Spin Off: Daily Self Love Activities Thanks Brownb83

Since the beginning of this year, I've been writing emails to myself. All topics, including times when I want to say things to people. I was hormonal and emotional, and learned that not everything needs to be said out aloud. To anyone, even when venting.
It's also not healthy to hold everything in. I decided to start sending myself notes via email. It has been immensely therapeutic for me!
I like this idea of email. For years I'd write to myself and then throw out the paper. I have some things that I have bottled up that I really don't know a healthy way to let go. I agree with not everything needs to be said out loud. I get so frustrated and just walk around with it and the accompanying thoughts, ugh!
Since the beginning of this year, I've been writing emails to myself. All topics, including times when I want to say things to people. I was hormonal and emotional, and learned that not everything needs to be said out aloud. To anyone, even when venting.
It's also not healthy to hold everything in. I decided to start sending myself notes via email. It has been immensely therapeutic for me!

Good idea! I'm learning this lesson as well. Not everything needs to be said out loud but it's also bad to hold everything in. So earlier this month I started journaling. I use an actual paper planner that I fell in love with. Every morning I write in it for a few minutes and it's very therapeutic like someone else said upthread.
I like this idea of email. For years I'd write to myself and then throw out the paper. I have some things that I have bottled up that I really don't know a healthy way to let go. I agree with not everything needs to be said out loud. I get so frustrated and just walk around with it and the accompanying thoughts, ugh!

I no longer like to keep a physical journal. Also, I feel like I'm sending a text when I see the words typed out. Lol. All in my mind. It helps though, vs sending an angry text to SO.
I'm not lying, I've already seen a huge change since I started doing this. All positive!
I feel so much more in control of my emotions. Really empowering!
I'm waiting for my hair appointment to start as I write this. It's a small way for me to pamper myself. I usually get my hair shampooed, deep conditioned, flat ironed and trimmed if needed. Right now I go every 3 months but I can't wait to bump that up to every 2-4 weeks in the future. Nothing makes me feels as good as I do when my hair is on point. Hence why I'm on a hair board. :giggle: