SOs Parents ... and You.

This is the first family I've been in that don't want me.:sad: But WHATEVA!

They don't care for me and I don't care for them. That's easy, they don't come to my house and I don't go to theirs.:yep:
Hello Ladies:

This is usually a very un-comfortable situation, for you and your SO and any children that may be involved. My Mother In-Law hates the AIR that I breathe.:nono: We just generally leave each other alone. Until we are forced to speak to each other for some reason,even if we are in the same room alone together we do not speak unless forced.
My SO's mother doesn't like me and she's never met me or talked to me.:perplexed She doesn't like the fact that her only son is with a colored woman:lachen: Don't bother me because SO chose to be with me and doesn't listen to her racist self.

My mother on the other hand likes my SO a lot and she's only met him once.
This is the first family I've been in that don't want me.:sad: But WHATEVA!

They don't care for me and I don't care for them. That's easy, they don't come to my house and I don't go to theirs.:yep:
Hello Ladies:

This is usually a very un-comfortable situation, for you and your SO and any children that may be involved. My Mother In-Law hates the AIR that I breathe.:nono: We just generally leave each other alone. Until we are forced to speak to each other for some reason,even if we are in the same room alone together we do not speak unless forced.
and ditto
Be pleasant polite and respectful...unless you want to start a war you may not win. This is your SO's family after all.

This is what I do. My in-laws have not taken to me too well, but they are polite and I am polite too. My mother-in-law isn't always nice, but I still try my best to be polite and respectful...either that or I just don't say anything at all.
Hello Ladies:

This is usually a very un-comfortable situation, for you and your SO and any children that may be involved. My Mother In-Law hates the AIR that I breathe.:nono: We just generally leave each other alone. Until we are forced to speak to each other for some reason,even if we are in the same room alone together we do not speak unless forced.

Dang. . . . . . .
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I know how you feel. One of my ex's dad couldn't stand me (he actually didn't like my father and took it out on me). Well I just ignored his dumb behind. It was hard cause he would talk about me behind my back, but I didn't care cause I couldn't stand him myself:nono:.
i tried the nice and polite thing, but it didn't work. so now i just don't go around them. now, they try to make a big deal about me not coming around. My husband no longer talks to them. btw, i always remained polite and nice, even if i see them on the street (they live like 2-3 miles away)
i tried the nice and polite thing, but it didn't work. so now i just don't go around them. now, they try to make a big deal about me not coming around. My husband no longer talks to them. btw, i always remained polite and nice, even if i see them on the street (they live like 2-3 miles away)

What happened?
So... if your SO's parents seem to not care to much for you, how do/did you deal with it?

I am polite and I keep it as short as I possibly can without being rude. I do the small talk, "the kids are doing this and that" and I share a joke here and there, then once I feel that the conversation has run its course, I exit just as politely as I started.

I do not try to create any false friendships with them. But I have never gotten into any words with them either. I find that you never really win when you get caught in heated moments with the why bother. The closest I ever got to some tension was when the mom was telling me what DH's sister had said behind my back. I simply replied,
"In-laws do not have to like me, just as long as they respect me." I could tell she did not care for that answer, but she shut the hell up. Since then, its been on real hate....we're all just stuck 'cause we love we're all playing nice nice.

Previous boyfreinds' parents LOVED me. But his parents...were like whatever. So I mirror their indifference. We had the potential to build something solid, but I quickly realized it was not the case. I mirror their way....kiss kiss, hello hello, chat chat, chuckle chuckle, bye bye. Its all good. Their loss...'cause I am fabulous.

I am grateful that they laid down together to make for that I show them the respect they deserve.
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My husband's mother loves me too the point where he will fight with the both of us because were close.

they HATE each other and its known on both ends
its always a battle on who loves me and my daughter more:nono:
Ive gotten tired of trying to make them love each other
When I tried it got worst

I have learned to keep them separate. They only have to tolorate each other ot christmas

the crazy thing is they are EXACTLY alike in every way possible their birthdays are 3 days away from each other. I dont get it.:spinning:

Im just thankful that I have people in my life that willing to kill each other for me and my child. Im blessed I guess
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I am polite and I keep it as short as I possibly can without being rude. I do the small talk, "the kids are doing this and that" and I share a joke here and there, then once I feel that the conversation has run its course, I exit just as politely as I started.

I do not try to create any false friendships with them. But I have never gotten into any words with them either. I find that you never really win when you get caught in heated moments with the why bother. The closest I ever got to some tension was when the mom was telling me what DH's sister had said behind my back. I simply replied,
"In-laws do not have to like me, just as long as they respect me." I could tell she did not care for that answer, but she shut the hell up. Since then, its been on real hate....we're all just stuck 'cause we love we're all playing nice nice.

Previous boyfreinds' parents LOVED me. But his parents...were like whatever. So I mirror their indifference. We had the potential to build something solid, but I quickly realized it was not the case. I mirror their way....kiss kiss, hello hello, chat chat, chuckle chuckle, bye bye. Its all good. Their loss...'cause I am fabulous.

I am grateful that they laid down together to make for that I show them the respect they deserve.

Love, love, LOVE your responses! :yep:
My SO's parents actually despise me :nono:. They have called me names behind my back and smiled in my face...I mean some pretty nasty ones. They blame me for "ruining his life", I'm basically the scapegoat:rolleyes:. It actually all came to a head when 2 hours before his graduation, he told me to stay away from his family (basically not talk or sit by them) b/c they didn't want to see me. When I accidently passed them on campus, all of them looked @ me like I was a rotten piece of s$*t! They have spread stuff about me to other people (friends of their family, extended family, etc.). The only person that has been nice to me is his sister, who is a complete sweetheart...I hope we can stay friends. I won't stand for people making me feel like less of a person than I am. Up until 3 weeks ago when this ordeal happened, I had been very quiet, passive and polite about this, but I know that I deserve better...I deserve respectful and kind people in my life. As some of you may know, there have been other issues w/ me & the SO...this is the last straw for me. I think what irks me the most is that although the SO says that he defends me....I don't believe him.
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My SO's parents actually despise me :nono:. They have called me names behind my back and smiled in my face...I mean some pretty nasty ones. They blame me for "ruining his life", I'm basically the scapegoat:rolleyes:. It actually all came to a head when 2 hours before his graduation, he told me to stay away from his family (basically not talk or sit by them) b/c they didn't want to see me. When I accidently passed them on campus, all of them looked @ me like I was a rotten piece of s$*t! They have spread stuff about me to other people (friends of their family, extended family, etc.). The only person that has been nice to me is his sister, who is a complete sweetheart...I hope we can stay friends. I won't stand for people making me feel like less of a person than I am. Up until 3 weeks ago when this ordeal happened, I had been very quiet, passive and polite about this, but I know that I deserve better...I deserve respectful and kind people in my life. As some of you may know, there have been other issues w/ me & the SO...this is the last straw for me. I think what irks me the most is that although the SO says that he defends me....I don't believe him.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Why can't folk just try to get along?
It takes too much energy for me to hate someone... it does. :sad:
Wow this thread makes me feel better. I am in this situation but my parents are the ones being ridiculous. does it put a strain on the relationship? Or is it all good as long as you keep them apart?
Wow this thread makes me feel better. I am in this situation but my parents are the ones being ridiculous. does it put a strain on the relationship? Or is it all good as long as you keep them apart?

They are very cordial to me.

I just learned they are NOT in agreeance with us getting married. Don't know if it's ME, or him, or they just want us to wait. Them adding that I'm flighty... just made me think "Uh... so how do you really feel about me?"

I don't think it's hatred for me... I just don't think they know what to think of me. We met on the Internet at that. I'm accomplished... and I'm not rude. Nor am I ugly or inconsiderate... so I don't know. It's just that we'll have to sit down and "clear the air" when it's time I guess.
Wow this thread makes me feel better. I am in this situation but my parents are the ones being ridiculous. does it put a strain on the relationship? Or is it all good as long as you keep them apart?

Yeah my mother is the ignorant one
I keep them apart Its better that way for all of us.

Lauryn Doll- why are they calling you flighty?- thats a west indian term as far as I know
my mom hates hubby cause he is american.
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Wow this thread makes me feel better. I am in this situation but my parents are the ones being ridiculous. does it put a strain on the relationship? Or is it all good as long as you keep them apart?

For me, it's a huge strain, even though they don't live in the same area. For instance, he was at my place, in my room and decided to make a call to his dad. Instead of just making the darn call, he makes an announcement so that I would be quiet, he didn't want him knowing that I was with him. I tried to politely tell him that the next time he does that he can make the outside...but he wasn't having that. I ended up cursing him dare he think he can shut me up in my own home?!
Nope, no strain. Behind closed doors, DH and I laugh until our belly hurts laughing at their silly parents included. Even though my parents actually LOVE DH, but they still do some questionable things. :rofl: