Spin Off: Golddiggers- characteristics needed


Well-Known Member
I was looking at the gold digger thread and it got me thinking. What characteristics -particularly physical are required for a woman to make it so to speak. Are gold digging females exceptionally beautiful, style savvy or is it a question of being at the right places at the right times to meet eligible men. Do they have go- getting 'ruthless' personalities. Your thoughts?
I have a gold digger cousin. She straight up told me that she will only marry a man with money. But I have to giver her props, she's a hustler, will be going to med school, and works hard for what she has.

She's very pretty and loves to looks good. She's also very vain. On the other hand, gold diggers can come in all different colors. I really don't think there is a certain characteristic. A gold digger could even be a man.
Gold diggers need to be sensuous. While there has to be a basic beauty, it is not so much beauty, because some forms of beauty make a woman good to look at but don't inspire any man to want to possess her. Gold diggers innately have the kind of sex appeal to men that makes you think they bathed in pheromones. In fact, having serious sex appeal can turn a woman into a gold digger because it's hard to refrain from exploiting that kind of power over men.

Gold diggers need to be ruthless, and a hatred of men is helpful. Speaking as a woman who damn near hates men, men go crazy and will do anything for women who hate men.

Gold diggers need to have an eye for potential about to be actualized. A rich man is good. A man on the cusp of getting rich is better. If you meet him right before he comes fully into his own, he'll think you're with him for love. Ex: The wildly wealthy partner at a law firm is great but the star Associate just about to make partner is better. The star Associate is great but the low-key law student from a rich family (which the gold digger knows about because she did her research) with an offer to work at a prestigious law firm is the best. The latter will not see a real gold digger about her game coming at all.

Honestly, I would make a fantastic gold digger. I have power over men, little respect for them, men always say I have this "thing" about me, and I have a great eye for potential. I have had my gold digging months in which I used a man and then discarded him the next because I just can't do it for the longterm. I can't bring myself to lower myself like that but men lay down and make themselves sitting ducks, so the temptation is strong. It's really too bad I'm dying to fall in love and was raised to work for my money. In another life, I would have been the Head Gold Digger In Charge. For now, In this life, however, I am a law student working hard to put myself in a position in which I won't ever need any man to upgrade me.
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Gold diggers need to be sensuous. While there has to be a basic beauty, it is not so much beauty, because some forms of beauty make a woman good to look at but don't inspire any man to want to possess her. Gold diggers innately have the kind of sex appeal to men that makes you think they bathed in pheromones.

Gold diggers need to be ruthless, and a hatred of men is helpful. Speaking as a woman who damn near hates men, men go crazy and will do anything for women who hate men.

Gold diggers need to have an eye for potential about to be actualized. A rich man is good. A man on the cusp of getting rich is better. If you meet him right before he comes into his own, he'll think you're with him for love.

Honestly, I would make a fantastic gold digger. I have power over men, little respect for them, men always say I have this "thing" about me, and I have a great eye for potential. I have had my gold digging months in which I used a man and then discarded him the next because I just can't do it for the longterm. I can't bring myself to lower myself like that but men lay down and make themselves sitting ducks, so the temptation is strong. It's really too bad I'm dying to fall in love and was raised to work for my money. In another life, I would have been the Head Gold Digger In Charge. :lachen:

OMG:lachen: thanks for the morning giggles..:lachen:

loved e'rry word of your post...:blush:

I too, would make an excellent GD, if I were so inclined...

"bathed in pheromones" I'm stealing that quip...:grin:
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I have a gold digger cousin. She straight up told me that she will only marry a man with money. But I have to giver her props, she's a hustler, will be going to med school, and works hard for what she has.
That makes her a gold digger? Where in the world does this modern day romanticization of broke men come from? Why should she--a woman who is about her business and on top of her game educationally, on the cusp of being on top of her game financially--have anything to do with a broke man? Being broke is childish and your cousin deserves to deal with grown men. That is not being a gold digger--it is called having gumption and seeking to marry well. A gold digger isn't going to med school and seeking someone on her level--she's seeking someone to upgrade her and isn't at all interested in any kind of hard work. The closest to med school a gold digger would come is hunting for med students to exploit.
Gold diggers need to be sensuous. While there has to be a basic beauty, it is not so much beauty, because some forms of beauty make a woman good to look at but don't inspire any man to want to possess her. Gold diggers innately have the kind of sex appeal to men that makes you think they bathed in pheromones. In fact, having serious sex appeal can turn a woman into a gold digger because it's hard to refrain from exploiting that kind of power over men.

Gold diggers need to be ruthless, and a hatred of men is helpful. Speaking as a woman who struggles mightily with disgust, borderline hatred, for men, men go crazy and will do anything for women who hate men.

Gold diggers need to have an eye for potential about to be actualized. A rich man is good. A man on the cusp of getting rich is better. If you meet him right before he comes fully into his own, he'll think you're with him for love. Ex: The wildly wealthy partner at a law firm is great but the star Associate just about to make partner is better. The star Associate is great but the low-key law student from a rich family (which the gold digger knows about because she did her research) with an offer to work at a prestigious law firm is the best. The latter will not see a real gold digger about her game coming at all.

I agree with pretty much everything you've said especially the bolded. When I think of the kind of beauty you're alluding to, I think of women who are somewhat 'sweet' in appearance. These are the Cassies, Jessica Albas and Christina Milians of the world. Some women just have a look that may be very beautiful but not inherently sexy. Interestingly these are the kind of women that other women are less likely to feel threatened by.
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Some women just have a look that may be very beautiful but not inherently sexy. Interestingly these are the kind of women that other women are less likely to feel threatened by.
Exactly. Some women walk in a room, and they ain't even that fine, yet every woman is clutching her man and hissing at them.

Compare Angelina Jolie to Jennifer Aniston (who I don't think is even pretty but whatever...). Even among men who think they are both beautiful, Angelina wins because she has that extra oomph of sensuousness that Aniston completely lacks. Vanessa Ferlito is another one--she is only decently pretty and her nose is even weird, but she could steal a man from Jessica Alba and all those other goons. I saw her as Claudia in Season 3 of 24, and the way she moved and used her lips when she spoke, yea, she's sensuous. Another one is Naomi Campbell. Naomi is gorgeous but she is also incredibly sensuous and even dangerous-looking. Like a panther. Compare her to Tyra, who is beautiful but has no mystery to her eyes or sensuality in her movements. Beauty is one thing. Sensuousness is another. Gong Li is another sensuous one. Compare her to Zhang Ziyi, who is good looking but not at all sensuous.
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Your cousin is not a gold digger - she's a woman with sense enough to know her worth.


I have a gold digger cousin. She straight up told me that she will only marry a man with money. But I have to giver her props, she's a hustler, will be going to med school, and works hard for what she has.

She's very pretty and loves to looks good. She's also very vain. On the other hand, gold diggers can come in all different colors. I really don't think there is a certain characteristic. A gold digger could even be a man.
Ok Sonce, you need to write a book because this whole post is totally on point.


Gold diggers need to be sensuous. While there has to be a basic beauty, it is not so much beauty, because some forms of beauty make a woman good to look at but don't inspire any man to want to possess her. Gold diggers innately have the kind of sex appeal to men that makes you think they bathed in pheromones. In fact, having serious sex appeal can turn a woman into a gold digger because it's hard to refrain from exploiting that kind of power over men.

Gold diggers need to be ruthless, and a hatred of men is helpful. Speaking as a woman who damn near hates men, men go crazy and will do anything for women who hate men.

Gold diggers need to have an eye for potential about to be actualized. A rich man is good. A man on the cusp of getting rich is better. If you meet him right before he comes fully into his own, he'll think you're with him for love. Ex: The wildly wealthy partner at a law firm is great but the star Associate just about to make partner is better. The star Associate is great but the low-key law student from a rich family (which the gold digger knows about because she did her research) with an offer to work at a prestigious law firm is the best. The latter will not see a real gold digger about her game coming at all.

Honestly, I would make a fantastic gold digger. I have power over men, little respect for them, men always say I have this "thing" about me, and I have a great eye for potential. I have had my gold digging months in which I used a man and then discarded him the next because I just can't do it for the longterm. I can't bring myself to lower myself like that but men lay down and make themselves sitting ducks, so the temptation is strong. It's really too bad I'm dying to fall in love and was raised to work for my money. In another life, I would have been the Head Gold Digger In Charge. For now, In this life, however, I am a law student working hard to put myself in a position in which I won't ever need any man to upgrade me.