Well-Known Member

I’m so proud of myself for making it this far in my Transition.
It really doesn’t seem like a year, the time reallyyy flew by.
There were a few bumps in the road, but overall my Transition is still going smoothly, my hair is healthy and growing at a nice rate. I’ve gained a lot of new growth, so much so that my natural hair reaches my ears when stretched. If I were to BC now I would have a nice cute fro, just saying I’m not gonna actually do it though.

I absolutely adore my natural texture. I love playing with it, I love looking at it, it’s like I’m rediscovering the "natural meâ€, in essence I am. This is something I should have done years ago, but back then the thought of going natural didn’t even cross my mind, coz I was so accustomed to having relaxed “straight†hair. One of the things that motivated me to take the natural leap was this site as well as another. I became inspired by seeing all the beautiful natural haired ladies especially on this board, I stalked a lot of fotki’s y’all just don’t know!

~Special shout outs to~:
*Onepraying (girl you’ve documented your transitioning journey so well)
Your albums are so inspiring, thanks for sharing.

Now I just have to work on my album.
