Spinny: How To Care For Your WACK PATCH??


New Member
My Hair is being mean to me!! :perplexedThis is a spin-off from my BC thread. There are many of y'all that say you have a WACK PATCH too (area of hair on your head that does NOT cooperate with the rest of your hair AT ALL - may be a different texture altogether). I would like to know how you care for yours and is there anything you do that makes it behave better or blend in.

I have cut all the relaxed hair off and I doubt that mine is head damaged because all the other hair reverts easily and I pay the same amout of care to my entire head. There may not be any hope - but if there is I want to know. I hate being limited to certain styles because of this area of hair.

  • Where is your WACK PATCH?
  • What texture is the majority of your hair vs the WACK PATCH?
  • How do you care for it??
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My whole head is a 'Wack Patch'.

OK, so i won't leave it at that..............

The front of my hair has major heat damage (flat iron) and had alot of breakage because at the time i didn't really realise that that area is purely 3c, i was treating it like the rest of my hair. Now i treat it delicately, constantly moisturise and use no heat at all. At last i now have a decent hairline.

My second 'wack patch' is in the crown, i think that area is a crunchy 4a (not at all smooth or soft, it's like a brillo pad) and i notice my scalp is very sensitive there too. That same area gets product build up on the scalp. Really weird. Again i was not treating it properly -, but now i am sure to add extra moisture there, i have to give it an extra shampoo and remember not tug the comb through it.

I now Heavy Seal all over but the front gets limp from it because of the finer texture.
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My wack patch extends from my crown to the front of my hairline. It's a wack strip. :lol:

It's extremely dense, dry, wiry and refuses to act right. I just put way more conditioner/moisturizer/oil there and hope it'll go away. :lachen:

I think it's 4b, the rest of my head is silky/cottony 4a/3c.
The bolded is EXACTLY how mine is. I just guess I am stuck with is huh. It just ruins a lot that I want to do with my hair. Like everything else - something I have to learn to live with and work around.

My whole head is a 'Wack Patch'.

OK, so i won't leave it at that..............

The front of my hair has major heat damage (flat iron) and had alot of breakage because at the time i didn't really realise that that area is purely 3c, i was treating it like the rest of my hair. Now i treat it delicately, constantly moisturise and use no heat at all. At last i now have a decent hairline.

My second 'wack patch' is in the crown, i think that area is a crunchy 4a (not at all smooth or soft, it's like a brillo pad) and i notice my scalp is very sensitive there too. That same area gets product build up on the scalp. Really weird. Again i was not treating it properly -, but now i am sure to add extra moisture there, i have to give it an extra shampoo and remember not tug the comb through it.

I now Heavy Seal all over but the front gets limp from it because of the finer texture.
I have 2 areas, the crown and the bottom 2" of my hair. My hair is 4b/4a all over but the hair is different in this section. My crown, I know the scalp experienced damage due to dryness caused by different things so the hair there experiences the greatest shrinkage, its the driest, its brittle, wiry and breaks the easiest. It has also thinned out the most. I focus more on my scalp in that area than my hair because I think that is really the issue. I give myself scalp massages on a regular basis with oils and while under the water. I try to make sure I never let this area get dry and try not to trap it in an upstyle.

The back 2" I have no idea what type of hair it is. I call it oxy-moron hair. It seems to be softer and straighter but it dreads easily. It looks matted even when straight. It acts as strange natural as it did relaxed. it was the part of my hair that reverted in 2 weeks. I have no idea how to treat it better because I can't figure out what it is. I can keep it in twist for 2 or 3 days before it unravels and then I have to retwist it. It acts like what I think 3a hair would act like but it ain't no 3a hair. :perplexed:

The crown I'm working with and it is getting better. That faux 3a hair in the back I have no clue.
I know it's not funny, but all of the descriptions of our wack patches is tickling me. :giggle:
My WACK PATCH is the right side of my hair, right above and behind my ear. I just realized how wack it was just a couple of uears ago. It grows slower than the top and the left side and I think it's a different texture. I'm still working on caring for it. I'm 4a/b. I really try to be gentle with it, keep it moisterized and pay close attention because if I will have breakage it will be in that spot. The most frustrating thing is that I often have to trim my left side just so my hair will not look so uneven.

ETA: this patch has been my setback for a while now.
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lol. I have 3 wack patches in my head. The first is in the front center of my head. its right behind my hairline. The hair there is so dry i think its 4c. For whatever reason its always dry when the rest of my hair is moist. it also the densest( is that a word?) section of hair on my head, i cant even push it back. The second is my crown. I dont have a clue what going on there. Its just dry and the scalp there feels really tender, i try to pay more attention when im doing my hair. The third is a small 1.5 inch section in the back center of my head. its the thinnest section and the scalp feels tender there too. The texture is very soft like cotton and has no curl, i dont think its 4c though, when i do a protein treatment some 4a-ish spirals begin to slights form, so i call it my hybrid patch lol.

These wack patches suck. When i blow my whistle of styling all of my hair rushes and lines up accordingly, but these three morons want to be the ones on the line giggling and making fart noises when i walk by:angry2: hopefully my texture changes as my TWA grows out
My wack patch is in my crown area, especially the crown area closer to the left side of my head. I have 3c curls is this area, but the hair feels coarse and dry compared to the hair on the other parts of my head, which is also 3c. It also tangles easier. I am gentler when I comb this area and I use extra product (conditioner, moisturizer, etc.) on the patch. When I used to relax, I used to always start in the crown area when applying the relaxer.
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  • Where is your WACK PATCH?
  • What texture is the majority of your hair vs the WACK PATCH?
  • How do you care for it??

My WACK PATCH is my nape area.

Its alot coarser than the rest of my hair and it has minimal changes when I texlax over it. (Its always the last area to get relaxed).

I'm still trying to find a way to manage it since I probably need different products/techniques for this area.
The WHOLE left side of my head is a wack patch. It's always thinner than the right side (seems the hairs there are broken off on the ends, so it is shorter and appears thinner). I hate it :sad:

I'm always trimming extra hair off the right side to allow the left to catch up. I care for it by doing extra on that side...extra conditioner, extra moisturizer, extra sealing with oil and extra heat protectant if I heat style. I also relax the right side first when doing relaxers, so the left side has the relaxer on for less time (hence, less chance of overprocessing).

So far, it's helping because the back of my hair to the crown on that side is catching up in length. The front still needs some work. To blend sometimes I'll wear clip-in extensions so the difference in length is less noticeable. When all else fails, I slap a wig on and call it a day.
My WACK PATCH is the right side of my hair, right above and behind my ear. I just realized how wack it was just a couple of uears ago. It grows slower than the top and the left side and I think it's a different texture. I'm still working on caring for it. I'm 4a/b. I really try to be gentle with it, keep it moisterized and pay close attention because if I will have breakage it will be in that spot. The most frustrating thing is that I often have to trim my left side just so my hair will not look so uneven.

ETA: this patch has been my setback for a while now.

I have the same spot! I've been working on babying it this summer and there has been some progress... but it's still uneven as hell :nono:
My WACK PATCH is my nape area.

Its alot coarser than the rest of my hair and it has minimal changes when I texlax over it. (Its always the last area to get relaxed).

I'm still trying to find a way to manage it since I probably need different products/techniques for this area.

Forgot to add that this is also another wack patch of mine. It's much shorter than the rest of my hair, which I think is due to blowdrying that area once or twice everyday for years (after it would get wet in the shower)....no moisturizer, heat protetant or anything. That was in my pre-hair journey days :nono:. I've completely stopped with the daily blowdrying in that area. I just use moisturizer and EVOO, sometimes gel. I also relax that area last now. It's slowly coming back to life.
My Wack Patch is the front right side of my hair around my ear. It is much more frizzy than the rest of my hair and sometimes refuses to curl even when wet! Its part of my 3c curls underneath my 3bs. But while the curls around it do ok, this inch and a half patch of hair is so difficult! My fix is, I put 3 times as much product on it than everything else and hope for the best :/
Mine is right on my crown, a fairly small area that is like chicken wire, well not that bad lol. The strands are thicker than all the others and the curls are smaller so it shrinks up a lot, more than the rest of my hair and sticks out. I think it must be 3c or something but the curls are bigger than a straw so I don't know. I don't like it though. I just pull on it while it airdries and it'll usually go down like the rest or if I use a product I put a bit more on that section.
I don't like my wack patch.
It's on the right side of the top of my head.
There is not really any curl to it...more wavy like I guess.
It's been that way since I was born.
I just try to ignore it the best I can.
My whack patch is my crown. My hair is a mix of coarse and fine strands and the curl size is about 3c. Except the crown, it's like IDK what, but it doesn't like to curl as much - it's lazy and it likes to do a half-way wave thing. I can coerce it into curling by flipping my head upside down and scrunching while I rinse my hair and put on my leave-in in the shower, then I brush it with my Denman when I get out.
My wack patch is at the crown. It's a 4abish weird, wavy textured, coarse, dry but fragile blend. I just use more moisture on it and try to treat it with kid gloves.
my wack patch is in my crown, it's not heat damage because its always been there before i ever straightened my hair, but as it grows it becomes more pronounced...the majority of my hair is 3c/4a tightly curled, but the wack patch is mostly just frizzy waves that i have to coax into curling right.
it used to just be bigger curls than the rest:

but the more it grows, the more the curls in that section kinda elongate into waves. i'll post a pic after i wash my hair. i honestly just let the patch do its own thing...i still wear wash and go's but if it looks to weird on a particular day i just pin it or push it back or rock a bun or pony...sometimes i do a twistout just on that section to make the curls tighter.
My whack patch is the nap area on my left side. Up until recently no relaxer ever took in that area. The hair refuses to grow at a reasonable rate like the rest of my hair. The rest of my hair is in the 4's while this patch has to be like a 7-8z LoL

I use JBCO to help it grow out a little bit faster and to seal in moisture because it's chronically dry.
I'm still trying to figure out how to tame my wack patch in the back half of my head (except the last few inches), it is very possible that it is overprocessed or heat damaged so I treat it very delicately. That area is the reason I haven't touched heat in the last month, I'm trying to become one with its wackness. I don't know how to describe it but dry, thick as he!!, crunchy if left to airdry w/o products, resistant to heat, feels like it has never been touched by a relaxer, etc.

It is the most resistant hair I have ever seen/felt. However, it grows like wildfire. I had a relaxer three weeks ago, and I'm already having trouble getting my fingers through the newgrowth when finger detangling. The circle of hair around this area is still as straight as the day I relaxed.
My "wack patch," (hilarious phrase) is in the middle of my head. I don't know what my hair type is but this part just doesn't comply as nicely as the rest. Ironically, the middle of my hair grows the fastest.
Where is your WACK PATCH? To be honest, my hair is VERY mixed up so maybe I have a few? My hair is completely natural but on my crown and near the bottom there are waves-not curls but waves! Maybe this will change as my hair grows down? Idk. BUT the REAL wack patch is on the right side of my head-it's like a triangle. My curls are beautiful and springy there-but they shrink more than the other side of my hair. If I don't stretch this side it will look shorter than my other side so I just moisturize it well and stretch that part. It's also this part of my hair that will revert out of straightening the fastest.

Perhaps you can see what I mean in this pic? My hair's not wet but it has conditioner in it and the shrinkage hasn't taken full effect, but you can probably still see the difference in sides.

What texture is the majority of your hair vs the WACK PATCH? Hmmm, I don't know. I'd guess I'm 4b? I'd guess my patch is 4a, it doesn't need ANYTHING to look defined-that's the only good thing about it. -_-

How do you care for it??
Moisturize it and stretch it or treat it the same as my other hair and don't care lol.
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Mine is the top-back center where the hair is coarser, drier, and more fragile. The curl pattern is the same all over.

I use more product back there, and when I remember; apply a growth aid just in that area as well as take hair & nails supplements.

Because the patch grows more slowly than the rest of my hair (or breaks more) my hair kind of look like this from the back: --^--. The only good thing about it is that it's symmetrical. I don't know how some of you deal with the whack patch being off to one side or the other.
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Exactly! But I guess if mine was on the side, I could easily part down the middle and let the curls fall over that side...the middle pretty much sticks out like a sore thumb...get's on my nerves.

My WACK PATCH is so MEAN TO ME! :nono:

Mine is the top-back center where the hair is coarser, drier, and more fragile. The curl pattern is the same all over.

I use more product back there, and when I remember; apply a growth aid just in that area as well as take hair & nails supplements.

Because the patch grows more slowly than the rest of my hair (or breaks more) my hair kind of look like this from the back: --^--. The only good thing about it is that it's symmetrical. I don't know how some of you deal with the whack patch being off to one side or the other.
Liking the term wack patch.

Mine patch is at the top of my head (crow area). It needs to be addressed first because it dries and tangles so quickly. It curls the tightest and grows the slowest and suffers breakage.

I wish it was like my other strands.
:sad: Me Too!

Liking the term wack patch.

Mine patch is at the top of my head (crow area). It needs to be addressed first because it dries and tangles so quickly. It curls the tightest and grows the slowest and suffers breakage.

I wish it was like my other strands.