me can prosper once I'm prepared:
Eph 6:11-20
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints…

You quoted one of my favorite scriptures!
victorious said:
Voodoo is an evil power. But God is all-mighty, all-powerful.

I trust God's word, and I don't fear what others practice. I believe no weapon formed against me can prosper once I'm prepared:
Eph 6:11-20
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints…

I couldn't agree more. On point all the way.
pebbles said:
Without getting into any detail, trust me when I tell you: Voodoo is real and has real power.

I can't stress this enough: Though the enemy is not all powerful, do not be deceived! He has power! People would be surprised at some of the things that the enemy can do, and by the most "innocent" looking ways imaginable.

It's ok if people want to scoff and "pooh-pooh" voodoo and black magic into a corner. It's probably for the best. That way, they won't get curious and start doing any investigative work into it. That would be a disaster waiting to happen, and I pray against it!!

1 Peter 5:8-9 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.

Recognize that we are in a war against the powers of darkness, and prayer is the primary and mightiest weapon we have, both in (1) aggressive war against the enemy and his works; (2) in the deliverance of men from his power, and (3) against him as an hierarchy of power opposed to Christ and His Church. The believer should pray against the devil, not only for himself, but for the whole Church (Ephes. 6: 18), and for the whole world, which in due time will be absolutely freed from his presence and power. Thank the LORD, GOD!!! :)

the best way to protect and hide a great evil is to deny it's entire existence. Be diligent and don't sleep on anything.
Well let me share my story-I forgot to tell!

Apparently my great grandmother's husband left her and was living with another woman. Well one day he decided to go back to my great grandmother, and the woman decided it was time for some "payback."

At an all day meeting at church, she put something/and a voodoo spell in the food that my great grandmother ate. And from whatever was put in the food, my great grandmother had a scorpian born in her stomach! And she had to take all kinds of expensive meds to keep it quiet, and keep it from moving and stinging her. And one day it just crawled up her throat and stung her and killed her. :eek:

I never knew this woman, and whenever I ask anyone about the story they act funny. :confused: So I don't know who witnessed this or the truth behind it. But still....?

But this, combined with some of the things I saw in the sexual demons thread inspired me to discuss this with y'all.
rozlips said:
I think the human mind is incredibly powerful. I've seen many clients wasting away because they believed someone put 'roots' on them. (Isn't it interesting that this stuff only works if the person knows they've been 'rooted?') Now, I could've spent endless time trying to convince them otherwise, but what was the point? Nope, I'd either do some 'voodoo' of my own to remove the spell. Or send them to someone else to do the same. Its amazing how quickly they'd recover.

Unfortunately, for a nonbeliever, most of this is going to seem like it's "in the mind." Give them some meds and they'll be fine. I can't deny that for some people, that really is the case.

However, without giving the devil any glory, I can tell you that I personally know of more than 3 people who have lost their eyesight and suffered other physical handicaps and deformities due to voodoo. They were fine before these ceremonies. I'm not talking about stories I've heard, I'm talking about people I know personally. One was healed, and had their eyesight restored after being taken to a church and repenting of their sins. The others choose to continue not to believe in the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ, no matter how much people try to bring them to church. Such a shame.

And mind you, there's so much worse than this I could recount, but I'd rather just leave it alone. It's not a subject I like. But I want people to know that when they engage in voodoo or black magic of any kind, there is always a price to pay, and if you don't do what is required of you, you have to forfeit something, and you don't have a choice what that is. . .

I'm cool with all who want to think this isn't real or just one big mind game. But with the things I know and have seen myself, I know of what I speak. This is no joke.

I believe in the Power of Jesus Christ. I believe that no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper, not because I'm special or powerful on my own, but because I'm covered by The Blood. I have nothing to fear. But I can't walk around thinking everything is coming up roses and there is no evil looking for a weak spot or open door to bring havoc into my life. I rely on the spirit of discernment to show me where I should go, what I should look out for, who I should trust, who I should be weary of, when I should pray, what I should pray for, etc. 1 Peter 5:8 tells me to be sober and vigilant, and to be vigilant means to be watchful and alert, especially to danger or to something that is wrong. :)
Voodoo, obeah, etc. are all just as real and valid as any other belief system. These African-based religions provided the impetus for freedom - especially in Haiti and Jamaica - which is why the colonial powers passed laws against and "demonized" them.

ETA: Like many non-monotheistic beliefs, voodoo can be used to do good or it can be used to do bad. When voodoo is used to do evil, the belief is that the evil-doer will and must bear the consequences of their evil acts. It's important to know this in order to understand that voodoo in and of itself is not evil.

I've looked into African belief systems in the Caribbean a bit, so if anyone is interested I can post more later.
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Miss*Tress said:
Voodoo, obeah, etc. are all just as real and valid as any other belief system. These African-based religions provided the impetus for freedom - especially in Haiti and Jamaica - which is why the colonial powers passed laws against and "demonized" them.

ETA: Like many non-monotheistic beliefs, voodoo can be used to do good or it can be used to do bad. When voodoo is used to do evil, the belief is that the evil-doer will and must bear the consequences of their evil acts. It's important to know this in order to understand that voodoo in and of itself is not evil.

I've looked into African belief systems in the Caribbean a bit, so if anyone is interested I can post more later.

Respectfully, this is where our beliefs part ways. I'm well aware of voodoo and it's history and how it's used in Haitian culture, (being Haitian myself, and having personal experience with this stuff), perhaps more so than a lot of people here.

Anything, anything that can be used for "good" as well as evil is not of The Lord. The Lord does not allow His Power to be used to harm people as well as to help people. This suggests that The Lord can be manipulated, and therefore, if He can be manipulated He is not in full control and Sovereign over all. I know that many believe this is possible, but that's false. God is a Just and Holy God. And He does not give His Power over to be used for evil. Again, I urge people NOT to underestimate the power of the enemy, nor the length to which he will go to in an effort to distort and pervert the truth.

Seriously, I do understand that some believe voodoo is good. That's fine. But I know better, and I'm compelled to speak the truth. I wasn't going to say anything, but the Holy Spirit kept knocking me on the head saying, "you can't let this go unanswered. Speak. Somebody needs to hear it." Again, I don't speak as one who's studied it, or heard stories about it, or read about, or looked up stories about it. I speak from experience, and one who has seen with her own eyes! There is nothing I can be taught about this subject. I know it well.

I say this not to debate with anybody, because I won't debate this issue on the Christianity forum. We're here to give God glory, not offer the enemy a spotlight on God's territory. I just want my sisters to be sober and to be vigilant. Anything that is not Christ centered, and calls on Jesus and the Holy Spirit only is suspect, and you need to stay far away from it. This is the Christianity Forum, and we have to speak the truth, no matter the cost. Remember, GOD is an Honorable, Just, Sovereign, and Holy GOD! HE cannot be used for evil, nor will HE share HIS GLORY with the enemy.

Be Blessed, sisters! :rosebud:
pebbles said:
Respectfully, this is where our beliefs part ways. I'm well aware of voodoo and it's history and how it's used in Haitian culture, (being Haitian myself, and having personal experience with this stuff), perhaps more so than a lot of people here.

Anything, anything that can be used for "good" as well as evil is not of The Lord. The Lord does not allow His Power to be used to harm people as well as to help people. This suggests that The Lord can be manipulated, and therefore, if He can be manipulated He is not in full control and Sovereign over all. I know that many believe this is possible, but that's false. God is a Just and Holy God. And He does not give His Power over to be used for evil. Again, I urge people NOT to underestimate the power of the enemy, nor the length to which he will go to in an effort to distort and pervert the truth.

Seriously, I do understand that some believe voodoo is good. That's fine. But I know better, and I'm compelled to speak the truth. I wasn't going to say anything, but the Holy Spirit kept knocking me on the head saying, "you can't let this go unanswered. Speak. Somebody needs to hear it." Again, I don't speak as one who's studied it, or heard stories about it, or read about, or looked up stories about it. I speak from experience, and one who has seen with her own eyes! There is nothing I can be taught about this subject. I know it well.

I say this not to debate with anybody, because I won't debate this issue on the Christianity forum. We're here to give God glory, not offer the enemy a spotlight on God's territory. I just want my sisters to be sober and to be vigilant. Anything that is not Christ centered, and calls on Jesus and the Holy Spirit only is suspect, and you need to stay far away from it. This is the Christianity Forum, and we have to speak the truth, no matter the cost. Remember, GOD is an Honorable, Just, Sovereign, and Holy GOD! HE cannot be used for evil, nor will HE share HIS GLORY with the enemy.

Be Blessed, sisters! :rosebud:
Pebs, the truth could not be better told. I too, know all too well about how this mess operates.

And now for my $10 worth because 2 cents won't do it. This mess is not a game.

All too well, the enemy uses deception to lure one away from God. The devil knows that most people will not yield to 'bad' Consiously OR to justify his works, he will put a "deceptive cover' of good over it.

But satanic is satanic and there's nothing good or safe about it. There's no such thing as a 'good-bad' or a 'good-evil' ergo, a good demon or good devil; a good witch or a bad witch. Evil is what it is -- it's evil...so don't mask it with a false cover.

Jesus has said many things in the Bible and one that stands out to me is this in Mark 4:22.

"For there is nothing hid which shall not be manisfested, neither is anything kept secret but that it should come abroad."

Anyone foolish enough to think that a demonically based ritual has any iota or even a smidgeon of good in it, is deceived and in for great trouble.

God's word says there's nothing hid which shall not be manifested. These are serious words. For once you step into the devil's area and begin to expose yourself to his methods and schemes you are in for it.

Many have been deceived this way only to end up later discovering that they were in over their heads and lives have been ruined and endangered. Souls have been lost and are being lost still, as I write.

They've 'blindly' (not innocently for innocense doesn't apply here), but blindly people have taken the devil as a game and have entered into his gates of hell, right here on earth, with no way out.

The dangers which were disguised as 'good' or a game (hidden) were shortly manifested into their lives with all hell breaking loose. The very foundation of evil is simply that.... it's evil and no good shall come of it. Not ever. It's what it is...evil...straight up point blank evil.

You think this mess is a game? The devil has you tricked and hood-winked for sure:

Isaiah 14:12

In Lucifer’s fallen state he was still known as a light bringer, daystar and a son of the morning. These are all counterfeits to the real thing. We are the genuine and when we become an early riser to command the morning and capture the day, we displace the devil.

God doesn't need the devil's help to bring about anything good or anything period! Yet the devil would have one think that his 'goods' are above that of God's. I wouldn't trust the devil to give me hell if I wanted it, for there'd be rope to hang me attached to it.

God gave us a warning, to have NO other Gods before Him. For once you step outside of God's protective covering, there's hell to pay and pay you will.

It was mentioned by a poster that it's a mind-set and those persons are placed on meds. I cannot rule out medication for those who don't know deliverance, will and do need medication.
But know this, meds do not cure and they cannot deliver. They can only mask and apply control to the symptoms. So if one is on medication, until God delivers you, PLEASE take it, you need it. Don't make life worse for yourself by not doing so. And medication is NOT a sin, it is simply not the CURE.

While it is true, that the mind and it's belief structure bears upon a person's vunerability and the degree of being suseptible to Voodoo, witchcraft, Black magic, etc. The question is who's mindset is protecting you? Don't depend on your own abilities and self-propelled belief system.

You better have the Blood of Jesus as your rear-guard and to guard your mind. For there is none higher to protect you. We are not above God. No matter who or what you choose to believe; how to believe, when to believe or even why to believe, none of us are above God.

The one who Created you; the One whose sole desire is to love and protect you; the Createor of all Heaven and Earth upon which we have been given MUCH grace to live upon.

Each of us here, have our needs met and not anyone here can DARE say you are without that which pertains to life. For if you are in possession or have access to a computer to log on this website or any other, and if you have been given an ounce of water to drink and a crumb of bread to eat, you have been BLESSED!

If you have been given the ability to type a letter of reply, YOU have been blessed.

If you have a home to call your own or one to even DREAM of, you have been blessed. For a Dream is a guarantee that you see more in your future coming to pass.

If you have a 'thought' to dwell on, a disagreement to this thread, you have been blessed, for the God that one has chosen to ignore and disregard, has even endowed you with working brain to use as you choose.

So what am I saying? Don't ever confuse evil over God. For you will lose
everytime. And what does it profit a man (or woman) to gain evil and lose one's soul or peace of mind.

There is no in-between with good or evil. God says, "I call before Heaven and Earth, this day...choose life or death, cursing or blessing..."Choose Life."

Peace and Loving blessings to all...;)
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Shimmie said:
Pebs, the truth could not be better told. I too, know all too well about how this mess operates.

And now for my $10 worth because 2 cents won't do it. This mess is not a game.

All too well, the enemy uses deception to lure one away from God. The devil knows that most people will not yield to 'bad' Consiously OR to justify his works, he will put a "deceptive cover' of good over it.

But satanic is satanic and there's nothing good or safe about it. There's no such thing as a 'good-bad' or a 'good-evil' ergo, a good demon or good devil; a good witch or a bad witch. Evil is what it is -- it's evil...so don't mask it with a false cover.

Jesus has said many things in the Bible and one that stands out to me is this in Mark 4:22.

"For there is nothing hid which shall not be manisfested, neither is anything kept secret but that it should come abroad."

Anyone foolish enough to think that a demonically based ritual has any iota or even a smidgeon of good in it, is deceived and in for great trouble.

God's word says there's nothing hid which shall not be manifested. These are serious words. For once you step into the devil's area and begin to expose yourself to his methods and schemes you are in for it.

Many have been deceived this way only to end up later discovering that they were in over their heads and lives have been ruined and endangered. Souls have been lost and are being lost still, as I write.

They've 'blindly' (not innocently for innocense doesn't apply here), but blindly people have taken the devil as a game and have entered into his gates of hell, right here on earth, with no way out.

The dangers which were disguised as 'good' or a game (hidden) were shortly manifested into their lives with all hell breaking loose. The very foundation of evil is simply that.... it's evil and no good shall come of it. Not ever. It's what it is...evil...straight up point blank evil.

You think this mess is a game? The devil has you tricked and hood-winked for sure:

Isaiah 14:12

In Lucifer’s fallen state he was still known as a light bringer, daystar and a son of the morning. These are all counterfeits to the real thing. We are the genuine and when we become an early riser to command the morning and capture the day, we displace the devil.

God doesn't need the devil's help to bring about anything good or anything period! Yet the devil would have one think that his 'goods' are above that of God's. I wouldn't trust the devil to give me hell if I wanted it, for there'd be rope to hang me attached to it.

God gave us a warning, to have NO other Gods before Him. For once you step outside of God's protective covering, there's hell to pay and pay you will.

It was mentioned by a poster that it's a mind-set and those persons are placed on meds. I cannot rule out medication for those who don't know deliverance, will and do need medication.
But know this, meds do not cure and they cannot deliver. They can only mask and apply control to the symptoms. So if one is on medication, until God delivers you, PLEASE take it, you need it. Don't make life worse for yourself by not doing so. And medication is NOT a sin, it is simply not the CURE.

While it is true, that the mind and it's belief structure bears upon a person's vunerability and the degree of being suseptible to Voodoo, witchcraft, Black magic, etc. The question is who's mindset is protecting you? Don't depend on your own abilities and self-propelled belief system.

You better have the Blood of Jesus as your rear-guard and to guard your mind. For there is none higher to protect you. We are not above God. No matter who or what you choose to believe; how to believe, when to believe or even why to believe, none of us are above God.

The one who Created you; the One whose sole desire is to love and protect you; the Createor of all Heaven and Earth upon which we have been given MUCH grace to live upon.

Each of us here, have our needs met and not anyone here can DARE say you are without that which pertains to life. For if you are in possession or have access to a computer to log on this website or any other, and if you have been given an ounce of water to drink and a crumb of bread to eat, you have been BLESSED!

If you have been given the ability to type a letter of reply, YOU have been blessed.

If you have a home to call your own or one to even DREAM of, you have been blessed. For a Dream is a guarantee that you see more in your future coming to pass.

If you have a 'thought' to dwell on, a disagreement to this thread, you have been blessed, for the God that one has chosen to ignore and disregard, has even endowed you with working brain to use as you choose.

So what am I saying? Don't ever confuse evil over God. For you will lose
everytime. And what does it profit a man (or woman) to gain evil and lose one's soul or peace of mind.

There is no in-between with good or evil. God says, "I call before Heaven and Earth, this day...choose life or death, cursing or blessing..."Choose Life."

Peace and Loving blessings to all...;)

Shimmie, if I had to highlight all the great points in your post, I'd have to highlight the entire post!!! Thank-you, Shimmie!! Once again, you tell the truth like it is!! Love ya!!! :clap:
pebbles said:
Shimmie, if I had to highlight all the great points in your post, I'd have to highlight the entire post!!! Thank-you, Shimmie!! Once again, you tell the truth like it is!! Love ya!!! :clap:
Pebs, we both know this mess is not a game, but that's a whole other thread that the devil will dread.

The fool may as well just give up...!

Love you, ;)
Shimmie said:
Pebs, we both know this mess is not a game, but that's a whole other thread that the devil will dread.

The fool may as well just give up...!

Love you, ;)

Oh, I can't wait for the day he's finally shut up for good!! :D
StrawberryQueen said:
OT: I didn't know you were Haitian Pebbles. I think 90% of the women here are Haitian. Interesting.

Yes, my parents are Haitian, though I was born and raised here. :)
pebbles said:
Oh, I can't wait for the day he's finally shut up for good!! :D
I got first dibbs on stomping him first. :lol: I'll race ya'...:look: :look: :look: Cause I've just about had enough of his mess!!!

Pebs, what's that scripture that says, "...is this the one...the one who was causing all the trouble? Pebs, he turned out to be a pip-squeak. :lol: