Soultanicals Reviews

And she just sent an e-mail about ANOTHER sale. On top of the BF sale she's having. She seems to recognize that the VIP BF thing isn't going to work if people don't receive their first orders BEFORE BF so you can e-mail to get your secret code if you don't receive your products by Wednesday.

Over it.

Can u copy the email?

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This month has been a blast. We wore ourselves out creating new goodies, fabulous goodie bags, sample packs and freebies galore!!!! I'm hoping when you open your packages, you'l be thrilled!!! Black Friday VIP Customers, Shhhhh!!!!! See Details below! ;)

Our Anniversary Month Celebration ends in a week! And we couldn't end it without a bang!!!!
All 8 oz products purchased during the week of 11/22-11/28 is $10!!!

ALL NEW PRODUCT ALERT!!! Our Luscious Detangling Hair Butter has arrived!!!! "CAN'T BELIEVE ITS KNOT BUTTA!"

Yep, She's Here and Ships Free until November 28th!!! Whohoo!!!

Once you receive your package, you will see your Black Friday VIP Card enclosed. Please do not share the details of your perks as they will be on limited availability. Once they;re out of stock, they're out of stock! And I'm sure they will go fast! So, pretty please, keep it on the hush? ;)
P.S. We are working feverishly to get your orders out the door to you before the holidays. If in any event that they do not arrive by Wednesday of next week, please let us know and your Black Friday VIP details will be sent to you via email! xoxo

**I don't have the BF VIP code so I don't think I'm sharing anything that she doesn't mind being posted**
And she just sent an e-mail about ANOTHER sale. On top of the BF sale she's having. She seems to recognize that the VIP BF thing isn't going to work if people don't receive their first orders BEFORE BF so you can e-mail to get your secret code if you don't receive your products by Wednesday.

Over it.

Wait... What? Emailing for secrets? What the heck is she doing over there?
I was about to purchase, but wanted to see if things have changed from when I first ordered. I see it's the same :nono:
Wait... What? Emailing for secrets? What the heck is she doing over there?

I don't understand. She doesn't have enough of the new products? She is going to be late with orders? She keeps overlapping her sales?

Does she ever play catch up?

Close the shop to catch up orders like the other vendors do, then re open.

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I don't understand. She doesn't have enough of the new products? She is going to be late with orders? She keeps overlapping her sales?

Does she ever play catch up?

Close the shop to catch up orders like the other vendors do, then re open.

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Ok! I've only ordered some scrub and smudge from her. And that took two weeks. And after reading everyone else's experience... She's on my "never again" list.
You can find something better.

The big holiday shipping season isn't in effect yet, so she is just making excuses.

Also, they (USPS/ups) hire extra people t help and work longer hours so that we don't see a delay.

The holiday season must be 24/365 on her planet, because she late year-round.

That or she makes up holidays. The "I got so many children I don't know what to do Day", "Wife/Momprenour Day" and "Shut up and stop talking about me on LHCF Day"

My favorites were "Success and Sacrifice Day", and "Harbor Discontent and Relentless Grudge Day" those were fun. But, the real winner was "Give a Piece of Your Heart Not Your Mind Day". I really hope that becomes an annual event.

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Omgosh I can't stop laughing! Lololol! Ugh my side hurts darn you!!!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Oh no I ordered some products on the 12th and I am still waiting. I had forgotten about them hahahaha...she is going to do herself in with this slow shipping. I don't mind waiting 2 weeks for certain items and being told about long wait times when I order my product so I will know in advance but when you are constantly advertising sales and can't keep up with the demand you already have is very irritating.
I placed an order on 11/1. On 11/18 I got a tracking notice but my package has yet to be delivered to the PO. Today she sent an e-mail blaming her late shipping on the holidays. I really hope I don't like this stuff, because I'm hating the customer service.

I ordered on 11/2 and got my tracking notice on 11/17. As of 11/22 no tracking info is available.

I figured I was being punished since there was a glitch on her site that got me the products 60% off instead of 30%, but seems like errbody is just a--ed out.

I might just give my products away though. Given the attitude she's given other customers for complaining, there might be some Shug Avery pee in my products since I actually cost her money.
^^^ :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

I won a bottle of Knot Sauce in a giveaway. I tried to like it, but it just made my hair feel coated & sticky.

I still love the Curl Blaze. I have half a bottle left. If I have to reorder I should do it now, so I can get it by the time the weather warms up :look::lol:

There is a site called Foxy Mango that carries it and a bunch of other haircare lines.
The Only Thing I haven't done (yet), is Un-Subscribe from her emails.:look:

I personally get a kick out of seeing the Sales Pop Up every Friday (without Fail) knowing it's strictly Buyer Beware.:lol:

I moved on from ST'icals a long time ago. :yawn:

Don't need that particular hassle in my life right now.:rolleyes:

Life's too short for alladat.

I feel really bad for all the Folks that love the products, but can't get her to ack right.:nono:

The Only Thing I haven't done (yet), is Un-Subscribe from her emails.:look:

I personally get a kick out of seeing the Sales Pop Up every Friday (without Fail) knowing it's strictly Buyer Beware.:lol:

I moved on from ST'icals a long time ago. :yawn:

Don't need that particular hassle in my life right now.:rolleyes:

Life's too short for alladat.

I feel really bad for all the Folks that love the products, but can't get her to ack right.:nono:


*sings "When Doves Cry"*
Wish that I'd read this thread before I placed my order last night. I did not know her service was so bad. Bad word of mouth can kill a small business.
I wonder who she is listening to because I doubt one person can think up so many ways to screw up her business on her own.
The Only Thing I haven't done (yet), is Un-Subscribe from her emails.:look:

I personally get a kick out of seeing the Sales Pop Up every Friday (without Fail) knowing it's strictly Buyer Beware.:lol:

I moved on from ST'icals a long time ago. :yawn:

Don't need that particular hassle in my life right now.:rolleyes:

Life's too short for alladat.

I feel really bad for all the Folks that love the products, but can't get her to ack right.:nono:


I accidentally unsubscribed when a link in her email was linked wrong. It unsubbed me instead of taking me to find out about e new product. I figured it was a sign.

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Well over in PA... Ppl in Philadelphia are robbing post office workers for mail.. So maybe they might have an excuse for not receiving their shipment.
One positive outcome is that I emailed her letting her know that I forgot the free ship coupon code this morning and she refunded me that cost already. I'll update this thread when I get the products.
Post Office still has not received my package. She has until Tuesday before I file a PayPal dispute. I have many options as to where I spend my money and she won't be seeing a cent of it again.

Ms. Lady, do what you need to do. I don't blame you. :yep:

I bet it suddenly 'Ships' once that Dispute if Filed.:rolleyes:

Hopefully, either way PayPal refunds your Cash.:grin:
I've been tempted to order some knot sauce, but after reading all these stories, and my own issues I had regarding shipping with her I think I'll pass.
Just wanted to update that my order shipped on Saturday (6 days after I received an electronic shipping notice) and is out for delivery today. I will use the products and give my honest impressions but I won't be reordering. Unless the products make my hair grow 4 inches a month this experience was a little too much for me.
Thanks IDareT..I might end up picking some up because I still need detanglimg see that knot box she has for BF? I'm tempted but I keep envisioning spilled products and slow slow shipping..
The butta doesn't have any gel too!

That was the only item I looked at. Not really interested in any of her products.

I guess that 40% off sounded tempting.

I may also pick up some KBN. What about you? 30% + $3.00 shipping.
The 40% off is tempting but the shipping totally takes off the discount :( It would be cheaper just to purchase the 8oz sizes now and do the free ship coupon! Plus, I'm still really paranoid about what might happen during black friday with her :look:
I have no idea what I want (well I wanted some Oyin hair dew and darcy's pumpkin but there are no good sales with those :() Sage isn't looking that promising either (because they arenot really stocked). I've only purchased from kizuri and claudie!!

I might go back to Kizuri but I wanted to ask you how were her leaveins for detangling purposes?
myronnie Kizuri's L-I's are nice. I was using them for Moisture. All of the ones I used have been very good. The Passion Fruit or Palm one is the only one I haven't used yet.

I know I'm not getting any ST'icals (too dramaful) I'll wait until I see reviews here on the Knot Butter.

You should try Hattache. They have 30% & Free Shipping over $65. Starts at Midnight.

I just did a small Claudie purchase too.