Help! I have a patch of short hair!


Well-Known Member
For as long as I can remember I have had a quarter sized patch of hair that will not grow. It is a patch that is mid-back of my head. It can't be seen because my hair on top is long enough to cover it. But it is driving me crazy knowing it's there and I can't stop messing with it.

I tried to get a picture of it, but you can't see really see it in the picture. It is only about an inch long. Long ago a stylist told me to cut my hair the same length and it would all grow together. So I did and all my hair grew back except that quarter sized patch. It's like that part got permently damaged some how.

Anywayz, does anyone have any suggestions or advice on what I can do to get my patch of short hair to grow?
Hi! Sounds more genetic...?

1. Could this be a birthmark? You said that you've had it forever.

2. Have you been to the Dermatologist?

3. Do you have any protein incorporated into your hair regimen?

4. Is this an area you sleep on?
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Hi! Sounds more genetic...?

1. Could this be a birthmark? You said that you've had it forever.

2. Have you been to the Dermatologist?

3. Do you have any protein incorporated into your hair regimen?

4. Is this an area you sleep on?

Well I noticed it about 9 years ago. So I don't know if it is genetic but it could be, I just can't remember longer than the nine years.

I have never been to a dermatologist, might need to look into that.

I think the only protein product that I use is MT. Do you think I should try to use more protein products?

I usually sleep on my side (can't slee on my back because it's uncomfortable)
How long have you been using MT? Maybe give it a little more time. Might be some slow growing follicles. I guess at the least, be glad you have hair to cover it and that it's not directly on top of you head. I really hope you find a remedy.