All My Progress...Up in Flames (a long vent)

(((HUGS))) I am so sorry to hear this, I know you are really pissed off right now. Those damn hair braiders!!!!:mad: Babe it will be okay your hair will grow back quickly you will see. Just hop right back on the HYH challenge until July and apply the same amount of love.:)

Hair Peace said:

So I started taking down my twists Tuesday night to get ready for the reveal for the HYH til April Fools Challenge. The first set of twists I took out came out pretty easily…not much build up or matting. I took my time detangling and combing out my hair from shedding. I really don’t know how much to expect from shedding because I’m post partum, so it all just kind of blends in.

I started taking more twists down last night and I noticed I had clumps of hair coming out before I was done taking the twist out. I went and looked in the mirror and was horrified! One piece of my hair from the twist was about 3 inches shorter than the other. I took down a few more and my hair is like that in other places too. I had pieces of hair that are anywhere between 3-5 inches shorter than the piece next to it. I couldn’t understand it at first, but then it dawned on me… my hair was burned off! They used a lighter to “clean up” the twists, but I didn’t realize they had gone that far up the length of the twist. I just broke out in tears. Everything that I’ve done to help my hair grow…up in flames…literally.

I talked to several of my friends who’ve had their hair twisted about getting mine done before I got them, but nobody told me not to let them clean it up with the lighter. I remember a post on this board saying not to do it, and I asked why, but after a couple of days of checking to see if someone responded I never checked back again. I just did a search last night and saw that someone did (thank you rootdeep), but it was too late for me because the damage was already done.

I don’t know what to do next (after I stop crying). I had just reached APL before getting them done. I’m lucky if I’m collar bone length now. I go for my touch up on the 5th. I don’t know if I’ll be able to hide the shorter pieces and trim until they catch up, or just cut it even and start over. I know that it’s “just hair” and that it will grow back…but I just need to grieve right now.

Hair Peace said:

So I started taking down my twists Tuesday night to get ready for the reveal for the HYH til April Fools Challenge. The first set of twists I took out came out pretty easily…not much build up or matting. I took my time detangling and combing out my hair from shedding. I really don’t know how much to expect from shedding because I’m post partum, so it all just kind of blends in.

I started taking more twists down last night and I noticed I had clumps of hair coming out before I was done taking the twist out. I went and looked in the mirror and was horrified! One piece of my hair from the twist was about 3 inches shorter than the other. I took down a few more and my hair is like that in other places too. I had pieces of hair that are anywhere between 3-5 inches shorter than the piece next to it. I couldn’t understand it at first, but then it dawned on me… my hair was burned off! They used a lighter to “clean up” the twists, but I didn’t realize they had gone that far up the length of the twist. I just broke out in tears. Everything that I’ve done to help my hair grow…up in flames…literally.

I talked to several of my friends who’ve had their hair twisted about getting mine done before I got them, but nobody told me not to let them clean it up with the lighter. I remember a post on this board saying not to do it, and I asked why, but after a couple of days of checking to see if someone responded I never checked back again. I just did a search last night and saw that someone did (thank you rootdeep), but it was too late for me because the damage was already done.

I don’t know what to do next (after I stop crying). I had just reached APL before getting them done. I’m lucky if I’m collar bone length now. I go for my touch up on the 5th. I don’t know if I’ll be able to hide the shorter pieces and trim until they catch up, or just cut it even and start over. I know that it’s “just hair” and that it will grow back…but I just need to grieve right now.

BIG hugs!! ((((((Hair Peace)))))) So sorry this happened, and totaly could have been avoided. I don't know that you can even get the salon financially b/c you didn't know to tell them not to do this. Unbelievable!:mad: