SOOoooo Upset. Major Setback


Active Member
I haven't posted here in a while, but I had to cry on someone's shoulder and you ladies are the only ones who understand. I decided to get my hair relaxed at the salon yesterday because I have an event to go to this week. My last relaxer before that was in mid July and I was very close to APL. I KNEW this relaxer would take me past APL. I waited to go to the salon that always took good care of my hair in the past even though it was really far from where I currently live. When I got there there was some new girl who I had never seen before. I didn't want to leave because it took so much effort to get there and my hair was looking a mess since I just came out of a weave. So like an idiot I sat in her chair. Shortly afterward the owner, who I know, came in and I felt more comfortable. Of course after she relaxes my hair she hits me with "You need a trim". I said no thanks. She said "well the owner said I could give it to you for free". I figured ok, its free and these people have never done me wrong in the past so I said fine. BIG MISTAKE. They wrapped my hair so I did not realize how short it was. Its above shoulder length now!!!! How the hell is that a trim? It took me so long to get over the shoulder length hump, and now I am right back again. Now everyone that told me black hair never grows that long and it will only be as long as its been look right. And I look like an idiot. I've been growing my hair out for two years and now I am back at square one. I was planning to finally wear my bsl length hair out at graduation but now I won't even have APL length. Sorry for the long post.
Awww man, that sucks. Sorry :( At least now you know when you get to APL and BSL it will be very healthy with fresh ends :)
I am soooo sorry this happened to you. I was always told to watch "whomever" was trimming/cutting your hair, while they did it. Even if you have to hold the handheld mirror.

Thanks breezy and crlsweetie912. If I ever go back to a salon, I will definitely have a handheld mirror in my bag.
I am soooooo sorry to hear this. I know what you are going thru even though my scissor happy stylist didnt take it that far. Did you let them know you werent satisfied? You need to put it in writing and let it be known!!!! I am so mad reading this post because I have been there.

On another note, my sis experienced the same thing 2months ago. She called me hysterical becasue the stylist cut her bra strap hair to her shoulders!!! WTF!!! I felt like flying down to the ATL and slapping that stylist myself.

Hopefully you'll be able to get over this soon. And yeah, I understand what you're saying about the folk who will tell you, 'See I told you so'
This is sorry. Like Breezy said your ends will be healthy and probably thicker. Always go with your first mind about stuff like this. It will grow back stronger now..:)
Sorry that happened to you. I was in the same boat as you were 3 mo ago. Your hair will grow back and will look great with healthy ends!
I'm soooo sorry that this has happened to you. I can't imagine how you feel. Having two years of growth chopped off will make anyone :mad: :mad: :mad:

Again, I'm sorry this has happened to you.
Thanks to everyone for their sympathies. The thing that kills me is that I'm not one of those girls that never trim. I had a trim right before I got the weave. I dust on my own all the time. My ends were probably just fine.
I'm really sorry and there is no excuse for what she did. I wont say its no big deal because I feel it is so cry if you need to. However seen as you have made it past/to APL once, you can do it again. Hair is a growing organ. I just cut mine from mid back to above bra strap 3 months ago, and whilst its taking some getting use to, I know it will grow back. I try now to ignore the growing process and just focus on the health or it will frustrate me, maybe you should try and take a similar approach....god bless
omg! i'm sooo sorry you're going through this, it really sucks!i think i woulda went nutzo in that salon if i had 2yrs worth of progress on the floor. just hand in there and u'll be at ur goal length in no time. i'm one of those that never trims either because i'm always afraid that will happen.
FlyyGyrl said:
I haven't posted here in a while, but I had to cry on someone's shoulder and you ladies are the only ones who understand. I decided to get my hair relaxed at the salon yesterday because I have an event to go to this week. My last relaxer before that was in mid July and I was very close to APL. I KNEW this relaxer would take me past APL. I waited to go to the salon that always took good care of my hair in the past even though it was really far from where I currently live. When I got there there was some new girl who I had never seen before. I didn't want to leave because it took so much effort to get there and my hair was looking a mess since I just came out of a weave. So like an idiot I sat in her chair. Shortly afterward the owner, who I know, came in and I felt more comfortable. Of course after she relaxes my hair she hits me with "You need a trim". I said no thanks. She said "well the owner said I could give it to you for free". I figured ok, its free and these people have never done me wrong in the past so I said fine. BIG MISTAKE. They wrapped my hair so I did not realize how short it was. Its above shoulder length now!!!! How the hell is that a trim? It took me so long to get over the shoulder length hump, and now I am right back again. Now everyone that told me black hair never grows that long and it will only be as long as its been look right. And I look like an idiot. I've been growing my hair out for two years and now I am back at square one. I was planning to finally wear my bsl length hair out at graduation but now I won't even have APL length. Sorry for the long post.

I am so sorry this has happened, Flyy. I have been there. In fact, your story sounds almost exactly like mine. Length to length before and after salon visit. All you can do is learn from this experience and KNOW these stylists CANNOT be trusted as completely as you'd trust yourself. You have GOT to call the shots with your hair. If someone else is doing it, remember this experience and don't let anyone else take liberty with your hair against your will. It will grow back and probably quicker than you think. Keep your head up. :)
FlyyGyrl said:
I haven't posted here in a while, but I had to cry on someone's shoulder and you ladies are the only ones who understand. I decided to get my hair relaxed at the salon yesterday because I have an event to go to this week. My last relaxer before that was in mid July and I was very close to APL. I KNEW this relaxer would take me past APL. I waited to go to the salon that always took good care of my hair in the past even though it was really far from where I currently live. When I got there there was some new girl who I had never seen before. I didn't want to leave because it took so much effort to get there and my hair was looking a mess since I just came out of a weave. So like an idiot I sat in her chair. Shortly afterward the owner, who I know, came in and I felt more comfortable. Of course after she relaxes my hair she hits me with "You need a trim". I said no thanks. She said "well the owner said I could give it to you for free". I figured ok, its free and these people have never done me wrong in the past so I said fine. BIG MISTAKE. They wrapped my hair so I did not realize how short it was. Its above shoulder length now!!!! How the hell is that a trim? It took me so long to get over the shoulder length hump, and now I am right back again. Now everyone that told me black hair never grows that long and it will only be as long as its been look right. And I look like an idiot. I've been growing my hair out for two years and now I am back at square one. I was planning to finally wear my bsl length hair out at graduation but now I won't even have APL length. Sorry for the long post.

I'm sooooo sorry! I just don't even understand how a person is supposed to get over this kind of set back!! That is just awful. I know we don't have a choice BUT to get over it and move on but this hair growth thang is a struggle and we don't need anything interfering with all of our hard work. Hang in there, girl. Try not to harp on it. Just put it up in a bun or braids or something so you don't have to look at it everyday. It'll be like watching paint dry if you watch it too hard.
OMG! I wanted to cry just reading this! I'm really sorry! My old stylist kept me above shoulder length for 5 years, telling me that she was going to let my hair grow long. I never even thought my hair could ever grow long. On the bright side, your ends will be nice and healthy when you get to your goal. Don't worry! It'll be back soon and looking nice and healthy! We're all here to support you!:)
Be encouraged! I know how you feel. My hair was probably the length it is now and I had a SHS cut it so short that when I put it in a ponytail, the sides would stick out. I was UPSET, but I vowed to never let that happen again. One piece of advice that I can give to you is to always go with your first mind. In the beginning you thought that it was a bad next time (if there is a next time) go with your first instinct. My bad experiences ( and I have had many) have taught me to trim my own hair. That way I am comfortable with what is being cut.

In the meantime, keep taking good care of it! It will grow back! :)
Awww shucks FlyGirl, why on earth do stylist do that?? I just wonder what's going through their heads... Do you think that once they start trimming they mess up a little and then they keep cutting to even up their mistake? I just don't get it. I'm definately just dusting my hair for a long while before I go somewhere to get it evened up. I have had the same thing happen to me more than once.

The good news is that you know your hair will grow back. Just take extra special care to take care of those new ends, because they will be the ones touching your bra strap really soon!
FlyyGyrl said:
I haven't posted here in a while, but I had to cry on someone's shoulder and you ladies are the only ones who understand. I decided to get my hair relaxed at the salon yesterday because I have an event to go to this week. My last relaxer before that was in mid July and I was very close to APL. I KNEW this relaxer would take me past APL. I waited to go to the salon that always took good care of my hair in the past even though it was really far from where I currently live. When I got there there was some new girl who I had never seen before. I didn't want to leave because it took so much effort to get there and my hair was looking a mess since I just came out of a weave. So like an idiot I sat in her chair. Shortly afterward the owner, who I know, came in and I felt more comfortable. Of course after she relaxes my hair she hits me with "You need a trim". I said no thanks. She said "well the owner said I could give it to you for free". I figured ok, its free and these people have never done me wrong in the past so I said fine. BIG MISTAKE. They wrapped my hair so I did not realize how short it was. Its above shoulder length now!!!! How the hell is that a trim? It took me so long to get over the shoulder length hump, and now I am right back again. Now everyone that told me black hair never grows that long and it will only be as long as its been look right. And I look like an idiot. I've been growing my hair out for two years and now I am back at square one. I was planning to finally wear my bsl length hair out at graduation but now I won't even have APL length. Sorry for the long post.

I am so sorry! I remember crying after a "trim" took off about two good inches from my hair when I had be successfully growing out layers.

Keep your beautiful head up! Just know that you have wonderful habits, so your hair will probably grow back even faster than before. I'm believing that for you! And remember you are still fly!
I'm sooo sorry to hear about the SHS:mad: ..That happened to me the first time I got a perm at 18...It was years ago but I'll never forget it. He put in a virgin perm and was about to style when the owner comes up and says.."she needs a trim.." needless to say when he was finished, (the front was past my chin) he cut it above my eyebrows...WOW a good 6 inches chopped off....I thought I was going to gag....ok so I get over it because I had to go straight to work. That evening when I got home my moms eyes opened wide when she saw my hair, and I wont repeat what she said but basically I had to relive the whole thing all over again! Anyway enuf about me...your hair will grow back and it will be gorgeous...I agree with the previous post you should maybe try braids so you don't have to see it everyday. Sooo sorry!:mad: :mad: Take care!!:ohwell:
(((HUGS)))). Why do they always do that right before an important event?:confused: I agree with the other poster who said to put in braids or something else like it so that you won't have to look at it so often. That way, by the time you take out yourbraids, you'll see progress.
londonjakki said:
I'm sooo sorry to hear about the SHS:mad: ..That happened to me the first time I got a perm at 18...It was years ago but I'll never forget it. He put in a virgin perm and was about to style when the owner comes up and says.."she needs a trim.." needless to say when he was finished, (the front was past my chin) he cut it above my eyebrows...WOW a good 6 inches chopped off....I thought I was going to gag....ok so I get over it because I had to go straight to work. That evening when I got home my moms eyes opened wide when she saw my hair, and I wont repeat what she said but basically I had to relive the whole thing all over again! Anyway enuf about me...your hair will grow back and it will be gorgeous...I agree with the previous post you should maybe try braids so you don't have to see it everyday. Sooo sorry!:mad: :mad: Take care!!:ohwell:

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: *UGH!* Why do stylists DO THIS!?!?! It makes me want to SCREAM!?!!!!! Do they just have an automatic "POTENTIAL LONG HAIR RADAR" that goes off everytime it becomes apparent that someone's sitting in the chair with a gorgeous head of hair!?!?! I HATE THIS!!!
I'm so sorry this happened to you. Always remember that no stylist will EVER care about your hair as much as you do. Your hair will grow back super healthy! See this as a learning experience .
So many of us share this same experience, it's a wonder stylists are able to continue to get away with this. We know now that we can not blindly trust the "experts" and leave the care of our hair in their hands.

It will grow back faster and longer than before. I like the idea of braids so that you can see progress by the time you take them out...kind of a "hide your hair" sort of thing.:)
Sorry for the huge setback! (((HUGS))).

Heck, I wanna knock her lights out for messing up your hair like that... :mad: :mad:
I wonder( DUUUH!!:perplexed ) if they are jealous..My girlfriend lost about 50lbs and was looking one day when she came to work she told me her hairdresser (who was also her friend) had totally messed up her hair..she had to go to another hairdresser to fix the mess....Her friend was upset because she was looking so good with all the weight loss...I guess we would never do anything so hateful (such as mess someone up because of jealousy) so its hard for us to comprehend. These hairdressers cannot be trusted ..gosh I have to remember this when I take my braids out...I'm definitely going to cut my own hair or have hubby do it@ :lol: :lol:
Wow! i don't know what to say about these stylists. they are sooo full of ish!:mad:

Pray on it and your hair will grow back in no time. Sorry to hear about this.

I am feeling angry for you. I cant see why she had to trim so much. I am sure I would have cried if I were you.

From the stories here I guess its best to stick to someone who has given you a satisfactory trim before. Thats the problem Im currently facing. I am the only one who has ever trimmed my own hair. I need my ends trimmed and hubby has offered to do it, but I dont trust him. Now how paranoid am I? Even when he keeps reassuring me that we are on the BSL journey together.

My hair is already causing a bit of conflict between us as it is. He was hurt when I didnt trust him to do my last retouch. He has been asking for while to do my relaxers and I keep saying no. I only trust myself because I have read enough hair horror stories.
It's hard for me to read this because my blood just boils. I just want to smack these jealous arse stylist down.
I'm so sorry. I feel your pain. I know the anger and frustration you are feeling. There isn't anything that I can say to take this away from you. Nothing will sound good to you but having your hair back.

You can do it again, that's the only comfort you have. You know for a fact that your hair grows and screw all the negative people who don't want it to grow because then they'd have to actually take care of their hair.

{{{{{cyber hugs}}}}