SongsofJoy143's Daugher? Chops Off her TBL Hair!

DanceOnTheSkylines What do you mean ppl were nasty? How or why would anyone have anything nasty to say? Just curious. But that would explain why I couldnt find anything else on her. After watching this video my first thought was....WHAT IS HER REGI! LOL And I was very surprised I couldnt find anything....

One word: Haters

People always trying to get into debates about whether the hair is real in the comments section, then talking about race and crap. For some reason whenever a black woman has long hair it means the end is nigh, and everyone gets all up in arms about it.

One word: Haters

People always trying to get into debates about whether the hair is real in the comments section, then talking about race and crap. For some reason whenever a black woman has long hair it means the end is nigh, and everyone gets all up in arms about it.

You left out the part about people critisizing her regimen and use of products. They complained about her washing frequency, the use of a sulfate shampoo and her use of Vaseline. They were telling her she should switch to products with more natural ingredients.
You left out the part about people critisizing her regimen and use of products. They complained about her washing frequency, the use of a sulfate shampoo and her use of Vaseline. They were telling her she should switch to products with more natural ingredients.

You mean to tell me people who may very well have all of 2 inches of hair are telling people with calf length hair what they are doing wrong?!! *** my mind has been blown. I'd never in my life could even think that ish up :spinning:. How in the h-e-double hockey sticks can these women have the nerve to say anything? Obviously it worked for them O_o

btw in my opinion if I was using vaseline you better believe I'd be using sulfate shampoos to avoid build up as much as possible.
I remember when the "CRITICS" went in.........SMH.
I am happy for the young lady and her new found happiness!
It was a pleasure experiencing her journey while her Mom was active here.....;0)