Someone please give me the 411 on Affirm!


New Member
I will put the question first then I will ramble a bit.

Due to my success with the tips I have received from the LHCF I am looking at changing my relaxer to Affirm because I have heard so many wonderful things about it. But I wonder what exactly is so good about it? Someone please elaborate...I have searched some threads out about Affirm but it doesn't say "WHY" this is a relaxer that is so much better than any other....someone please give me a heads up.

The reason I am considering a change is because I am starting to wonder if changing my relaxer might be the final piece of the puzzle for me? I have always used boxed perms like Dark N Lovely...when I went to the salon I had no real idea of what the lady was using...I think it was motions but she never would show me the actual container.

I'm concerned about continuing to use my cheapie box perm...I am doing well and I don't want any set backs...but then I wonder if it ain't broke right?....but how do I know that? Maybe I am so use to having dry hair that I automatically assume that it is just how my hair is...but what if it is the relaxer?

As I go through my quest for healthy hair I realize the longer I stay on LHCF and the more I try the suggestions and tips of other LHCF members with successful results the more open I am to trying even more stuff.

I started out my healthy hair journey armed with only Cathy Howse's 365 Challenge Book. I knew virtually nothing about hair care. Yes I was that person who thought washing more than once a week would make my hair fall out and I used too much heat and all that stuff. So I was really starting off as a blank slate.

Some things seemed obvious to me like...less heat = less damage made sense right away but some things I was rather skeptical of until I tested them out.

At first I thought things like Using Surge...coconut oil/milk....daily conditioner washes was a load of crap...I also use to be styling handicapped and thought it was impossible to maintain a nice look w/o going to a stylist weekly or using heating implements....well it's been 5 months since I have sat in a stylist's chair and my hair is healthier than it has ever been and I have learned to style my hair w/o using direct heat and it looks cute...cuz everyone says so

As I was doing my bantu knots tonight it struck me that it is really working! After several months of tweaking I pretty much have my routine down and I am beginning to see some real hair is past my shoulders even with the roots drawing the rest of my hair up...I am at 8 weeks as of this friday.

I have a good idea of what my hair needs now the breakage and prairie fire dryness are under control....and I am learning about stretching the relaxer....last time I only made it to week week 8 I was going crazy....posting all the time about what to do with the new growth...I still didn't have it all together...but now because of tips I received from LHCF members I am at week 8 and I am like...there is no way I will relax now...I don't need to...the coconut oil has helped with that immensely..I give it a definite two thumbs up!

Anyway, sorry for the long ramble I just got rather choked up when I detangled my hair tonight and felt the ends touching past my shoulders.

I'm just so happy...I can't wait until Ocotber to see my length once the new growth is touched up!

I think that at a minimun bra strap is possible for me....I firmly belive that it really is going to happen for me!
I've been here at the board now for 5 months too. When I got here my hair was dry too and I read about the difference between using a lye and a no-lye relaxer. I have never used a lye relaxer because for some reason when I get close to getting a relaxer my scalp starts to itch like crazy and I thought the lye wouldn't be able to sit long enough for my to get relaxed. Anyway I decided to try Affirm lye but I was afraid to put it in myself so I went to the salon and dished out $65 (the most I have ever paid at a dominican salon) for the Affirm lye relaxer. I must say even though she didn't use the conditioner after she rinsed out the relaxer (I was aware that this need to be done or else I would have asked her for it) my hair come out really good. Since then my dry hair has made a 360 degree turn even though I still get the dry scalp and can't hold out past 8 weeks (I tried the last relaxer and made it to week 10 but the itching was driving me crazy). I did my last relaxer myself and that came out great too. I also got a great deal on the 4lb size (a tip I got here at LHCF).
Good testimonies Falon & Shawnee. I'm interested in the answers to your questions as well. I've used the affirm no-lye twice but I'm about to make the big swithch to affirm lye. I placed my order with Sheldeez yesterday. I think I ordered everything I need for the system and hope that $110.00 worth of stuff does the trick.