Soulmate or Egomate?

Have you found your soulmate

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • Still Looking

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • I do not believe in Soul Mates

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
Saw this on a listserve I'm on and thought I would pass along. Thought it was interesting.

Soulmate or Egomate?

There's a great quote in that wonderful tale, "The Little Prince" where the Prince wisely says: "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

What this quote describes is "soulmate love" -- which is a far more mature love than "egomate love" -- which too many people get tricked into seeking -- and thereby never finding true love and true happiness.

In case you've been foolishly getting "soulmate love" confused with its lesser "egomate love" fake and faux pas imitiation -- here are some helpful reminders ...

A soulmate is someone whom when you meet -- without thinking – without letting your neocortex play into the decision – you feel an instant familiarity, a sense of connection, a longing.

An egomate is someone who you instantly want because you know they will "look good to others" – because this person is beautiful or rich, or has some ego massaging quality. But this thing you like about this person is a generic superficial quality – rather than the dynamic and tingly connection you feel when with this person.

A soulmate is someone who you could spend a great deal of time with just sitting on a sofa and feel happy. You don't need fanfare. You don't need to go out to expensive restaurants. Just being with them cuddling and kissing feels like a vacation.

An egomate is someone who you need to spend lots of money on and do ritzy activities with to fully feel the excitement of being with them.

A soulmate is someone who you miss when they're not around – and can even lose sleep over. When you talk about this person to friends, you might mention their looks or money, but you mainly talk about what makes them special to you – those deeper, less superficial qualities which are about connecting soul to soul. You feel a passionate friendship for this person.

An egomate is someone who when you talk about this person to friends, you mainly talk about this person as being rich or beautiful -- or any of a variety their trophy qualities which build up your ego. If you're honest with yourself, some part of you doesn't respect this partner of yours on certain levels -- or even like them as a friend. Indeed if you weren't dating this person, you might not even be friends with them. Perhaps you even feel a bit bored by them if you spend too much time alone in their company or sitting on a sofa just talking. But your ego overpowers your instincts, because your ego loves talking about how rich or beautiful this person is – and impressing friends and family.

You're not looking for perfection in your partner. Perfection is all about the ego. With soulmate love you know that true love is what happens when disappointment sets in – and you're willing to deal maturely with these disappointments. You recognize nobody is perfect. Not only does your partner have imperfections, so do you. And because you value the deep love and connection you are lucky enough to share, you choose to work on your problems and grow as individuals and as a couple. With soulmate love, you're not only finally ready to wear your heart on your sleeve, but roll up your sleeves and do the necessary work. Your goal with a soulmate is to create the most fabulous "inside world" – inside yourself as a growing individuals and inside your private relationship as a thriving couple.

Your ego cares about perfection. A lot. In particular your ego cares about your partner appearing perfect to the outside world. You're less forgiving about imperfections in your partner because of your ego – because you take your partner's imperfections personally -- as showing you as being imperfect -- and your ego does not like your not being perfect. So you put a high priority on looking super cool and perfect to others. Indeed, you are so blinded by the image perks your uber-gorgeous or uber-rich partner offers up. that there's an immature part of you who doesn't really feel the need to connect in friendship with your partner – or grow as a person when problems arise in the relationship. You just care about the "ego symbols" you are showing to the outside world.

Your partner could gain weight, lose all their money, lose all their hair - and you wouldn't care. You love them for their core self.

If your partner gained weight, lost their money, lost their hair, you'd lose your "ego symbol"and thereby feel less attracted to this person and want to break up.
In summary: Soulmate love is far more satisfying. Afterall, looks and money can (and often) fade. But a bad personality and bad values and a bad intimacy connection are forever.
Given the choice of descriptions I said yes to soulmate. I've never had an egomate type relationship. Although I found him I'm not with him but I still have hope.
I do not believe in soul mates.

If I had to choose I would pick 'egomate.' I dont like basing my relationships on idealism, romanticism or fairy tales. Relationships must be practical and based upon compatibility imo.
LAWD...I've had several many egomates :nono:. I didn't know it then but I slowly started to understand this last year.

In fact, this one guy I dated, I realized in the end, that without his looks, he's sooooo boring and I really didn't even like him. :perplexed Then, I had to ask myself why I was even with him? :spinning: The answer was cause, it was my ego wanting him. He fed my ego. :rolleyes:

So now I know the difference and I want a soulmate. :yep:
I know that I have found my soul mate, without a doubt. I have had a few egomates. Those didn't last long...
LAWD...I've had several many egomates :nono:. I didn't know it then but I slowly started to understand this last year.

In fact, this one guy I dated, I realized in the end, that without his looks, he's sooooo boring and I really didn't even like him. :perplexed Then, I had to ask myself why I was even with him? :spinning: The answer was cause, it was my ego wanting him. He fed my ego. :rolleyes:

So now I know the difference and I want a soulmate. :yep:

I have had my ego mates.

I may have had a soul mate. My first boyfriend and I clicked as soon as we met. I have never been as close to him as I have with any other people. The only problem was my ego. He did not come for a good family so it automatically made me uncomfy. Also, I was not that attracted to him either. I get along with him so well though. He knows everything about me and he still loves me. I care for him. I just have a hard time getting over our differences. Sometimes I wonder if I would think he was more attractive to me if he had a better upbringing.
I do not believe in soul mates.

If I had to choose I would pick 'egomate.' I dont like basing my relationships on idealism, romanticism or fairy tales. Relationships must be practical and based upon compatibility imo.

Aww...but true love..MATURE love within soul mates is not ideal or a fairy tale. That's for sure. :yep:
Aww...but true love..MATURE love within soul mates is not ideal or a fairy tale. That's for sure. :yep:

Oddly enough, I've always been surrounded by happy couples married to their "soulmates." For some reason or another, I've never found their blissful unions to be appealing.

That being said, I guess egomate vs soulmate depends on the what one values in their intimate relationships with other people. Since childhood, I've always been an emotionally detached person disinterested in emotionally connecting with other people-- including family members, friends & dating partners. I am a realist that prefers solitude and being alone so if I were to be with someone permanently it is important that they fit practically in my life overall. I find people too emotionally close quite frustrating. Even if they truly love me dearly and are looking out for my best interests I find their emotional/time investments hindering and distracting from accomplishing tasks in my daily life. People close to me understand and respect that although I care for them deeply I, as an individual, will probably never feel that I sincerely need them for love or support.

At the end of the day I would be happiest overall with an egomate primarily concerned with practical compatibility rather than a soulmate taxing my time.
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I like this, although i would prefer soul mate rather than someone having to feed into my ego.
Oddly enough, I've always been surrounded by happy couples married to their "soulmates." For some reason or another, I've never found their blissful unions to be appealing.

That being said, I guess egomate vs soulmate depends on the what one values in their intimate relationships with other people. Since childhood, I've always been an emotionally detached person disinterested in emotionally connecting with other people-- including family members, friends & dating partners. I am a realist that prefers solitude and being alone so if I were to be with someone permanently it is important that they fit practically in my life overall. I find people too emotionally close quite frustrating. Even if they truly love me dearly and are looking out for my best interests I find their emotional/time investments hindering and distracting from accomplishing tasks in my daily life. People close to me understand and respect that although I care for them deeply I, as an individual, will probably never feel that I sincerely need them for love or support.

At the end of the day I would be happiest overall with an egomate primarily concerned with practical compatibility rather than a soulmate taxing my time.
wow, you sound just like me... back when i had my wall up, shutting everyone out. In my situation, MY situation, i knew i was lying to myself but it made me feel better because i hate feeling vulnerable. Hey, to each her own i guess.

Back to the question: i've been in both situations and i chose my soulmate everytime. My egomate makes me look good and totally appeals to my ego. My soulmate on the other hand, i felt that connection with and when i talk about him to my friends i rarely talk about his looks. I'm always telling my friends how hot my egomate is and what a good kisser he is etc... basically nothing emotional. It's true that i wouldnt be friends with him if he not for the fact.

Man it sucks having to admit this to myself.
After 2 long term relationships that ended badly it seems according to that list that I've finally found my soulmate
To be honest, I thought the definition of egomate was going to be deeper than what it was. This article seemed to define an egomate by the reactions of others while a soul mate on the reaction of ourselves...

What about an egomate that appeals to how we would like to see ourselves? But because there's a disillusion about one's own sense of self, the relationship ultimately falters. Beyond the superficial definition, I see a lot of people in egomate relationships with people who provide a balance to a certain aspect of their life, but creates huge voids in others.

I've always taken issue with the word soulmate, mainly because I don't like the singularity of it. How one acts towards a partner is not indicative of one being a soulmate, but more that someone has decided to commit their being to another individual.
TI've always taken issue with the word soulmate, mainly because I don't like the singularity of it. How one acts towards a partner is not indicative of one being a soulmate, but more that someone has decided to commit their being to another individual.

I agree with the bold statement.

I recently watched a movie on Netflix "TIMER" (AWESOME movie about soul mates and love, etc....highly recommend it.) I was thinking about the term soulmate and the finality of it.

What if you marry a person who is not your soul mate (in the traditional sense of the meaning). Where does that leave your true "soul mate"? Does he marry someone else? Do you go through life with a sense of emptiness, etc etc.