Speaking of NY Resolutions: Fake Hair

Yen Oak

New Member
Has anyone else decided to swear off fake hair, braid extensions, wigs, weaves, etc. for the year? If so, what influenced that decision? Did you use fake hair for protective purposes, sheer styling reasons, or both?

Finally, do you think you'll ever return to the Yaki/Remy aisle again?
i did this a long time ago. i wont be caught dead with somebody else's hair on my head. i think wearing fake hair as a black women just adds to the sterotypes that black women cant grow hair. me wearing a fake hair just makes me into another black women sporting something she wishes she could have. just my opinion.
i want all the weave-checks to die for good

eta:, this is just MY opinion. i believe there are better options for protective styling other than weaving it up. i just dont want other people to be right about us anymore.
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I have to disagree with Adora. I started wearing weaves in March of 09 and I can definitely say that it is helping me along with my hair journey so much. My hair has grown so much this year so I decided to join the weave it up challenge for this whole year. I'm not worried about weave checks or any of the stereotypes because at the end of the day I am growing my hair for myself. So wearing weave as a protective style is helping me - I could care less about what the next man or woman thinks. Also its not like my real hair is short so I feel that those stereotypes don't apply to me. JMO
I wish I could swear off fake hair... but :alcoholic I just can't! I have been trying for years. The best I can do is swear off my raggedy bootleg DIY weaves. The board :gotroasted: :spank: let me know about that one! But braids and wigs I cannot leave alone, not just yet. Maybe once I reach hip length. :crossfingers:
I'm still going to rock mi braids, lacefront, etc until I gain enough self esteem to wear mi natural hair out. (I have hair esteem problems since middle school). But as long as it makes mi happy..I could care less what people say about fake hair. No one in mi family wears fake hair but mi. But I don't think that I will able to leave it alone forever. Maybe a year in the future just not now lol
I don't care how long My hair gets, If I want to wear a Weave for a change up or for whatever reason, I am, Theres nothing wrong with wearing weaves, I don't see why what other People does to their Person, bothers so Many. Weaves are No longer Taboo, like when they first appeared on the scene in the 80's, when it was believed that the only People who wore them were Bald-Headed and it was some what something to be ashamed of. People wear weaves with loads of hair underneath, and even if they don't, why knock the next Woman, or Man for that matter. :sad:

ETA: No offense to You OP.
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I've sworn them off. I have thin fine hair and my hair grows great in them but then breaks off horribly and I've been left with see through to the scalp edges.:cry:It's a plus though, I've finally learned how to take care of my hair and having other people's hands out of it has benefited!Which leads me to goal #2 to become a complete DIY'er.:grin:
I dont like weaves but I like wigs. I like them for style changes, PSing, and sheer convenience.

I've been bunning it up lately, but I'm thinking I've been thinking about going back to wigs for the winter
I have to admit that since coming to the boards I have sworn off tracks. I never have worn a full sew in weave. Just a couple of tracks to make my thin hair look thicker, but since i have been on my HHJ my hair has thickened up and I longer feel the need to wear tracks.
I haven't sworn off wearing hair that isn't mine, but I never sport anything but my own hair. This is mostly due to the fact that I know little to nothing about weaves (particularly installation), extensions, convincing wig wear, etc. I'm a complete, 100% DIYer so I stay away from doing things to my hair that I'm not comfortable or confident with. Plus it's kind of hard to match my hair color, so that adds to my self consciousness when it comes to wearing hair that isn't 100% mine. Sometimes I even wish I knew how to do all that to give myself a break away from my hair and my hair a break away from me.

And I see nothing wrong with anyone wearing hair that isn't theirs. It's not a big deal. And more and more people of all ethnicities are valuing the benefits of wearing wigs, weaves, extensions, etc. whether it's for the protection or the style (and whatever other reasons people have). Even if it is a stereotype that black women are constantly wigged or weaved up or have extensions, at the end of the day, whose business is it what's on someone else's head if it isn't hurting anyone? Jeez.
I haven't sworn off wearing hair that isn't mine, but I never sport anything but my own hair. This is mostly due to the fact that I know little to nothing about weaves (particularly installation), extensions, convincing wig wear, etc. I'm a complete, 100% DIYer so I stay away from doing things to my hair that I'm not comfortable or confident with. Plus it's kind of hard to match my hair color, so that adds to my self consciousness when it comes to wearing hair that isn't 100% mine. Sometimes I even wish I knew how to do all that to give myself a break away from my hair and my hair a break away from me.

And I see nothing wrong with anyone wearing hair that isn't theirs. It's not a big deal. And more and more people of all ethnicities are valuing the benefits of wearing wigs, weaves, extensions, etc. whether it's for the protection or the style (and whatever other reasons people have). Even if it is a stereotype that black women are constantly wigged or weaved up or have extensions, at the end of the day, whose business is it what's on someone else's head if it isn't hurting anyone? Jeez.

THANKKK YOUUU!!!..........Thats It!
I've just begun wearing my relaxed hair and I'm very reluctant to wear wigs anymore. Especially because I got so many compliments on my own hair & was told that it suits me best. Everytime I pick up one of my old halfwigs I have a DUN DUN DUN moment. I don't know why. I used to love wigging/weaving it up. I'm sure this will pass though because I can't keep my hands out of my hair & I can't mess around with the length I've retained.
Nothing wrong with wearing wigs or weaves. As long as you're able to take care of your own hair underneath, why not!? I just wish I could wear them as I think I could really retain a lot of growth this way, but I feel very self conscious - I don't even really wear phony ponys.
i did this a long time ago. i wont be caught dead with somebody else's hair on my head. i think wearing fake hair as a black women just adds to the sterotypes that black women cant grow hair. me wearing a fake hair just makes me into another black women sporting something she wishes she could have. just my opinion.
i want all the weave-checks to die for good

eta:, this is just MY opinion. i believe there are better options for protective styling other than weaving it up. i just dont want other people to be right about us anymore.

What if all she wishes she could have is just a change of style without long term commitment to it?
I have never been a weave or wig wearer. My father utterly hates them with every fiber of his being and they were banned in my house. My best friend came home to visit and I took out her weave while she was there, and he couldn't understand why in goodgod's name she'd ever want to wear a weave. That's just how I was raised.

I now wear a piece three weeks out of the month, and I've sworn my mother to the utmost secrecy. Since I developed tendinitis in my wrist, I can't twist my hair at the same frequency (weekly) that I once did, but my hair won't go longer than that without starting to mat together. So I wear a piece most of the month to relieve the pressure on my wrist. I don't think there's inherently anything wrong with it though. I think the problem comes when a woman uses wigs or weaves to substitute taking care of her hair, rather than for a specific purpose like the women here do. If it's for growth purposes, self-esteem purposes, enhancement purposes, whatever, as long as you're taking care of the hair underneath, make it happen!
This has been a quandary for me since I found out so many others ARE wearing wigs/weaves/extensions, etc. Believe it or not, I did NOT know until recently that so many people were wearing fake hair.

I have bought (pj) a few wigs and half wigs. I even just got one in the mail this week. But the minute I put it on my head, I feel self-conscious. I feel pretentious. Like I'm trying to be something I'm not.

I do NOT have a problem with other people wearing whatever they want. My issues are personal and I wish I didn't have them. I put them on and I think... you're trying to be something you're not. What? Does this mean what you have is not good enough for yourself?

I think I'd actually prefer to look like a hot mess than feel that people think I'm not happy with myself.

Plus, I teach multiculturalism to college students. So what kind of model would I be if I'm up there telling them that difference is good and accept all cultures, and I'm wearing a weave?

Again... I have no problem with anyone else's choices. I think someone else can pull it off. I don't think it's bad to use all the options possible to add to your beauty. I mean, I color my hair to cover my gray (and am NOT ashamed of it) so what's the difference?

I will wear a phony pony hair wrap thing that just makes a pretty curly bun and doesn't add to length or anything. I don't know why that's okay with me, but it is.

I know. I need a psychologist!
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I swore off fake hair forever in September 2008. I haven't worn any since. I stopped because I thought it was time my real hair got some shine.

It's really hard for me cuz I wore microbraids for like 7 years straight and I miss the simplicity and ease of extensions.

I did go to Sally's the day before yesterday and bought 3 packs of hair for Senegalese twists. :rofl: I decided not to do them though but I may in the future.
opposite, this year i'm going to start wearing individual braids maybe even a weave
my hair like not being tocuhed so i'm going to listen

i don't really care what other people think about my hair and i know i'll get grief from people IRL for wearing it but if it helps me with my retain all 6 inches (or even most)this year, people can think i'm bald headed all day everyday
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I got funny looks the last two times I wore a half wig (one the hair was too big, and the other one I'd cut and maybe it looked strange, I don't know.)

I get compliments on my braid outs.
This has been a quandary for me since I found out so many others ARE wearing wigs/weaves/extensions, etc. Believe it or not, I did NOT know until recently that so many people were wearing fake hair.

I have bought (pj) a few wigs and half wigs. I even just got one in the mail this week. But the minute I put it on my head, I feel self-conscious. I feel pretentious. Like I'm trying to be something I'm not.

I do NOT have a problem with other people wearing whatever they want. My issues are personal and I wish I didn't have them. I put them on and I think... you're trying to be something you're not. What? Does this mean what you have is not good enough for yourself?

I think I'd actually prefer to look like a hot mess than feel that people think I'm not happy with myself.

Plus, I teach multiculturalism to college students. So what kind of model would I be if I'm up there telling them that difference is good and accept all cultures, and I'm wearing a weave?

Again... I have no problem with anyone else's choices. I think someone else can pull it off. I don't think it's bad to use all the options possible to add to your beauty. I mean, I color my hair to cover my gray (and am NOT ashamed of it) so what's the difference?

I will wear a phony pony hair wrap thing that just makes a pretty curly bun and doesn't add to length or anything. I don't know why that's okay with me, but it is.

I know. I need a psychologist!

Why would People think that Your not happy with Yourself, because You want a change, a new look or if You want to protect Your Hair for whatever reason. Why do People attribute altering Your hair in any little way, to be synonymous to, any type of Self-Hatred. :ohwell:
When I decided to go natural, it took me about 8 months before I was comfortable wearing my natural hair out. I had been wearing wigs and braids for 4 years. I use to think I would wear them forever. But for me I was doing it for the wrong reason. I wore wigs and braids because I hated my real hair. I didn't think it reflected my true personality. It was dull lifeless unhealthy and short. I had given up on my real hair and decided wigs and braids was the answer.

I stopped wearing wigs and braids about 2 years ago. Now I can't seem to bring myself to wear a wig, in september I braided my hair and after a week I took them alllll out.
I couldn't stand it anymore.

So I just take it as a sign that for now I am meant to just be me for a while longer, no wigs, braids, phony ponies, clip ons, drawstrings nothing
just me a plastic bag covered by a black silk scarf period.

My mission is for my hair to become what I once paid for. a big head of curly healthy hair
Well I've sworn off weaves but I switched to wigs as a protective style. As far as other people having their opinion's on black hair I don't care. They have their negative opinions on more than just our hair and that's not going to make me or break me either . I keep it moving to get my hair where I need it to be, which is MBL :grin:
No, i'll probably wear weaves and wigs this year too. I can have a different style every week if i feel like it. I come in with long silky curls one day and then rock my afro the next and I dare anyone to feel a certain way about it.

Black women can't win with this anyway. It doesn't matter what we do with our hair, somebody is gonna have an issue. My hair is not a personal political statement, and I wish some people would stop projecting their beliefs onto it.
I think the problem comes when a woman uses wigs or weaves to substitute taking care of her hair, rather than for a specific purpose like the women here do. If it's for growth purposes, self-esteem purposes, enhancement purposes, whatever, as long as you're taking care of the hair underneath, make it happen!

ITA! I just started back wearing wigs recently not just for my HJ but also because I equate it to wearing a head band or any other hair accessory. I workout every morning and dont have the time or desire to manipulate my hair every morning after the workout so I moisturize and pin it up and slip on my lace front in an effort to look professional and polished at work.

One of my students asked me once, "Didnt you have high-lights in your hair yesterday?" and I replied, "Yes I did and you can get use to it changing just as I would change my purse!" They thought it was pretty funny. Anyway, my point is that wearing weaves/wigs/braids are not meant to look/be "real" some are done well and some are not. Its just a hair style. Reading anything esle into it is taking it a bit too far IMHO.
I'd sworn off weaves and extensions a few months ago when I realized how many thousands of dollars I was throwing away on "gettin' my hair done" every year. I'm moving to a new place soon, and while working and going to school at the same time, I realized I was going to have to cut back on extravagances if I wanted to be able to pay the rent each month.

If I wanted long hair, I was going to have to work for it. :grin:
Why would People think that Your not happy with Yourself, because You want a change, a new look or if You want to protect Your Hair for whatever reason. Why do People attribute altering Your hair in any little way, to be synonymous to, any type of Self-Hatred. :ohwell:

wonder if brunettes feel this way about themselves when they decide to go blonde :rolleyes: