Spin-off: Does Long Hair…

Does your hair length influence how powerful you feel?

  • Yes, longer hair makes me feel more powerful

    Votes: 120 53.3%
  • No, I feel powerful regardless of my hair length

    Votes: 75 33.3%
  • I don’t know

    Votes: 30 13.3%

  • Total voters


Trichological Alchemist
Make you more powerful?

I keep thinking about those unsolved hair mysteries I posted, and one of them was “Why are people intimidated by long hair?” I’ve heard this comment from several of my girl friends and co-workers when talking about hair care. I believe intimidation stems from power, or feeling someone is more powerful than yourself. I don’t understand how long hair can do this, but it does for some folks. :confused:

My question is: Does having (or would having) longer hair make you feel powerful? I’m just very curious to see the poll responses and comments. I don’t know what to think. I guess it would depend on one’s relationship with hair? ......Maybe? :confused: :confused: :confused:

TIA :)
~Nigeria~ said:
Powerful may not be the word... more confident maybe.

Exactly!! Powerful, Confident, etc. I'm from a Feminist culture, so everything is about "Power"! :lol:
Hmmmmm..... this is an interesting question..... I voted "yes."

Im not sure why, and I had never thought about it prior til now..... but after consideration, I guess I would have to say that, on some level, it does make me feel more powerful. But I think its the "confidence factor" that comes with it.

I could also see me getting a really nice SHORT cut, or deciding to go natural, and feeling equally powerful. I think the power/confidence comes with the idea of setting a goal for yourself (that once felt "impossible"), and achieving that goal. It just does something for one's sense of self, you know? So whether its growing out my hair to mid-back length..... doing the "big chop" and going natural...... getting dreadlocks...... All of those things make me feel like Im in complete control of myself and my destiny, and it feels powerful and GREAT.
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More powerful like Samson of Bible fame?? I'd rather not consider my hair to be the source of my power. What would happen if I had to cut it? Would my world come to an end much like Samson's (pillars crashing down around him)? Naw, my source of power is much less superficial than that.

My 2 cents.:)
I think that knowing that I had been able to have the commitment and patience to grow my hair long would make me feel powerful ! It may sound a bit silly but if I can conquer my hair demons, I know I have the tools to accomplish a lot more.
I posted " No, I feel powerful regardless of my hair length" because I truly do believe that about myself . However, long hair does represent power in this world (as was mentioned about Sampson in the Bible). It doesn't make a person powerful - we all have personal power and that comes from within - it is symbolic of power and that's what many people respond to, either positively or negatively.

Successfully growing one's hair long, especially among AA women, can be a wonderful goal and that does give one a feeling of well-deserved accomplishment. :yep: I feel it does elevate one's feeling of personal power as accomplishing all goals do, especially those challenging ones.
i voted yes. it think it'll make me more confident cause it's one more "problem" i conquered. since confidence=power, then i'll feel more powerful.
I posted yes. About 5 years or so ago my hair started to thin and break. Some of this was health related and I felt powerless. I finally started to take control of the health/nutrition issue, so the hair growing longer is symbolic of taking control over the health issue -- which does make me feel powerful.

But I also had hair problems related to bad stylists and simply bad advice about what I should do with my hair. So now that on my own I've been able to take care of my hair and get it into better shape, I do feel more confident/powerful -- especially when I walk into a salon and don't allow people to talk me into things I don't want (perms, trims, products).
Isis said:
I posted " No, I feel powerful regardless of my hair length" because I truly do believe that about myself . However, long hair does represent power in this world (as was mentioned about Sampson in the Bible). It doesn't make a person powerful - we all have personal power and that comes from within - it is symbolic of power and that's what many people respond to, either positively or negatively.

Successfully growing one's hair long, especially among AA women, can be a wonderful goal and that does give one a feeling of well-deserved accomplishment. :yep: I feel it does elevate one's feeling of personal power as accomplishing all goals do, especially those challenging ones.

lol thats one of my reasons why i feel so dedicated to grow my hair! The bible also mentions how long hair is the beauty of a woman.

I voted yes, because its another achievement and another box 2 tick off my life list "grow and keep long hair". whether natural, relaxed etc, i want long hair and will always have long hair because i want it. Its part of my character now. "Cherie, the girl with/who wants long hair".

I agree with CaribeanDiva, it does help the confidence because YOU enabled it to get healthy and long. Its always good having something to own, which YOU brought with your own $£ or got it because of a skill. i think growing hair is a skill; and YES i now have more power!
I think so. Long hair is one thing that epitomizes femininity. It is drilled into our heads on a daily basis that long hair is beautiful. Some other things are that being fit and trim is beautiful (also having a big behind in the African American community) and to a certain extent in the African American community having light skin.

I think the long hair and fit body thing comes from an evolutionary thing that a woman that had long hair and was fit was likely healthy therefore the ideal candidate to carry your children. This women would give you healthy children etc...

Having long hair in many cases "increases" your standing in comparison to other women with shorter hair.

Having a fit body (also having a big behind in the African American Community) increases your standing in comparison to other women who may not be as fit or well endowed.

The light skin thing is changing gradually but I want to say I was reading somewhere else on the board about Black leading Hollywood actresses being mostly light skin women, and John Singleton basically admitting that black men are conditioned to find light skin women more attractive. Which is something I think I may agree with.
Yes, powerful...in this sence...

When i got long hair, i feel confident, sexy, good about myself, high self esteem yada yada yada. Feeling so great makes me work harder in everything i do
I woted no, it doesn't make me feel more powerful. I've had long hair and spikey short hair. Long hair looked better on me, so I can say I felt more attractive with longer hair, but not powerful.
I agree with Isis when she said it is a Symbol of power.

For us that has the discipline of growing long hair it will give us a sense of accomplishment and confidence and a swagger

But for those that don't know you and will see you for the first time when you walk into the room with your confidence and your hair and your new swagger those people will see a powerful woman.

For those that know you they might start saying she think she's all that now that she has long hair.

The bible does say our hair is our glory.
I like what caribbeandiva said - it's not so much that me having long hair makes me more confident, but it's simply a goal that I accomplished.

However, I'm starting to think that maybe there's something going on - with sisters and how much of our confidence and self-esteem is attached to our hair.... but i digress...
hmmm, I dont think powerful is the right word for me. Long hair doesnt make me feel more powerful but it does make me feel more sexy and beautiful in a way. I know this is not and should not be the case for all women, but for me...I love long hair on my head....

I also think that long hair doesn't intimidate because of power...i think it intimidates because someone achieved something that is coveted and 'oh so impossible to achieve'. The same as if Halle berry walked by with her perfect body...If i felt like i'm overweight then i would possibly be intimidated by her coveted body size.
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MsNadi said:
However, I'm starting to think that maybe there's something going on - with sisters and how much of our confidence and self-esteem is attached to our hair.... but i digress...

Good point! I think this is true of many cultures.

I read this interesting article in (I think) an old Cosmopolitan, that discussed the role of hair length and color in Hollywood and popular media. One example they used was the movie Romancing the Stone with Kathleen Turner playing this mousy, shy romance writer who gets caught in a Columbian adventure. As she gains confidence and new skills, she (literally) lets her long hair down as a symbol of power and femininity. So, maybe it is possible that we are being subconsciously influenced by the media and culture by some extent? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Isis said:
I posted " No, I feel powerful regardless of my hair length" because I truly do believe that about myself . However, long hair does represent power in this world (as was mentioned about Sampson in the Bible). It doesn't make a person powerful - we all have personal power and that comes from within - it is symbolic of power and that's what many people respond to, either positively or negatively.

Successfully growing one's hair long, especially among AA women, can be a wonderful goal and that does give one a feeling of well-deserved accomplishment. :yep: I feel it does elevate one's feeling of personal power as accomplishing all goals do, especially those challenging ones.

I agree with this.

I also think that a lot of times, you don't even think about it until OTHER people react to you in such a way that you know they are intimidated or envious or that they admire you. I think we subconciously react to that, and start feeling more powerful.
I dunno either...I just think it's interesting.

Because some have mentioned that in the bible it says that long hair is the symbol of a woman's power. Maybe it's symbolic.

But I also think there's something there, cuz I've heard a few sisters on here mention that they don't like protective styles because their hair has to be up. And while I know it's all fun and games, there's some truth to it.
trimbride said:
I think so. Long hair is one thing that epitomizes femininity. It is drilled into our heads on a daily basis that long hair is beautiful. Some other things are that being fit and trim is beautiful (also having a big behind in the African American community) and to a certain extent in the African American community having light skin.

I think the long hair and fit body thing comes from an evolutionary thing that a woman that had long hair and was fit was likely healthy therefore the ideal candidate to carry your children. This women would give you healthy children etc...

Having long hair in many cases "increases" your standing in comparison to other women with shorter hair.

Having a fit body (also having a big behind in the African American Community) increases your standing in comparison to other women who may not be as fit or well endowed.

The light skin thing is changing gradually but I want to say I was reading somewhere else on the board about Black leading Hollywood actresses being mostly light skin women, and John Singleton basically admitting that black men are conditioned to find light skin women more attractive. Which is something I think I may agree with.

I agree with this entire post. Long hair, along with other symbols of femininity, carry a lot of weight in this society whether people want to believe it or not.
Legend said:
Make you more powerful?

I keep thinking about those unsolved hair mysteries I posted, and one of them was “Why are people intimidated by long hair?” I’ve heard this comment from several of my girl friends and co-workers when talking about hair care. I believe intimidation stems from power, or feeling someone is more powerful than yourself. I don’t understand how long hair can do this, but it does for some folks. :confused:

My question is: Does having (or would having) longer hair make you feel powerful? I’m just very curious to see the poll responses and comments. I don’t know what to think. I guess it would depend on one’s relationship with hair? ......Maybe? :confused: :confused: :confused:

TIA :)

I think the perception of women with longer hair being more powerful comes from the European ideal of feminine beauty, which has taken hold in most cultures all over the world. According to that ideal, long hair on a woman is beauty, and for a woman, beauty is power.
I guess I should amend "powerful" to "feminine". I am INHERENTLY powerful, because I'm not easily intimidated (thank you, US Army). But I happen to look like a 12 year old boy with short hair, so more feminine, sexy...whatever you want to call it.

I will add that this forum (and all you beautiful ladies) has not only helped me gain length & thickness in my hair, my skin looks fantastic, too. That, coupled with the longer (and, please God, getting longer) hair makes me look alot younger than I am! So THAT makes me happy, too. (I have also gained an extra 20-25 pounds, but, on the nice side of that is that I FINALLY have boobs!! :lol: )
trimbride said:
I think so. Long hair is one thing that epitomizes femininity. It is drilled into our heads on a daily basis that long hair is beautiful. Some other things are that being fit and trim is beautiful (also having a big behind in the African American community) and to a certain extent in the African American community having light skin.

I think the long hair and fit body thing comes from an evolutionary thing that a woman that had long hair and was fit was likely healthy therefore the ideal candidate to carry your children. This women would give you healthy children etc...

Having long hair in many cases "increases" your standing in comparison to other women with shorter hair.

I agree with this. Women should understand that FEMININITY IS POWER. MEN can be won, manipulated, encouraged, and inspired through the power of a woman's FEMININITY. Femininity has started wars, got folk killed, conquered entire kingdoms, etc. Look at Helen of Troy. That chick caused a HUGE RUCKUS! And, all she did was fall in love. But, her POWER was immense. She had influence as all women do. FEMININITY is a TOOL. And, with that, the longer the hair, the more FEMININE the woman appears. I have heard men mention this often that the thing they found most beautiful about a woman was how FEMININE she is/was. And, so, with that, then you have men, our SO's who would absolutely DIE if we cut our hair...lol...if you let THEM decide, they'd prefer it long....though, of course, it's not their decision, but, there's a reason for that. So, yes, Hair does contribute to a woman's power. That doesn't mean if it's shorter she has no other attributes to fall back on for power but it CONTRIBUTES to a woman's power rather than make no difference or take away from.
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In that case, my vote is yes then. Long hair most definitely makes me feel more feminine and beautiful and sensuous and a whole lot of other adjectives. I love the attention it gets me from both males and females. It makes me feel... ( in appearance) complete.
brownhaired_bonanza said:
More powerful like Samson of Bible fame?? I'd rather not consider my hair to be the source of my power. What would happen if I had to cut it? Would my world come to an end much like Samson's (pillars crashing down around him)? Naw, my source of power is much less superficial than that.

My 2 cents.:)

ITA!!! I've never really considered my hair, or hair period, a source of power. I have had long hair, short spikey hair & everything in between and I always felt confident & secure within myself regardless of my hair's length, style, etc. Power and self-confidence comes from a much bigger place for me. :)

ETA: Oh, yeah.......I voted "no".
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I don't think long hair on women (in general) neccessarily makes them more powerful, but definitely more feminine.

In the black community, it is different: long hair on black women= more power as well as being more feminine, because as someone here pointed out, they have achieved "the impossible."

It's ironic, because, in the business world (from what I have observed and read over the years) is that a woman with long hair is not taken serious, she is seen as more girlish, which is why you tend to see women in high powered positions with short, or above the shoulder hair (at least from what I've seen). Has anyone else noticed this?
Denim And Leather said:
I don't think long hair on women (in general) neccessarily makes them more powerful, but definitely more feminine.

In the black community, it is different: long hair on black women= more power as well as being more feminine, because as someone here pointed out, they have achieved "the impossible."

It's ironic, because, in the business world (from what I have observed and read over the years) is that a woman with long hair is not taken serious, she is seen as more girlish, which is why you tend to see women in high powered positions with short, or above the shoulder hair (at least from what I've seen). Has anyone else noticed this?

this is interesting